Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/839

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 259. 1922. 811 sum of $7,500,000, which is hereby appro riated, and in addition 4SSi¤¤m°¤* from thereto such amount, not exceeding $8,000,(l)00, as may be realized at §iu£¥:'£¤i3°¢iiiii’ xi-iliii face value with accrued interest bylthe Navy Department, for appli- ,h§",§},,,,,“§,‘E cation upon the obligations of the avy Department for “Increase of mmthe Navy " from any assignment, such assignment being hereby authorized, by the United States Shipping Board or the Emergency Fleet Corporation to the Navy Department of any obligation or debt or of any note or other securities held as security therefor owing to the United States Shi ping Board or the Emergency Fleet Corporation or to the United States by any contractor to whom or to a subcontractor of whom the Navy Department may be obligated on accoimt of supplies furnished or work done on account of ‘Increase of the Navy, for the prosecution of work on vessels under construction on i,,§§§§§g€¥M°§,;§j§$; such date, including) the United States ship Maryland, the construe- gxiyjgogdsr treaty tion of which may e proceeded with under the terms of the treaty reap. S14. providing for the limitation of naval armament, concluded on February 6, 1922, published in Senate Document Numbered 126 of the commu mma present session; for the conversion into aircraft carriers, including cruisers ··1.eia¤ga»¤~ their complete uipment of aircraft and aircraft accessories, in §{';‘§,,,§;’,i‘,.§Qg§" ‘“*° accordance withetihe terms of such treaty, two of the battle cruisers, · namely, the Lexington and the Saratoga, the construction of which had been heretofore commenced, when the conversion of such battle Payments ,0, vessels cruisers shall have been authorized; for the settlement of contracts ¤1¤>¤<1vd¤1iv¤r·>d· on account of vessels already delivered to the Navy Department; G com ws for the procurement of gyro compass equipments for destroyers not eSS¤¥>°ye¤S. lm °° already supplied; for the completion of armor, armament, ammuni- ,,,,,§',,‘j,‘[{Q;§°”,§g,,{f,;,}Q,°,§j tion, and torpedoes under manufacture on April 8, 1922 for the supply and complement of vessels which may e proceeded with as hereinbefore mentioned, including not to exceed our hundred tor- outer mgm. pedoes of the destroyer type, an not more than $14,000,000 of the unds herein made availa e under "Increase of the Navy" shall be applied to objects of expenditure heretofore under the ]urisdiction Fm como, on mm o the Bureau of Ordnance; and for the installation of fire control riervd desrrnyersinstruments on twelve destroyers heretofore constructed, and such balances shall not be available for any other purposes. _ That anfy officer of the Navv who has heretofore served four years ,,§.f,§g°;‘;‘,i',§§,,‘_;f,°§‘g§Q?{ as chief 0 a bureau in the Navy Department and shall be retired ics. ¤¤¤·$ with Mink. subse uent to the completion of such period of service for physical °°°"°‘° °‘°H”"°°“‘ disability due to wounds inflicted by the enemy while in the erformance of his duty shall be retired with the rank, pay, and allliiwances now authorized by law for the retirement of a chief of bureau. Use M D8 mmm No (part of any apgiropriation made for the naval service shall be expenses rmcrlired. expen ed for any o the purposes herein provided for on account of the Navy Department in the District of Columbia, including personal services, except as herein expressly authorized. That no part of the appropriations made in this Act shall be etgfuiiig iimiéiiiicgiii available for the salary or pay of any officer, man er, superintend— $,gp*},§y*;f;$ °¤ Wm ent, foreman, or other éierson having charge of Htlie work of any ' employee of the United tates Government while making or causing to e made with a stop watch or other time-measuring device a time study of ani job of anfy such employee between the starting and completion thereof, or o the movements of any such employee while Cash r a ew engaged upon such work; nor shall any part of the appropriations resmaea. ’ " made in this Act be available to pay anykpremiums or bonus or cash reward to any employee in addition to regular wages, except for suggestions resulting in improvements or economy in the operation _ of any Government plant; and that no part of the moneys appro- u,§{"§.l`$S°be°m§°l$ priated in each or any section of this Act shall be used or expended mw? VMS '°5*"°'°°· or the purchase or acquirement of any article or articles that, at the tune of the proposed acquirement, can be manufactured or produced in each or any of the Government navy yards of the United States,