Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1048

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. sm. 11. cH. 364. 1925. 1017 inspecting under instructions from the Secretary of State, $25,000: Pmmded, That inspectors shall not be allowed actual and necessary §{{’,?§°§,,,,,,, mow. Expenses for subsistence, itemized, exceeding an average of $8 per °¤°°· ay. ALLOWANCE Fox 01.1:121: Hmm rrr UNITED s·rA·rns coNsu1.Aras For allowance for clerk hire at consulates, to be ex ended imder 1,§§°"‘ '“"° °‘ °°“’“‘ the direction of the Secretary of State, $1,550,000. Clerks, when- ° ever hereafter appointed, shall, so far as practicable, be appointed under civil-service rules and regulations. ooN·r1N0nN·r nxrrmsrzs, UNITED srarns CONSULATES For expenses of providing allsuch stationery, blanks, record and i»i»J¤°i}i¤tl?£?°t”°°°°°’ other books,_ seals, presses, flags, signs, rent (so much as may be necessary), repairs to consular buildings owned by the United States, postage, urniture, household furniture and furnishings not to exceed $10,000 ty writers and exchange of same, statistim, newspapers, freight tlfbreign and domestic), televrams, advertising, messenger service, traveling expenses of consiiar and foreign service officers, compensation o interpreters, kavasses, guards, dra omans, bm translators, and Chinese writers, loss by exchange, and suzgi other b"‘°h"'°‘ miscellaneous expenses as the President may thin necessary for the ~ several consulates and consular agencies in the transaction of their business and payment in advance of subscription for newspapers (foreign and domestic), rent, telephone, and other imilar services under this appropriation are hereby authorized, $968,900. IMMIGRATION or ALIENS ,i{,,Tf'°i“'°°i°“ °' _ To enable the Department of State to perform the duties devolv- ,,,,?§§,"2,',§,ml§“,§%{, ing upon it under the laws regulating immigration of aliens into ***5 the United States, including the same objects specified in the Acts '°°'°'m' making appropriations for the Department of State for the fiscal year 1926, under the heads of salaries and contingent expenses of the Department of State, printing and binding, salaries of foreign service officers, allowance for clerk hire at United States consulates transportation of diplomatic and consular officers and clerks, and contingent expenses, United States consulates, $450,000,_ of which sm, in h Db not to exceed $5,000 shall be available for personal services in the me °"’ l ° District of Columbia under the Classification Act of 1923. nsmnr AND PROTECTION or AMERICAN snamim For relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, M ` in the Panama Canal Zone, and in the Philippine Islands, and shipwrecked American seamen in the Territory of Alaska, in the Hawaiian Islands, in Porto Rico, and in the Virgin Islands, $150,000. sananms or FOREIGN smivics ormcnxs C,,,*.Q,{"`°i‘“ “"i°° °m' For salaries of foreign service officers as provided in the Act ap- m‘,,,,_ proved May 24, 1924, entitled "An Act for the reorganization and improvement of the foreign service of the United States, and for other purposes,” $2,911,000. sanamss, DIPLOMATIC, CONSULAR, AND ronn1cN smivrcn orrrcmzs wmm RECEIVING INSTRUCTIONS AND IN TRANSIT To pa the salaries of ambassadors, ministers, consuls, vice con- ,,g?“““d“"" suis, andy other officers of the United States for the period actually ·