Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1147

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1116 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS, Sess. II. CHS. 435-438. 1925. lgfgglgmbls Y°°” the tax was paid, or (2) on or before April 1, 1926, in the case of ' credits or re unds relating to the taxes for the taxable years 1917 and 1918, or on or before April 1, 1927, in the case of credits or F°"Y°°'1g19· refunds relating to the taxes for the taxable year 1919." Approved, March 3, 1925. [lVi§;FE ] G C¥dAP. 436.-An Act For the relief of certain enlisted men of the Coast Pu 0. . ua _ . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 1€2$°1ig1is?iii£eem or United States og America in Congress assembled, That the account-

,{;gg‘;g¤j¤§;,;§ QQ; ing officers of the Government are authorized and directed to allow

qt me Naw who ¤¤· in the settlement of the accounts of disbursing officers of the Governl“°°° m' ment all payments of enlistment allowances made by them to honorably discharged enlisted men of the Navy who enlisted in the Coast Guard within a period of three months from the date of discharge from the Navy, between July 1, 1922, and January 20, 1925. A proved, March 3, 1925. P

 CHAP. 437.-—An Act Authorizing the President to appoint two additional

[Public, No. 555.1 circuit judges for the eighth circuit. _ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives eg the g'I‘,·°§°$3°.i‘i°l€`L°{t$i United States of America in Congress assembled, That the resigudg?) ,[g*a;;)§)*,n**;ed°§*" dent be, and he is hereby, authorized, byand with the advice and conve1.¢2,v.s4n,11me11d· sent of the Senate, to appoint two additional circuit ]ud%es for the °‘l‘ eighth circuit, who shall receive the same salary as other circuit judges now receive and shall reside withm the said eighth circuit. Approved, March 3, 1925. Miiis:l:iiii<il25` CHAP. 438.-An Act Relating to the use or disposal of vessels or vehicles {Public, Nassc.1 §or1-t'Eit§_c‘l_to 21% Unigzd States for violation of the customs laws or the National o 1 1 ion e ,an oro erpui-poses. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatines of the gggbmsbr vchms United States of America in, Congress assemb d, That hereafter samqwnyreuesaag any vessel or vehicle summarily forfeited to the United States for §${§‘§§‘{§°.5,m§,y,i’,$§¤1- violation of the customs laws, may, in the discretion of the Secretary

  • -*·>¤¤¤*°*°¢¤*°¤*· of the Treasuiéy, under such regulations as he may prescribe, be

taken and use for the enforcement of the customs laws or the National Prohibition Act, in lieu of the sale thereof under existing law. rmesmra byaeecéw Sec. 2. That upon application therefor by the Secretary of the $i¤¤°°°¢i1°¥fZsl$: ni; Treasury, any vessel or vehicle forfeited to the United States by a gp;}fjg§§,,§Y,;$‘§,f,$g'§; decree of any court for violation of the customs laws or the National mee:. Prohibition Act. may be ordered by the court to be dehvered to the Treasury Departmeiat lforhlutse in the enfopcemegt of thin cnilstomg laws or the Nationa ro ition ct, in ieu 0 the sa e thereo under existing law. use omytror omcial Sec. 3. That any vessel or vehicle acquired under the provisions °'”°'°°m°° °“"°°s°s' of section 1 or 2 of this Act shall be utilized only for official purposes in the enforcement of the customs laws or the National Prohibition bigg¤;tgg¤;gr§;geg;¤:l; Act. The appropriations available for defraying the expenses of propriatious available C0ll€ClZ1Ilg thi} ·I`€V€1’1`l1€ f1‘0II1 Cl1St0H1S 0I' fol‘ €llfO1'C€!I1€Dt of tl]9 ‘°‘°¥’°""“°“*°‘°· National Prohibition Act shall hereafter be available for the pay- ment of expenses of maintenance, repair, and operation of said