Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 1.djvu/969

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SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 356. 1922. 941 quantity or measure thereof may be ascertained. The drawback on “;"Z-“· "'E‘°}"“‘°’“’· any article allowed under existing law shall be continued at the rate " °""St‘°gl““" herein provided. The imported merchandise used in the manufac— ,e§g*{gf§£“°¤ 0* me ture or production of artic es entitled to drawback of customs duties when exported shall, in all cases where drawback of duties paid on such merchandise is claimed, be identified, the quantity of such merchandise used and the amount of duties paid thereon shall be ascertained, the facts of the manufacture or production of such articles in the United States and their exportation therefrom shall be determined, and the drawback due thereon shall be paid to the manu- ba§{?m°¤° °' dm"’· facturer, producer, or exporter, the agent of either, or to the person to whomsuch manufacturer, producer, exporter, or agent s all in writing order such drawback paid, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasmy shall prescribe. On the exportation of Havering extracts, medicinal or toilet prepa- §u°'g¥,$$`$f°°6“_l$9,§g*8;,na, rations (inc uding perfumery) hereafter manufactured or produced gmane mx ¤¤. used in the United States in part from domestic alcohol on which an s¤¤X"¤£°g °"°""g intemal—revenue tax has een paid, there shall be allowed a drawback equal in amount to the tax found to have been aid on the alcohol so used. Such drawback shall be determined and paid °°°··'°' **°'*>*· under such rules and regulations, and upon the filing of such notices, bonds, bills of lading, and other evidence of pzgiment of tax and exportation, as the Secretary of the Treasury s prescribe. Im rm It rmrided, That imported salt in bond mai be used in curing fish Dugyhemlililed ¤u,m‘ taken by vessels licensed to engage in the iis eries and in curing fish §S°§‘*,;y“j°gB}fm°“§i§g on the shores of the navigable waters of the United States, under wesuch regulations as the Secretaizweg the Treasury shall prescribe; andaiapon proof that the salt has used for either of the purposes gta cgifthis proaihso, the dutéps on the same qhall be reripttidz mmm ' , at u n e exportation o meats, w et er u’;‘,§{,, °° packed or smoked, which llfgve been cured in the United States with fwmthmu mm imported salt, there shall be refunded from the Treasiuy, upon satisfactory proof, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, that such meats have been cured with imported salt, the duties paid on the salt so used in curing such ¤¤¤¤=¤¢i¤¤- expplrted meats, in pxripunts not leplsaltihan ¥100. al d Dm bm u bl e provisions 0 t is section s app y to materi s importe to im" “§,§°° ° and used in the construction and equgpment of vessels built for foreign account and ownership, or for the Government of any for- ' eign count , notwithstandin that such vessels ma not within the strict meanriin of the term bg art' I xported y 10 es e . Sec. 314. '§hat u n the reimportation of articles once exported, §,°'l,"2,‘{,?°§ of the growth, prodliiizt, or manufacture of the United States upon g¤¤°*•¤ °¤d¤¤¤¤¤· which no internal tax has been assessed or paid, or u n which such ° tax has been paid and refunded by allowance or diigwback, there shall be levied, collected, and paid a duty equal to the tax imposed by the internal revenue laws upon such articles, except articles ,m%°*"y;*g:{{'{;g¤¥l: manufactured in bonded warehouses and exported pursuant to law, mam umm. which shall be subject to the same rate of uty as if originally imported, but roof of the identity of such articles shall be made under general regu.l)ations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury. Sec. 315. (a) That in order to regulate the foreign commerce of the u°(;¤::g¤:8{gS¤t¥g¤¤u;j United States and to put into force and effect the policy of the Con- ne ammpm mums gross by this Act intended, whenever the President, upon investi- ,°§,*}"},"},},‘§},‘§,°{’,*,$}’,f‘,j gation of the differences in costs of production of articles wholly or ggitggsbgsgnwggflig ll} part the wth or product of the United States and of like or ' similar articlgzrsowholly or in part the growth or product of competing foreign countries, shall and it thereby shown that the duties fixed in this Act do not equalize the said differences in costs of production