Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/182

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154 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 57. 1921.

  • ’°Y¤*°¤* °° P°'°°¤ t or Na De artment, the United States shall pay to such

°td°P°°d°m` ?> on§fi?oii‘ic¢% xii e11`}liste¢§Iman,Cmemb&r oglthe Nuirse C m rotea urseorpse1neorme1s— ciiieliiiéin <§ the? diiector, separafelito his or her dependents, compensatilon as hereiginlzgfter provided; ut nohcoigpgnsation (ishlall lb; paid if t injury ° ease, or aggravation as n cause y own Bxggg '¤*°°°¤**“°° willffil misconduct. That for the urposes of this section every such ` officer, enlisted man, or other memlber employed in the active service · imder the War Department or Navy Department who was discharged smmcmss 011 sn. or who resigned prior to the date of approval of this amendatory 2;*fg luj ‘?"f Act, and every such officer, enlisted man, or other member employed b¤ru.1¤18- in the activigferviclex undef; the1VZa;1g)epi11rt1{11entafor Navgslieparté ment on or ore ovem er 1 w o ere ter is c ar e or resigns, shall be held and taken to have been in sound condigon newmsaauseaax. ghen ex3i.is11n&3d,· accepted, and 81`11‘Ol5Bd0§01' seryiice, except as to · efects r ers, or IIIHIHIII 'ties ma e recor in any manner by prefer authorities of the United States at the time of, or prior to, inception of active service, to the extent to which an such defect, D°"°‘§{’“’°“‘“""° disorder or infirmity was so made of record· further That vars tu loving ¤ . . · . ¤ zauzruegéhuggrhsd as w- an ex—serv1ce man wligais shogsneto hav? an actérle pulmonary tuber- ` culosis or ne1u·o yc tric asa o more an 10 per centum V 01 41 P m degre? of disabil1`Iti;  ?:lcordanceR`;v;r,i{thIlt‘;ie provisgms of subdivigigr;

 (2)osection302o eWar urance ctasamene

· developing within two years after separation from the hctive military or naval service of the United States shall be considered to have acquired his disability in such service, or to have suffered an aggpavam K tion of _ a preexisting pulmonary tuberculosis or neuropsyc `atric ma-. Mi MPM disease in suchiservice, but nothing in sheill be construed to revent a c aimant om receiving e n ts 0 compensation and) medical care and treatment for a disability due to these diseases of more than_1Q_per centum degree (in accordance with the provisions of subdivision (2) of section 302 of the War Risk Insurance Act, as amended) at a date more than two years after separation mmvo Boupru from such service, if the facts of the case substantiate his claim. s, nu-:. This section shall be deemed to be in effect as of April 6, 1917." __§,’_°*·*°·P·*“’·°¤¤¤d· Susie?. Sectéon §_0§ of the War Risk Insurance Act is hereby amen to rea as 0 ows: etii°"°” °l °“'°" "Smo. 305._ Upon its own motion or upon application the bureau piayéit any tim; review an award,dand, agcordance with gis facts oun upon suc review may en_ , dunmis , or increase e compensation previously awarded, or, if compensation is increased, or, if compensation has been refused, rledngzed or discontinued, may award compensation in roportion to the egree of disabilit sustained as of the date such degree of disability began, but not egrlier than the _ date of discharge or res1gnation." ,,§f"·‘°»*’·‘°’·"“°°"‘ Sn<ii8(L;0£0Sec13on of the War Risk Insurance Act is hereby · amen rea as o ows: ,,,§‘§‘{,’f,§f"},‘,§1’,§,*‘,,,,c‘{,‘}.‘E _ i‘Sec. $06. No compensationshall be payable for death or disagggmméw bility which not occur dprxor to or within one year after dis- P0:!,p.1524. charge or resignation from e service, except that where, after a m§,f°·¤¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤·i¤· xlped1ca`lte:;a(;1(;i1;ation tlrriagg puxsuanlzh to regulations, a certificate has een o ain rom e ector at e time of discha 0 a- tion from the service, or one year thereafter, rg; wlitlhliigfilne year after the lpaassage of _ this amendatory Act, whichever is the later. to the eiffect t tdtéhe mjpred person git; the time of his discharge or resigna ion was s _ ering rom mj e y to result in death or disability, compensation shalll be pzylzgleffor death or disability whenq_ ever occurring, proximate res ting rom such injury." ¤¤£s}`I§`g$°g°,°;,°Y°°d by Sec. 21. Section 313 of tlive War Risk Insurance Act, as amended, is °{¤*·*°»P·*>¤·¤¤·=¤¤— hereby amended by adding thereto, immediately following subsec- _ _ tion (2) thereof, a new subsection to be known as subsection (2a) and to read as follows: