Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 42 Part 2.djvu/986

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INDEX. 2527 Na·vy—C0pti11ucd. _ P•8•· Na·vy—C0nti11ued. Pam. appropnation_ for mcrcase _0f the Nqvy; deficiency appmpristion for Marine Corps. 52, conxemug battle crvgsqrs “L@XJ§g 56, 197, 342, 346, 459, um _ and ‘ Saratoga ’ mto mrc 463, 781, 785,1055,1165 cayners . . .. z ... 811, 1153 for ay, miscellaneous .. 52 septling contracts forslups delivered 811, 1153 for gumau of Navigation 52, 197, 342, 346, renmbursing contractors 011 account of 450,459, 463, 781, 785, 1055,1165, 1545 coustrucuon of apthorizcd vemels. . 1153 for N avs.1 War College. . ._ ... 52 gyrocompass eqmpmcuts for da- for Bureau of Construction and Repair. 53, 343, tmyerp .. 811, 1154 346, 451, 459, 464, 782, 1055, 1166, 1545 complcupg armor, torpedoes, etc., for for Bureau of Steam Engineering ... 53, 56, apthenzcd ships 811, 1154 343, 346, 459, 464, 782, 785, 1055, 1166 limmmon on use for ordnance, fire for provisions ,,.__,,,,,,_,,,,_ 56, 342, 346, 459 control on destrpyers, etc ... 1154 for pay ¤i the Navy ,.______,,,_______ 56, 197, transfers from demgmtgd funds ... 1154 342, 346, 459, 463, 782, 785, 1055, 1165 use of naval appmpmtxons for De- for increase of compensation . 197, 342, partment 'UIPOSGB restricted 139, 811, 1154 846, 781, 1055, 1165 detai1s_ for Igmpeusury or Radio Com- for aviation 197, 342, mumcation not Department service. 1154 346, 459, 463, 781, 785, 1055, 1165 no pay {:0 officers, etc., using time for Bureau of Medicine and Surge .. 197, 342, measuring devices on work of em- 346, 459, 463, 7132, 1095, 1165 ployees .. t .. 139, 811, 1154 for Bureau of Engineering ...,.,,,,,,, 197, 451 cash, rewards, ctc., restricted. . 139, 811, 1154 for Bureau of Ordmmco .,,.,,,,_,,,_, 342, 346, purchase of articles which can be pro- 459, 463, 782, 785, 1055, 1165 duced at navy yards restricted . 139, for pensions .,,,,..,,,,, 343, 1540 _ _ _ _ 811, 1154 for care of Icpcrs, Guam, etc . . . . 450, 1165 reeulmstment gmtnpucs hmited 189 for Bradymnd Gm ...,.,... - ...,... 450 amounts for public works under Bu- for Dom GoncepcionGmz ,.,.., 450 reau of Yards and Docks available for Naval Reserve Force ...,.. 459, 782 until expended; exception . 139 for cxgmes, 1923, scrapping naval vescommutauon of rations, rates for 1922. . 139 so , etc. under treaty ent. . 774 exchange, etc., of lands with Porto for Pittburgln-Des Moines Eteel Com- Rico or radio station ... 139 (pany .. 774 Naval Reserve Forcq ang1_ temporary for ape J., aifstation site .. 775 officers d1mb1l1ty m tune for Naval us. .. 782 of war, eligib e for 5 retirement; for Naval War College . . ... 782 limit .,...,., . ,.. . . . . 140 for Naval Gun Factory ...,. 782 pay restriction modified of temp0rary for remams of oiHcers, etc. . 1055 employees in offico of Sohcitor .. 140 for mcreaaing turret gun range of desig- Bureau of Aeronautics created in Navy nated battleshxps .. _ 1 544 Depunment; duties, personnel, ctc. . 140 for expenses undo; ngnval dmarmameqt. . 1544 conference authorized with Govom- emergeupi oépproprgatxon for poopemgnou ments of Great Britain and Japan, mt tatqs m pmmctmg, agumst tor reduction of naval programs, etc., veuemal dmcagca, 1922.. . Z . : 61 during the next five years .. 141 advancement authorized org rctxred lmt of retirement of former cluef of bureau at COTDGIIUB Dugan, as heuteuant comincyegged grade ... · . . . . . . 81] mBI1d0! . . . 1378 orders for work at Government {estab- amounp for telephone rentals, ctc., 1922, lishmcuts to receive same coumdery _ increased .. 450 tion as private contracmml; .1. Z ..:. 812 appomgxwgzt authorized cd Lowe Hayden 1289 trmsfer etc- of over age c nm m 1 y. ¤¤ ¤¤¤z¤-z ···----·-·--·- _ ·· Naval Rzéarve Force to gtegulnr Frank A. Jalm, as_ lmutmmut (iumor Navy .. . .. _ . 812 grade), to be retupgl .. : . 1500 President reqguested to qcggtxate agree- damages clmms for _00u1810`¤B with vemels ments wit Great Bntazgn, ctc., for gf, mnco Apnl 6, 191'(, not exceedlimitation of tonnage slup construe- mg $3,000 may be achusted by the tion and mma ... 1154 _ Qecrewry --·--- _ ------------------ _- 1066 Bppropristion for additional $240 a yea: to d1Bb\11'B|=Dg omccrs mlxgved from respo11s1· civilian gmplgyees of .. . 714, 1559 bxhty {91* certam losses, etcc., m- gm. pensions __________ _ __________,_, nzlil, 1Z)2 curreg m World War scrvmc ac- 497 i ’ tion for , miscc ¢¤1¤1 --··-----·-·----··· _ -----· desc B:§gl;?HT?l? _____ _ _ 43, 56, 197, 342, loyalty resfncyxon rgpcaled aq to clams for 346, 549, 463, 781, 785, 1055, 1165 qervme m, pnor to 15, 1661. . . 1226 for Mrs. T. E. S. Gates ···-...· · --·-- 43 m€m°m·1» °t°·» *0 PEYBQTI Xmg m im °f for Boston Post . . ---··--·-- - ·-·· 43 dmv. mazahave u}sc9r3Pu°¤ of gm. Boston Herald ______ _ ____________ , _ , , 43 he would ve mcmv except forlus for Bureau of Yards and Docks ..·· · - - - 43, 52, death -····--······--··-----··---•- 415 342, @46, 459, 46s,78§311g5 Naval Resoririgigiorcf and_ tempc;r?ry qmuxea u an °QQOuI],'¤,,, , , (!Q!'§,•€ B Ol'- · ED OT for B u of S pp 56, 97, 342, 346, 450, 459, bmlmes mcumad m tame of war . 140 463, 782, 785, 1055, 1165 applications to be filed by October 1, for {might ... . ._ 43, 53, 197, 343, 459» 463 19?1 ····--·······-· ; · ; ·--·-··---· - 140 for me and umspommou _________, 43, 56, 459 pay msgljusuueut of commamxoued and en- 6 for James W. Elwell and Qompauy. 44 _ 115*5} P¢¤¤Q¤¤6! ¤€ ----·----··--·-·· £ gm- Interngdonal Madame ()0m·pg¤y,, . 44 peusmus to be pud monthly. 42150°-—v0x. 42, rr 2---64