Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1152

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sixrrmcnrn CONGRESS. sm. 11. cH. 443. 1925. 1121 "At least ten da s before the hrst Monda in Januar the first Q!*°”°**Y· ‘°* i¤· Monday in April, tlie first Monday in July, aiid the first Monday in mm°md0m‘mum` October of each year the said jury commission shall likewise draw from the jury box the names of ersons to serve as jurors in the juvenile court of the District of Columbia in accordance with sections 14 and 15 of the Act of Congress approved March 19, 1906, V¤¤-34m-75- creating the said juvenile court, and shall also draw from the jury box the names of persons to serve as jurors in any other court in the District of Columbia which hereafter may be given cognizance of jury trials, and shall certify the respective list of jurors to the clerk of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia." ornncron or TRA1?`FIC·—REGULA'1'IONS Dir¤¢¢¤r ¤1¢r¤¢¤c· Sm. 6. (a) The commissioners are hereby authorized to appoint poiigepmdiéliliiixiityllnirii a director of traffic who, under the direction of the major and super- "°“"°'°“’°m°·°‘°· intendent of pgllice of the District of Columbia, shall perform the duties prescri in this Act and such additional duties, not inconsistent therewith, in respect of the regulation and control of trailic in the District, as the commissioners may require. The term of office of Tmthe director shall be three years and his salary shall be fixed in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923. The director shall be subject to removal by the commissioners for cause. ,,,,;,,,,,,0,,, 0,,,,0,,,, (b) The Director is hereby authorized, beginning 50 days after Egg; ¢¤·¤‘i¤· ¤¤ be the enactment of this Act, (1) to make reasonable regulations with y` respect to brakes, horns, lights, mufflers, and other equipment, the speed and parking of vehicles, the registration of motor vehicles, the issuance and revocation of operators’ permits, and such other regulations with respect to the control of traffic in the District not in conflict with any law of the United States as are deemed advisable, which regilations shall remain_ in force until revoked by _ the director with the approval of the commissioners, and (2) to pre- uf,‘§._"“m” '°' ml" scribe within the limitations of this Act reasonable penalties of fine, or imprisonment not to exceed ten days in lieu of or in addition to any line, for the violation of any such regulation. Such regulations shall become eifective when adopted and promulgated by the commissioners in accordance with law. hmm I (c) Re lations promulgated nmder subdivision (b) shall, when ymm in ,,2,§,,,',,'{°,,Q adopted, ig printed in one or more of the daily newspapers pub- °°°· lished in the District, and no penalty shall be enforced for any violation of any such regulation which occurs within ten days after such publication, except that whenever it is deemed advisable to make immediately eifective any regulation relating to parking, diverting of vehicle trailic, or c osing of streets to such trallic, the regulation shall be effective immediately upon placing at the pomt where it is to be in force conspicuous signs contaimngla notice of _ the regulation. The placing at or upon the public hig way of any byP§,*_%,‘,,*§,';,“,,,‘;§,;’$.f,f sign relating to parking or the regulation of traiiic, except by the authority of the director is prohibited. _ _ _ ddr _ · (d) The commissioners are hereby authorized to appoint one addi- ,°·{,,,,,,f,‘,‘Q‘t‘§},,,“§,’,,,jF’?E‘f tional assistant to the corporation coimsel, whose salary shall be ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*· fixed in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923. ornn.4·roxs’ rnmurrs °¤¤¤**°¤’v¤¤¤*¤· Sec. 7. (a) Upon application made under oath and the payment mjn°,§{““"°“ '°°‘““* of the fee hereinafter prescribed, the director is hereby authorized to issue annually a motor-vehicle operator’s permit to any individual who, after examination, in the opinion of the director, is mentally, morally, and physically qualified to operate a motor vehicle in such