Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/231

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 100-103. 1921. 203 c$¢gDt%gh-gti$@ go the us: Ptlhepost office at Cincinnati, Ohio, of 0[%<>b§f giggl- 2§>0¢1¤·hi0, October lgto 22p§92<ia51ng e wor bhc Health Exposition, Cmcinnati, ——--——[Pubuc’ NO. 74.] Be it enacted_by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of Amferica in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster General £§*¥,i§°'§f,§‘igh E,. be, an he is hereby, authorized and directed to ermit the use in §g‘“*°¤·" °{gg>{!,i¤;]§ the post office at Cincinnati, Ohio, of special cancel; stamps bear- cm:iiiiF°r<giiao, post lllg the following words and Hgures: “Public Hel-illgh Exposition, °m°°‘ Cmcinnati, Ohio, October 15 to 22, 1921." ` Approved, October 5, 1921. _ october iz, mi. CHAP. 101.—J`omt Resolution To authorize the loan by the Secretary of War [SJ- R¤¤- U5-l to the commanderin chief of the Grand Army of the Republic of cots for the use of the [Pub- R°°·» N°· ml members of the Grand Arm of the Re blic during the semions of the grand encampment of the Grand Army oi the Republic at Indianapolis, Indiana, from September 24 to October 1, 1921. Resolved by the Senate- and House of Representatives M the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of War is R§,'§§,‘}cj""" °’ “‘° authorized to lend not to exceed five thousand cots to the commander Army wglwydg in chief of the Grand Army°of the Republic for use by members of the ii°a3i°pY>I1i;,°m·f Grand Army of the Republic at the grand encampment in Indianapolis from September 24 to October 1, 1921, upon receiving from such commander in chief a bond satisfactory to the Secretary of War to indemnify the United Statw of America. from loss of or mL1ry to such cots or any of them, such indemnity bond to be drawn y and approved by the Secretary of War. Approved, October 12, 1921. CHAP. 102.-—Joint Resolution To authorize the loan by the Secretaryof War to the commander in chief of the United Confederate Veterans of cots and tents for the use of the members of the United Confederate Veterans during the sessions of the national encampment of the United Confederate Veterans at Chattanooga, Tennessee, from October 24 to October 27, 1921. Resolved by the Senate and House eg Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assemble , That the Secretary of War is calm ceamsmcs authorized to lend not to exceed five thousand cots and five thousand V‘j,f°n"j;,‘°·cm om tents to the commander in chief of the United Confederate Veterans kiaggtzggnwhvqgnwi at their national encampment to be held in Chattanooga, Tennessee, ° °°g°' °°°° from October 24 to October 27, 1921, u on receiving from such commander in chief a bond satisfactory to tlib Secretary of War to indemnify the United States of America from loss or injuz to such cots and tents, or any of them, such indemnity bond to e drawn by and approved by the Secretary of War. Approved, October 12, 1921. CHAP. 103.——Joint Resolution For the bestowal of the congressional medal of honor upon an unknown, unidentified Italian soldier to be buried in the National Monument to Victor Emanuel II, in Rome, Italy. VVherea,s the Co ess has authorized the bestowal of the eongres,. greagible-1367 sional medal ldlfxrhonor upon unknown, unidentified British and °’ ’p‘ ‘ French soldiers buried in Westminster Abbey, London, England, and the Arc de Triomglhe, Paris, France, respectively, who Emght beside our soldiers in e recent war; and Whereas, animated by the same spirit of friendship toward the soldiers of Italy who also fought as comrades of the American