Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1085

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2626 INDEX. Sodium Nizriu, Paso. Solicitor, pcgmtmmc ofAgnbulturc, P¤K¤~ entry, etc., of, forbidden for three months. 18 appmpmmou for, law clerks, ctc .. 507, 1289 limited admimion allowed, if no satisfac- Sohmtorfqr Que Department of State, S Dnntzary substitute obtainable, ctc .. 18 EPFFOPHQUOIEOY .·..·.--.··~---- · gg, g or assmtan ... Oéuty on_i ___,__,,,,,_,,,,,,__, , ,,,,,,,_ 897 one to represcnt_ the United Statics , internal revenue tax 011, sold by producer, 285 lgcforc Interna.t1om11 Jomt 1068 t ... sion ... , Soil Bactzgoqogy, etg., _ _ Sohhitorfor the Department of the Interior, approprgatnog for l.!1Ti 0DB% etc. . . 111.24, 1299 approgmagox; for. . . . 552%, mann? actcrm. c es or moc or o appe , 0 co 0 , ing egumeg ,,,,.,,.,,,_,,,.,.,, 514,1299 for assistant attomc , ctc .. 552,1175 publishing tests; names of dealers ins 299 Solabitor for thefPost 0%; Department, 611 im ure t . ... 51 1 a. mpriation or . Soil Fertilitz, ’e C , Pilar, assistant attorneys, ctc . 1248 appropriation for investigations. . . 513, Solwbitor Qengral, S ik B D - t f A _ lhz'23, 1299, 1307 S sgpproprfvauonligr . 611, 1078 m ureau epartmen o grwu e, 0 avg partment, appropriation or salaries .. 523, 1306 appmpriation for, clerks, atc _. . 788 §01’ glxpcmfs- -: . _ 523,1307 or tggzporary employees; pay rest:nc· 789 or cm; an yu mvcstngm- ll ... z .. tions ,,,_,,,.,.. ,. 523, 1307 pay on employees 111 0Eco of, im-invmtigatingfgrtilmcxs, etc ... 523, 1307 _ _ mochiied. . 140 for ·c00pcrstive mvcshgations of soigsés 1307 Solwztor 0_[.{gzter;1alRevcnue, 611 1078 ma pmg' , t ... , ro na 1011 or . , for cIasg1?1i<:atioi1 if agriculmxal lands. 523, 1307 Sogzggorpof the Department of Commerce, for adminisizmtive egpenscs. . ... 523, 1307 appropriation for, assistant clerks, etc. 611, 1078 dciicicncy approprmtxon for general cx- Solwitor of tlge Department of Labor, f ggnscsn 54, 461, 1553 Ogppmpdamngior, clerks, cbc ... 611,1078 or vcmment p t, ummcr- S mtor 0 eaau , land, Calif . . . .. 445 up ropr{stion for, as;/syants, clerks, ctc. 611, 1078 Soldu, Sol , Hamct B. S. (undow), duty on ... . .. . .. 888 yzxansion . ... . ._ ... 1612 Soldier, Unknown Unidenpzjied Amernqn, So lenberger, Catharmc (wadow), cxpcnslcis of ofgt Arhnglisn S pcnsioxh . . - . , 1678 emo p ca r, ya c omerset os ta , ape own rwa, from Army appropriation Zz dis- appropriatgzns for annual contribution posifiontngircmmns of o&cem, ctc. . . §g7 S to . . .. 608, 1077 smount `mi , . . 7 omme , medal of honor and service acquisition of burial places for American cross to be bestow upon body of in, authorized ... 490 to be buried in Arlington Memorial Sofndcrgard, Wi mm, _ Amphitheater Va . . ... 191 penuon mcrcascd ... 1723 Soldier, Unknown Unidmnjicd Italian, Sopher, John, Congressional medal of honor bestowed on, ‘ pension. . . .. 1731 buried Vim Emanuel Manu- 204 Sosbite, 90 mont, mc, . uty on . 8 Soldier! and SGaOT|’_C'€Vi?R¢li6f, Sorghum (uc also Future Trading Act and deficiency appropmmon for settlement of Grain Futures Act), insurance claims under .. 771 provisions governing contracts for future time lignit clzziims to realestate 1510 S delivery of grain. ... 187, 998 orec etc., un or . ound, Sold·ier:’ and Sai1ors’ Home, D. C., Grand appropriation fora plying principles of, to Army, military a.n<¥mdus1:rial uses 478, 1119 appropriation for expenses; persons ad- Soups, mxtted . . .. 704, 1362 duty on, v?ctablcs, etc . 896 Soldkrs, Destitute (see Dcstitutc Soldiers). Souzer, Fred . (son), Soldiers, ctc., pension- 1655 appropriation for transportation of dis- Soutcr, John S. (um), abled, on furlough from hospitals. . . 94 pension - 1655 for vocational rehabilitation of dis- South Amboy, N. J., _ charged disabled ... 649, 1244 appropriation for aids to navigation in dciicxcncy apyzropriation for medical treat- 37 d H dredged channel, . .f ,..,.._ 480 ment, c c . c ciency appropriati n or tmnspcrti for wiglogtionaldmhabnitation of34di;ablcd gte., orgnanoc stgres from cvacuaiizii charge .. , 29, 444, 1053 epct at ... - . . 456 preference l’i%1t for ten years of, discharged for Morgan general ordnance depot, sim. 1162 after ·orld War service, to make purchase of land for railroad right oi way, homestead entry, ctc., on public Morgm Ordnance Depot at, author- Iands .. _ ... 358 S th Aized. . ... . 1029 dmfted men refusing to serve, ctc., cm marina exquded, . 358 tcsidenca of, iivo yous in countries of, Sales, (wndow), rcqmrcd for exception from yearly pcmuon .. . .. 1657 hmit of udmision of aliens 540