Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1018

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 342. 1925. 987 For the construction of an eight-room addition to the Janney School to replace the present Tenley School, including the necessary remodeling of the present J anney building. For the construction of a combination gymnasium and assembly hall at the John Eaton School in accordance with the original plans for the construction of said building. For the purchase of land in the vicinity of the Addison School for playground purposes. For the purchase of land in the vicinity of the John Eaton School for playground purposes. For the purchase of land in the vicinity of the Jackson School for playground purposes. ‘ For the purchase of a site on which to locate a new sixteen·room gtgiool building in the vicinity of Connecticut Avenue and Upton reet. . For the purchase of a site on which to locate a new sixteen-room school building in the vicinity of F oxhall Road and Calvert Street. For the purchase of a site on which to locate a sixteen-room school building in Wesley Heights. For the purchase of additional land in the vicinity of the E. V. Brown School to provide for the construction of an addition to said school and for playground purposes. srzoomx nrvrsroiv For the purchase of land in the vicinity of the Morgan School S°°°“° ‘""l‘l°“‘ for playground purposes. THIRD DIVISION For the erection of a sixteen-room building, including a combi- 'm'““"‘*°“‘ nation gymnasium and assembly hall, on a site now owned by the District of Columbia at Fifth and Decatur Streets northwest. For the purchase of land adjoining the Brightwood Park School to provide for the construction of an addition to said school. For the construction of a twelve—room addition to the Brightwood Park School, including a combination gymnasium and assembly hall and including the necessary remodeling of the resent building. For the erection of an eight-room extensible qmildin on a site now owned by the District of Columbia at Fifth and Sheridan Streets northwest. For the purchase of a site on which to locate a new sixteen—room school building in the vicinity of Thirteenth and Montague Streets northwest to replace the Brightwood School. _ For the erection of a sixteen-room extensible building on a site to be purchased in the vicinity of Thirteenth and Montague Streets northwest to replace the present Brightwood School. _ For the purchase of a site on which to locate a new sixteen—room school building in the vicinity of Fourteenth and Ogden Streets northwest. _ _ For the erection of an eight-room extensible buildirég on the site to be purchased in the vicinity of Fourteenth and gden streets northwest. _ For the construction of an eight-room addition, including a combination gymnasium and assembly hall, to the Raymond School, including the necessary remodeling of the present building. For the construction of a four-room addition to the Woodburn School, including the necessary remodeling of the present building. For the construction of a combination gymnasium and assembly hall at the WVest School in accordance with the original plans for the construction of said building.