Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/846

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818 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus.267, 268. 1922. Sec. 4. Section 228 of the Judicial Code is hereby amended to read as follows: N;g¤*;c°' *° *’° "SEo. 228. The number of boimd volumes and advance pamphlet P "xfo1. 'icj p. usa, installments, to be printed under the provisions of section 225, shall be "“‘°"°°°‘ determined bi the reporter from estimates furnished by the Attorney General and the Su erintendent of Documents, and the rices for said Sak Wt *;*1 fol}; bound volumes and) am hlet installments to be sold ily the Public §S£l°' ° pp Printershall be iixedb tli)e reporter with the approval of the Attorney General and shall equal the cost of composition, plating, printing, and binding, and such additional amount as shall equal as nearly as may be, one—half the sums appropriated for the salary and expenses of the Rm tsmemmm repprter under the provisions of section 226. _ the .mg’Sm.y_ Receipts from the sale of said reports and pamphlet installments shall be covered mto the Treasin·y to the credit of miscellaneous recei ts. R°P”“"· Slghenever the supply of bound copies of laiigyavolgnliphprodgced un er an re uisition ursuant to section 1 o t cts ave een disposedxif, (ieprints lfrom the original plates shall be made at the _ Government Printing Office from time to time in sufficient numbers PrQ;*‘§Q}“°“°° °‘ to meet current demands. Such reprints shall equal, as nearly as ' possible, in quality of presswork, pa er, and binding the original editions, and shall e sold at the price {xsd for the latest volume published when the reprints are made; so much of the money thus derived _ as equals the cost of making and distributing the reprints sold shall cdl;*t§f“b““°“ °‘ ’* be credited to the a progriation for rinting and binding, the remailrider thereof sha.l.f e eposited in the Treasiuy to the credit of misce aneous receipts. ,.§g,°§H`f‘}g2“f_ °[ N° SEC- 5- That the provisions of this Act shall be effective as of ggw;-_ of 8 _ November 1, 1921: romded, however, That there shall be deducted m.m¢s`ii»ii$ymdl$rZr from the salary and allowances fixed by section 226 of the Judicial °°‘°*’°'“'“"·’°"“· Code, as amended hereby, such sums as may have been paid or allowed out of the Treasury to the re orter for work done by him in the preparation for printing and binding of reports of decisions rengered smce the opening of the October, 1921, term of the Supreme 01u·t. APP'°P"l;“°“ ¤¤· Such sums as may be necess to c into effect the rovisions of ummm may sections 225, 226, 227, and 2;g>f th:-Jiidicial Code as llmended by this Act are hereby authorized to be appropriated annually out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, July 1, 1922. Iigixéiaig-I CHAP. 268.-An Act To amend an Act entitled_"An Actto authorize the Secre- — 3.13; toSa};1r(<;;1d:}]l(;oIsi:>airt{g9a;nd sanatorium facilities for discharged sick Hospitals for my Be it enacted_by the Senate and House 1y' Representatioes of the United citrigegglltiiigzirs mia as. States of America in Congress assembled, That subsection C of section " ·° °· 7 of the Act_ entitled "An Act to authorize the Secreta of the Treasury provide hospital and sanatorium facilities for gscharged sick D W S _ and disabled soldiers, sailors, and marines," approved March 3, 1919, Sa¤§mi‘§§mY'mg$*KY· be amended by addin at the end thereof a new sentence to read as mYE‘§&8d*f’· P- 13% follows: "Pr0*pided, That whenever any person, compan , or cor 0- c€g%r;1<;;¤;z:1at;i§n6§ra ration, mumcipal or private, shall undertake or shall have undlermq,,i,;tm,,m{;§,dS§{,’ taken to secure anfy land or easement therein, which in the opinion °°d°¤¤“=df<¤ Si=<=~ of the Secretary o the Treasury is needed for the site of or in connection with the proper and convenient construction, maintenance, and operation of suc sanatorium for the (purpose of conveying the same to the United States free of cost an shall be unable for any