Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/811

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2352 INDEX. C'attle—Continued. _ P¤R¤· Cellulose, P¤s¢· appropriation for investigiating tubercndosm duty ou, liquid solutions of .. 864 of animals; contro , ctc. 511, 1296 vulcanized or hard Hber .. . . 863 for tuberculiu, testing, etc., of .. . 511, 1296 Cellulose Esters, payment for destroyed, etc.; State, duty ou, liquid compounds of. . . 863 etc., cooperation . .. _ . 511, 1296 Cenwnt, for eradicating southern cattle tucks; appropriation for investigating structu.ra.1 f restriction . .. I . Z 512, 1297 d 6 materials of ... 476, 1117 or coo erative experiments m_raismg, e cieu appro riation or iDV$'|31g8. ting iucI;,ncsugs.raud cotton 535, 1317 StIc’l};Ctl11'3.1 Emterials cf, 1922 48 deiiciency appropriation far, slaughtered in Cement, etc., eradication of tuberculosis . . 330 duty ou, gypsum .. . 869 ownership restriction. .. Z .. _ . . 330 h drau 1c, not specially rovided for. . . 869 limited hereafter to herds m desag- on gee list, Roman, Portlgnd, and other Dated areas . .- 330 hydraulic . 926 dug on ... . .-.· 891 dumble from country taxing Ameriou ce list, hidm, raw, etc .. . ... 928 can product . . 926 hai: of, unmanufscturcd, not specially Cmwternhl Dwhion, Quartermaster General': · ’§‘;Y??°dbmd‘°"".‘¤g ‘‘‘‘ . irpcses ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 10 3 °”"’& 1)],;,0,. { 1m or p : ... , allotment om " `tion 0 remains of stmyggg, etc., acrom boundary lme, etc., officars, etc.,’ for cxpmsa comadmitted free; regulations. . 923 piling data., ctc., in 734, 1395 before Much 1, 1923, if brought buck Cemeteries in Europe for American Military

 12 months.  .  15% Dead,

tempo uty on ... . .. a m risticm for segrega ° bodies, etc., Caule, Drgwgm aj; pp Pin .,,., . ... . , . _ 1418 appropriation for printing, etc., of publics- expenditures authorized for, from approtion entitled . . . 1316 priation for disposition of remains of cam, Neat, of licers, etc., 1922 . 490 _ importation of, and hides, prohibited . 937 _ I°¢3·l}¤€¤ d€¤1€¤Pt€d -----· ; ···-··-·---- 490 suspension as no country not affected Tights m pergc-mpty for burml places acby mntagious disease ______ _ ______ 937 cepwd 1f_utle can not be secured. - - 1162 nouacation or, by Secrctn? of Treas- . Umm Umpapm, etc-, Mami, uyyon dgtgrmingtigu of gggtary of BXGHIPP hom IDQOHIG ta; .--..·.-·. · · -··· - 253 Agricuxmw ,__,_ , ,______..._.__,___ 937 Cmsorshwp of Foming 1(mls, Eunighment for vi0la,i:i0¤g_ _,,_ , .,,_,_, 937 d8GCi€I1€Y 9·PPFoP¤¤·U0I1 for ------· · ··~-~-- 55 Cqtt Tick, Sguthern, C'e·n.sus Buyequ, Departpzent of Comjmwrce, _ _ appropriation for eradicating, ctc .. 512,1297 8PP¤‘0Pif1¤t10!1 for D1I€€t0f, Chief ¤t9·t1¤t1· restrictiuu on use of materials, etc. 512,1297 ¢¤11, ?XP€l`*B; ¢}¢1‘k¤, etc ----·· - ~ - 473, 1114 demousmtiom at {aim, etc 512, 1297 fvr c¤11¤¢ting stamtws; wmn; wb¤·cc¤. 473, Caulqlower Seed, 1114 duty on ,,,..,,. , .,,,.,.,.,. 895 for temp<>{¤ry cgngloyocs. ... 473, 1114 Cawgic Pgwgh, for collecting v1m_ statistics, etc...-.- 473, 1114 duty on ____ _ ____________ _ ______________ 357 for tobacco statistics, special agents, camzry sawoz, Fm Riley, Km., etc- - - Z · -, --·---··-·.-. 473, 1114 gpproprigtiun for instruction expense; ,,_, 69, P¤Y ¥'€¤i¥j1<2t10¤· · ·_ ·-··-···-·-..·· - . - . 474 747, 1408 for talgulgnting muqhuges, expenses. . . 474,1114 Camh,3 fcr_prmting and bxpdgng for . 472, 1111 duty Om ___________ _ ___________________ 892 de6c¤e&1_§¥Im ap{>11_;og¤ation for expemes, 54 Cavite, P. L, ."“ ‘?“‘?““ ·-·-···· · ···-····- appropriation for naval station, public f°r °‘?u°9‘*m8 mtmlm ··········-·-·-· · 464 works, _... . ,.,.,.,._, mg fw *>¤s¤d¤a¤g- ---— ~; -~; ----~----·------. 1052 Cawcod, JW g_, for prmting and bmqing . . .. 1536 pension __________ _ ___________________ __ 1737 er from sgprvpmtnon for, 192;, w Cagmm Pepper, Bureap o_ Standards, for spemiied C uWi,:d__ ___________,__________________ 896 C $;:¤¤2=m<>¤¤» etc ------ - --. 47 I l ) 7 '§§’§;l.,,.,,,{"tL, ______ _ ,_____,________________ 1717 C <i<=¤¢i;;=¤L?v%~pg¤§i¤¤ www of. . 54 cm. W · - - M ¤¤hi¤g¤¤n ·*¤z·¤y *<·¤;,=··*·*··* b···=·*=·¤;*= ··-·~·——·- 88** ..ppmp’.ii‘Z1§§’£ ‘E§§"'3“"¥;5Z;.“a2;d mm., on ee ist . . Cedar Bay0u’,T“?Y¤Ph» °*<>·»P°°° L 933 xrtzrgf, unix; Secmtary of 1319 prehmmm·y' examination, etc., o to be —··-——·——·-—·-· · ·---···· - , Ymcut of sto _ _ _ 1320 Cm, R;;£°}(Q,,Q,; ``'```````°````'```‘ 1045 deicggncy ¤ppwpr?¤gt$¤¤dmg;gBsexp¤m»dmm¤ or mdccilrtatj'_'--···-~-·-·'···----· ctc’1 under of CW"? SM cmmpam mz, q;;&‘i;;;T;,.};, °‘`’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ du? °“ ·‘·· ‘ ‘·‘‘‘·‘`‘··············· ·· · 895 duty cn, Eomm cinch ...,_, I _____________ 900 Cckstgrweé M 931 Cening Ammga, on -_ ·-·· ;· -···- · ·--·—·•-······- · l'€8i GDCB 0 Eve ems in gpuntrk Celky, _0·¤1·¢¤m (wm). quired foryexceptinu xm. $35 p¢¤¤¤¤¤ ··~~- — ---··-··········- · ··-- 1634, 1704 hmit of adxnigiqu or .5,,, ________ 540