Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/912

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884 SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 356. 1922. www °· E , Pm. 362. Files, file blanks, rasps‘ , and iioats, of whatever cut or ¤¤E¤°°l`»lZ°°d kind, two and one-half inches in length and under, 25 cents per m°“’°°°‘ dozen; over two and one-half and not over four and one-half inc es in length, 47} cents per dozen; over four and one—half and under seven inches in length, 62} cents per dozen; seven inches in length and over, 77} cents per dozen. _ u§§"“" "“" ’*‘° Pan. 363. Sword blades, and swords and side aims, irresdpective of ` quality or use, whollf or in part of metal, 50 per centum a valorem. ¤¤¤tL*¤°•d*¤¢¤¤* Pan. 364. Muzzle— oading muskets, shotguns, miles, and parts mw I theireof,`25 peg cegtum ad vp.lorem.1cd b h 1 _ d _. B¤¤=¤·*°•·di¤¤‘°"· uz. 365. ou e or s` e reec — oading an repeat l°"i°°°°` shotguns, rifles, and comlhliiiation shotguns and rifles, valued at 11:1% more than $5 each $1.50 each; valued at more than $5 and not more than $10 each, $4 each; valued at more than $10 and not more than $25 each, $6 each; valued at. more than $25 each, $10 each; and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoing, 45 per centum ad valorem; barrels for breech-loading and repeatingbshotguns and rifles, farther advanced in manufacture than rough ored only, $4 each; stocks for breech-loading shotgims and rifles, wholly or partly manufactured, $5 each; and in addition thereto, on aH of the foregoing, 50 per centum ad valorem; on all parts of such guns or rifles, and !itf for such stocks or barrels, finished or unfinished, 55 per 1;*%, Mum centum Ilidsvalorem: Prmnkled, That all breech—loading shoatlguns and ` rifles imported without a lock or locks or other fittings sh be subject to a dut%9f $10 each and_ 55 per centum ad valorem. 1*******- PAI:. 366. istolsz Automatic, magazine, or revolving, and parts - thereof and fittings therefor, valued at not more than $4 each, $1.25 each; valued at more than $4 and not more than $8 each, $2.50 each; valued at more than $8 each, $3.50 each; and in addition thereto, on all of the foregoinv, 55 per centum ad valorem. W¤°°'* ¤°'°*¤°¤*¤· PAR. 367. Watch movements, whether imported in cases or other— wise, assembled or knocked down, if having less than seven jewels, 75 cents each; having seven and not more than eleven jewels, $1.25 each; having more than eleven and not more than fifteen jewels, $2 each; having more than fifteen and not more than seventeen jewels, unadjusted, $2.75 each; having seventeen jewels and adjusted to temperature, $3.50 each; having seventeen jewels and adjusted to three positions, $4.75 each; having seventeen jewels and adjusted to five positions, $6.50 each; having more than seventeen jewels, adjusted or unadjipsted, $10.75 each; watchcases and parts of watches, chronome— ’°°'°’·‘*- ters, ox or ship, and parts thereof, 45 pler centum ad valorem; all jewels for use in the manufacture of watc es, clocks, meters, or com- P mw passes, 10 per centum ad valorem ; enameled dials for watches or other pig], wm m,mq_ instruments, 3 cents per dial and 45 per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all watch and clock dials, whether attached to movements or not, when imlported shall have_ indeliblj; painted or printed thereon j°_¤_§:_;¤~·g¤.j;:;<g· the name of the country of ori¤*1n, and t at all watch movements and au. M ’ plates, assembled or knocked down, and cases shall have the name of the manufacturer or purchaser and the country of manufacture cut, engraved, or die sunk conspicuously and indelibly on the plate of the movement and the inside of the case, respectively, and the movement antdaplates shall also have marked thereon by one of the methods indica the number of jewels and adjustments, said numbers to be expressed both in words and in Arabic numerals, and if the movement is not adjusted, the word "unadjusted" shall be·ma.rked thereon by one of the methods indicated, and none of the aforesaid articles shall _ _ be delivered to the importer unless marked in exact conformitf to this B°""‘¢’°'°" °“*Y· d1rection: Prmniled further, That only the number of the jewe s which serve a mechanical purpose as frictional bearings shall be marked as herein provided. .