Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/7

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. 1X . . Pm. Tobacco, etc., to hospitals for soldiers, etc. A11 Act Authorizing the distribution of abandoned or forfeited tobacco, snuff, cigars, or cigarettes to hospitals maintained by the United States ’ for the use of present or former members of the military or naval forces of the United States October 14, _____________ _ ______________ _ _ _ _ ___________ _ ____ _ ____ _ _________________ 205 Bridge, Rio Grande. An Act To extend the time for the construction of a bridge across the Rio Grande, within or near the city limits of El Paso, Texas, October 15, 1921 , ,.,.,,_., , 205 Bridge, Cumberland River. An Act To extend the time for the construction of a bridge across the Cumberland River in Montgomery County, Tennessee, October 15, 1921 .,... . . . , 205 Public building, Jejerson. City, Mo. An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Treasury to convey certain lands to the State of Missouri for enlargement of the State Capitol grounds of that State, October 17, 1921 .. . ...,...,...,.,. 206 "Internotional Aero Congress," canceling stamp. An Act Providing for an International Aero Congress cancellation stamp to be used by the Omaha post office. October 20, 1921 207 Unknown Ammban soldier, expenses of burial ceremonies. Joint Resolution Authorizing the Sccre targt of War to expend from the appropriation "Disposition of remains of officers, soldiers, an civilian employees, 1922" (Act o March 4, 1921, Public, Numbered 389, Sixty-sixth Congress), such sum as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of public resolution numbered 67, Sixty-sixth Congress. October 21, 1921 ... 207 Milishipmen, readmissions. An Act roviding for the readmission of certain deiicient midshipmen to the United States Naval Academy. October 22, 1921. ..,,_.,,,,_ _ _,_, 207 Public lands, offices of registers and receivers consolillated. An Act For the consolidation of the offices o register and receiver in district land offices in certain cases, and for other purposes. October 28, 1921 ,..,...,..,,... 208 Indian afairs, expenditures for. An Act Authorizing appropriations and expenditures for the administration of Indian affairs, and for other purposes, November 2, 1921 .,,,_,__,,, 208 Rio de Janeiro Joint Resolution Acceptmi the invitation of the Republic of Brazil to {asl; part in an international exposition to be he d in Rio de Janeiro in 1922. November 2, . .·.. . - . . 209 Armistice Day, 1921, holikiay. Joint Resolution To declare November 11, 1921, a legal public holiday. November 4, 1921 . ... 211 Publi}.: building, Plainfield M J. An Act Granting {permission to the cig of Plainfield, New Jersey, to widen Wiitchung Avenue in front o the Federal post office building, and for other purposes. November 5, 1921 . . .. 211 Federal Highway Act. An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act to provide that the United States shall aid the States in the construction of rural post roads, and for other urposes," appgrgved July 11, 1916, as amended and supplemented, and for other purposes. glovember 9, 1 212 Bridge, Pearl River. An Act To authorize the construction of a bridge across Pearl River, between Meeks Ferry and G!i.%bY8 Ferry and between Madison County, Misissippi, and Rankin County, Mississippi. ovember 14, 1921 .. . 219 Briklges, Charles River. An Act To authorize the construction of drawless bridges acrom a certain portion of Charles River in the State oi Massachusetts. November 14, 1921 . ... 219 Bridge, Choctawhatchee River. An Act To extend the time for the construction of a bridge across the Choctswhatchee River, near Caryville, Florida. November 14, 1921 . 220 Emergency tarif attended. An Act To extend the Tariff Act approved May 27, 1921. November 220 16, 1921 ,... . .. Statutes of limitations, United States courts. An Act To amend section 1044 of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to limitations in criminal cases. November 17, 1921. 220 National forests, grazing fees. Joint Resolution To provide that deferred grazing fees received prior to December 31, 1921, shall be considered as receipts of the fiscal year 19 1. November 220 17 1921 . .. Alaska railroad. An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the President of the United States to locate, construct, and operate railroads in the Territory of Alaska, and for other purposes," approved March 12, 1914, as amended. November 18, 1921 . 221 Chalmette plains park. An Act In reference to a national military park on the plains of Chalmette, below the city of New Orleans. November 19, 1921 .. t .. , . . . 221 Chippewa Indzlms, Minn. An Act Authorizing a per capita payment to the Chippewa Indians oi Minnesota from their tribal funds held in trust by the United States. November 19, 1921 . 221 National Prohibition Act supplement. An Act Supplemental to the National Prohibition Act. November 23, 1921 .. -._  : Z . . 222 Maternity and infaney h `ene. An Act For the promotion of the welfare and hygiene of matermty and infancy, andy%r other purposes. November 23, 1921 224 Revenue Act of 1921. An Act To reduce and equalize taxation, to provide revenue, and for other purposes. November 23, 1921 ... _ ... 2 27 War contractgafor minerals, etc. An Act To amend section 5 of the Act approved March 2,_1919, entitl "An Act to provide relief in cases of contracts connected with the prosecution or the war, and for other u.rposes." November 23, 1921 ... 322 Bridge, Great Peedee River. Alu Act To construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto go;-oss Great Peedee River, South Carolina. November 23, 1921 322 Briklge, Savannah River. An Act Authorizing the counties of Allendale, South Carolina, and Screven, Georgia, to construct a bridge across the Savannah River, between said counties, at or near Burtons Ferry. November 23, 1921 . .. _ . _ . . . 322 Bridge, White River. An Act To extend the time for constructing a bridge acrom the White River at or near the town of Des Arc, Arkansas. November 23, 1921 . .. 323