Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1201

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1170 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 462. 1925.

_ $65,000: Provided, That the imexpended balance of $100,000 allotted

.4m.p.41s. for drainage under this paragraph for the iiscal year 1925 is reapprgpriated and made available for such purpose for the fiscal year 19 6; S”¤w*>°*"Y V°“°Y· Strawberry Valley project Utah: For operation and maintenance mm _ continuation of constructioxi, and incidental operations, $39,000; ’ U§:§f Lm Bm Salt Lake Basin project, Utah, first division: For construction of _ Echo Reservoir, Utah Lake control, and WVeber-Provo Canal, and §'¤°,g_’g’g;·ava,hb,°_ incidental operations, $900,000: Ifrovzkled, That any imexpended A,y,,p_m, balancie fof agy éipppopriation available for the Sallt Lake Basin rojec or the sca ear 1925 s a remain availa le during the mg:it§°.i°is¤:fLiS,1§€cl'; Escal {leap @26: lgroévzlded further, That no part of this appropria- ’°‘* · tion s a use or construction purposes imtil a contract or contracts in form approved by the Secretary of the Interior shall have been made wit an irrigation district or with irrigation districts organ1zed_under State aw, or water users’ association or associations, El‘0Vld1I1g· for payment by the district or districts, or water users association or associatmns, as hereinafter provided: meg'?-¤ ¤¤v¤¤1¤ i¤ Promded That the operation and maintenance c arges on ` account o land m this project shall be paid annually in advance not later than March first, no charge being made for operation and itiipinitenancp florglzie first yeFrhaf?r said public notkis. lgzhshall be e uty 0 the cretary 0 the nterior to give suc pu `c notice when water is actua]l%Vavailable for such lands; °*“°m· W“"· Okanogan project, ashington: For operation and maintenance, Y _ wm corétiigiixltion of constvigiestlion, and irfrcidental operations, $7 0,000; · · a a pro ect, a mgton: or operation and maintenance _ __ continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $295,000; ’ K“"'*“ D"""°“· _ Yakima project (Kittitas Division), Washington: For construc- Pmim gon 7g éhgqliittitas DlV?1(;E and incidental operaitions, $37 5,000: ,, · , _ mv _ e at no part 0 t `s appropriation shall used for congéétwmmsdmmé struction ,purposes until a contract or contracts in form approved bytthe of Interior shaél have been madg witlli an grria ion is ric or wi irrigation istricts organize un er tate aw providing for payment by the district or districts as hereinafter provided. bib; Secxietary of the Intfrgpr shgll bly public notice · . announce the ate w en water is avai a e un er the project: Pro-

£;%9,§:?:'§, videdgurther, That no part of the sum provided for herein shall be

immmmua. expen ed for construction on account of any lands in private ownerihiphunéail an apppoigiate repaymlpnh lcontrsigt, in form approved y the _ ecretary o the Interior s a ave en properly executed by a_ d1str1ct_ organized under State law, embracing the lands in public or plrivatp owriership 1rr1gable under ghedproject, and the execution thereo sha] have been confirmed y ecree of a court eriitrzglismm in mu. of competent jurisdiction, which contract, among other things, shall contain a provision for an appraisal, showing the present actual bona fide value of all such irrivable lands fixed wit out reference to thei ppgppsed plonstrulptipn lp? said Kittitas lI)ivision, and shall rovi e a unf one- a the construction c ar s against said lands shall have been fully paid no sale of any sugib lands shall be valid unless and until the purchase price involved in such sale is approved by the Secretaxp of the Interior, and shall also provide that upon proof of fraudu ent representation as to the true consideration involved in any such sale the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to cancel the water right attaching to the land involved in such fraudulent sale; and all public lands irrigable under the project Ko co tm “_ shall be entered subject to the conditions of this section which shall psnascum mm wagu- be alpplicable thereto: Provided further, '1"hat no part of the sum $°¤ii•¥»xi¤m`?°If€i"., EE here y appropriated shall be expended for construction until a congyf°* Mm °°mPl°· tract or contracts shall have een executed between the United States and the State of Washington pursuant to its land settlement