Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/1118

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INDEX. 2659 United Stqteg C'ourla—Cominued. Pace. United States Courts-Continued. Pan. appropnatxon for National 'I‘mi.ning School South Carolina judicial districts terms of for Boys, D._ C ... - .. 619, 1086 court ’ . 1488 gg; prnppgrtdorg gnsggoers. . -3 · -: ... gg, gcnnessce judicial districts 1520 msgizu nsam pnsoners. estem'dicial distri · P for az uoml $5,40 a. yea.: to emp10ye'€4, 1 9 ems (granty tl'8£1\;f91’1’9d from sgi _ 0 .. 55 El P diwh . .. deficmp splggesldation for additional ’ West judicial districts . . .. ]1;3;$:;)uth6mDa]:0tpé;smd West Vir· 332 sout¥hem_ disgrict; additiomd judge auto. £$..¤ d.·.m’m. mm ·‘‘‘‘ :;:::;: mw mm or Ji; ‘ 2»}"é}£6{ · ;,;;(;.;;,a;ta;; °’ for justices supreme court of Hawaii 332 brought in Su reme Court or ci.rcu1t for Coup; of repairs to buildin?. 333 court of appease to be transferred to for pen}ten¤a.ngs.._ , ... 1054, 159, 1543 proper court . .. 837 for addpzgoual dgstnptjudgu . .:_ . 1158 amistamce of, to secure testimm; for Coal for 8dd1!§IOD$l_(ZIJ’¢U1t]udgB, Hswm. 1158 Commission in cases of regxsal, etc. 1447 for specml assistant attorneys. . . 0542,, $125 baukru£tcy; glebts not released by die- 354 5.,, clerks __________________________ 41, 54, 194, circuit iudgqs; $}{£1$$}i£$<i·f;»}.i;<i{- ass, 345, 448, 4614, 1158,1542 wi ¢¤<=¤¤¢ ·----- ;- -·; —--··-····-·· W allowed pay as commissioners, Lf so °“° addfjd Po f°““h c“`°'·ut ····· : ······· 840 3 ined. unit- __________________ 41 clerks of dmtznct courts; compousatmn to bc PPO , . receiving pay from prjvggq litjpntg u, fixed on hams of work transacted ..,. 5(D mw appointment. . ... 41 ¢<>¤f¤r¤r;¤¤¤,: wraieérljggzw ¤;“*l1i·¤ i¤<ii¤i·1 838 i ... 59199, mem *° ,9 mn Y ···-· ·~-· 333, 345, gg, 784, ms:th¤rs to be cemuderod at.? .. 838 1054, uso, um, magma *¤•¤¤¢§;;a$¤§;Y;·¤¤:;fé:*n:*r¤:l¤ WI · !°*·° mn fqrjurorg _,,,,,,,.,,. , ,,_, , 41,59 194,333 · •: - °7` sg, 442;, 461, 1054, 1159, 1165, imo, 1554 ’°’ §‘;}'u;$]‘ M got supphes.? - Z . . 41, 333, 448, 1159, 116§1`l543 Columbia 1561 0l‘Bllpp01'tO ]}I’IB)D6I'B ...·- .···-··• 55, uludjf "····-.2-·--l-.-·-.-.·--- 5”·1"‘*»1°”»3$3·3*5·‘*8·*°1»$84» m?;.“§2m“?;E°.$· £.£"""° “‘°'° 1561 1054, 1160, 1165, 1543, 1554, 1556 djsmbt courts to am-at {D 1‘c‘:‘E'E‘d'in"g','% fm mi°°°H°‘°°°u° °xP°n°°° ‘‘‘‘ 41* 55* 19*% 333* revoke cbartem of Chgm. Trade Act 448 78·gi_1054, 1159, 1543 00 dom 853 allowance to attorney for emnesee exdurggz jun-s"h°¥m’ m"¥t's'g jc']; ¤¤i<1<i1¤ di¤¤i¤¢ ·—--—·---·-----·--··- 41 8 Chim; mae Act co tion is ¤ for gguimutigry, Atlanta, Gs . .. 41, 194 Party rpom 855 fgr oh;] J, Mitchell ,,.., 41 Rat C0m‘m"]·'¤,`¥°’,]"j)"§'°{,;`i,].[,}m"n’¤'g' fg; ~6°¤$i_Phvgg0b§·°°m¤“ ···--··········· 3 evidence, etc:. . . I . . It . . . : . 545 my boolge fog judicie] ééalmé. . 41, ssa, vas, 1159 °° ‘§f‘i°’md°‘f,“ b°°m_{,’sé“’(:§?,°§i0‘fB 'Q', for payms Judgments ¤f ---- i is 5{*6g;,5ii*g89»i¥§>§é _ pmdpcqr¤ 91 products". ssa sm- mmbus 54 B8 194 19%; 333 ongndmantgggdgicvtgloréaulgummmty md 634 _ 4é1,.105·i,1i58,iI65,,154é injuries, ew., to other i¤l£éeIé»`6} for vntnemes .. 55, 199, 345, 1165 crew of vessel, under workmen’¤ for dim-ict attorneys ...,. 58, 194, 199, compensation laws of States, atc 684 _ _ pas, 1054, }158, 1542 exclunve wpou coniomd by such kw- 684 for 'Eexas pngcn commmmoners, mum- 194 aeiquma, pnzcs, md prize condemn- 634 ursemen ... . hom.; f J dd d Detweil . . ... 194 ot xtended to injuri to ther than fg; zgarshizln, Okhhcuisi western judicial 194 n mgster and crew qgewéeggls ghen ' 'ct . . compensation pmvn y tate for penitentiary, Leavenworth, K2.ns.- 194,345 _ _ layvs . _.= ... 635 for uiteutiary, McNeil Island, Wash. . 194 dmtnct judges; additional wmpurgry, anfor giiliifs, etc . . 1159, thorizcd for designaéed . . 837 f S Court ports .. te mryassigumeuts ' `ty fg; Sggrrggg Court.? .. 1521 _ mg? judge; accumulation o york, etc. 889 for Court of Claims ,,.., . ._- . 1542 mterest allowed m judgments of, m clam; for additional assignments to distnct 1542 for;rr0l1%g0usc0ll11;ct10;1i>$§"ja;isxes, etc., 316 url:5 ,_.,,,,._ . un er venue ct 0 . for rgt of court rooms .. 1543 judges eligible as members of Coal C0m· .;1¤.bam$1 districts lg; _ _ . { . . -, ...·. (i Sa 1446 ow ‘ ’ ‘ tx-ict; ... . .. pmgdx mm ,m¤me¤¤ mvwor exten Maiggvudicial district, terms of court . 1506 go eeiuity and admiralty suite": - - 323, 352 Mnssacinusetts judicial district 503 apphcab c to executors, ctc., gippqmted New York judxcial districts . . . 812 tmder laws of any State or emtcry. 352 southern district; marshal’s bond may be servxce to be made before final settlement increased . . ... . . . . . 1287 of decedentfs estate. . 324, 358 North Dakota judicial district, additional _ deceased pripr hereto iqcluded". 353 judge authorized for ... 66 gunsdxcuou of, e;cl_zmve m mdmunlty md Ohio judicial districts ...,,,,,, . . - . 1246 maritime CIV].! causes ...-.. 635