Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/941

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SIXTY-SEVENTH couennss. sms. 11. cs. eee. 1922. 913 outdoor game or sport, and all clubs, rackets, bats, or other equip- Su;‘{g,;”'·* M ment, such as is ordinarily used in conjunction therewith in exercise ` or pla , all the for?oinlg, not specially provided for, 30 per centum ad valyorem; ice an ro er skates, an parts thereof, 20 per centum ad valorem. Pan. 1403. Spangles and beads, including buglees, but not including “P“g*°°· *’°°"“· °*‘°· beads of ivory or imitation pearl beads and ads in imitation of precious or semiprecious stones, 35 pjer centum ad valorem; beads of ivory, 45 (ger centum ad valorem ; fa rics and articles not omamented F°"'*"“ °’· with bea ,8slpangles, or bugles, nor embroidered, tamboured, appliquéd, or sc oped, composed whollyeor in chief value of bea or spangles other than imitation pearl ads and beads in imitation of precious or semiprecious stones, 60 per centum ad valorem; imita- b,§§‘Sf§§cf’°“ ¥’°°" tion earl beads of all kinds and shapes, of whatever material composed: strung or loose, moimted or unmounted, 60 per centum ad valorem; all other beads in imitation of precious or semiprecious stones, of all kinds and shapes, of whatever material corpposed, st or loose, moimted or unmoimted, 45 per centum ad v orem: Pi;-vi§ed, That no article composed wholly or in chief value of any {ginvjtm of the foregoing beads or spangles shall pay duty at a less rate than ` is im ed in any paragraph of this Act upon such articles without such gliiids or s angles. Pan. 1404. Rpamie hat braids, 30 per centmn ad valorem; manu- R°"‘*""““"`“d’· factures of ramie hat braids, 40 per centum ad valorem. _ Pan. 1405. Boots, shoes, or other footwear, the uppers of which ,,,§'jf’§§,‘;,§j‘"“’ "°'“· are composed wholly or in chief value of wool, cotton, ramie, animal hair, fiber, or silk, or substitutes for any of the foregoing, whether or not the soles are composed of leather, wood, or other material, 35 per centum ad valorem. Psa. 1406. Braids, plaits, laces, and willow sheets or s uares, com- §;§,‘§f",,@,°§{;_ posed wholly or in chief value of straw, chip, grass, palm(leaf, willow, osier, rattan, real horsehair, cuba bark, or manila hem , suitable for makin or ornamenting hats, bonnets, or hoods, not blliaached, dyed, coloreni or stained, 15 per centum ad valorem; bleached, dyed, colored, or stained, 20 per centum ad valorem; hats, bonnets, and “°““°“· °°d hoods composed wholy or in chief value of any of the foregoing materials, whether who ly or partly manufactured, but not blocked or trimmed, 35 per centum ad valorem; blocked or trimmed, 50 per centum ad valorem; straw hats known as harvest hats, valued at H""°“““’· less than $3 per dozen, 25 per centum ad valorem; all other hats, composed wholly or in chief value of any of the foregoing materials, whether wholly or partly manufactured, not blocked or b ocked, not I, n trimmed or trimmed, if sewed, 60 er centum ad valorem. But the ,,,,],§°‘?l*,§",,f,{$,’f·?’ g“‘“ terms "grass" and "straw" shall be understood to mean these substances in their natural form and structure, and not the separated fiber thereof. Pan. 1407. Brooms, made of broom corn, straw, wooden fiber, or ,s?3§,c°?mS’°°u°°b'“sh' twigs, 15 per centum ad valorem; tooth brushes and other toilet brushes, 45 per centum ad valorem; all other brushes not specially provided for, including feather dusters, and hair pencils in quills or otherwise, 45 er centum ad valorem. Bums Pax. 1408. lliristles, sorted, bunched, or prepared, 7 cents per ' poun . Pan. 1409. Button forms of lastings, mohair or silk cloth, and B°t°°°'°"”` manufactures of other material, in pattems of such size, shape, or form as to be fit for buttons exclusively, and not exceeding three inches in any one dimension, 10 r centum ad valorem. PAR. 1410. Buttons of vegetagle ivory, finished or partly finished, X.§°§°§’,l§E il cents perlincedper gross; ve etable ivory button blanks, not drilled, dyed, or Hmsh , th;ree·fourtEs of 1 cent per line per gross; buttons Q150°—-23-58