Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1212

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 462. 1925. 1].8]. traveling expenses of physicians, nurses, and other employees, and all other necessary miscellaneous expenses which are not included under the above special heads, $122,320, to be available immediately: Provided, That patients who are not indigent may be admitted to {I§;"{,°,;,mm adam the hospitals for care and treatment on the playment of such rea- ¢¤<i¤>¤¤¤¤i¤¤¤· sonable charges therefor as the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe. Reindeer for Alaska: For support of reindeer stations in Alaska R°i°d°°"°°u°“' and instruction of Alaskan natives in the care and management of mm reindeer, $12,500, to be available immediately: Provided, That the sue oi’inales,etc. Congnissioper of Educatgn is authorizeg to selll such (pf the malg rein eer be ongin to the overnment as e may eem a visable an to use the p5·ocee& ig the purchas; of ig-zmale reindeer belcilnging to missions an in the istribution o rein eer to natives in t ose portions of Alaska in which reindeer éiave not yet been placed and which are adapted to the reindeer in ustry. GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES ·p£}’iY§,T§l°°° i" °°° rnamronr or ALASKA ‘“”k°‘ Foiwsalary of the Governor of Alaska, $7 000. _ °g°':"°°"t For incidental and contingent expenses, clerk hire, not to exceed °“ “"°“ °"’°‘““‘ $2,800; janitor service for the governor’s office and the executive mansion; not to exceed $2,580; traveling expenses of the governor while absent from the capital on oHicia_ busmess; of the secretary of the Territory while traveling on official business under direction of the governor; repair and preservation of execggve (pilices lpnd ’ h s n furniture· for care o groun an purc ase zdgvdggegsdr Odlqiiigment; statioiiery, lights, water, and fuel; in all, $10,780, to he expende%_ under the girectéog of Ehe governpr. H d cm 0, Ins f Alaska: or care an cus o y o persons ega y a - ‘ judgeidnihgme in Alaska, including transportation, burial, and other Pmim expenses, $157 ,7 57: Provided, That authority is granted to the Secre- mmm: to smtary of the Interior to pa from this appropriation to the Sanitarium *"‘“'“ C°"‘*’“’· °‘°· Company of Portland, Oregon, or to other contracting institution or institutions, not to exceed $624 per capita per annum for the care and maintenaxgzefof lAlas'li_sintinsane patieptzshduring ;2e¤fi;;al)Byzi· ,,3mm gt Wmgja 1926: Provide urt er, a so muc o xs sum_ _ _ - ix; was reurn , uired shall be available for all necessary expenses in ascertainm ‘ ilne residence of inmates and in returning those who are_ not legal residents of Alaska. tg their leglahresidence or f;‘1zl;1lS;·I:.1’;g th S r t of the nterior s a_ so_soon as p , _ their iifcjsrgf residenge ogg to their fr1ends(;g{1£%11nmates_:1Ip1l(; fAl k tth timet ey came insane an ecommi gor aii; furthereafter adjudged insaiie shall include a statement b the committing authority as to the legal residence of such person. mmuwm gd`,} Plrovided further, That the Secretary of the Tnterior IS hereby au- i;);¤§1[g;) thorized and instructed to conduct investigation and report to the Congress on the advisability of establishing an institution for the insaiie within the Territory of Alaska or in the United States, to present estimates of the cost of such institution, the maintenance of insane persons, and lkhehutgzaggnspft any al£ln§l§;1f;lmn;1(l;tg:g·‘5é post or other property o the D1 a es or insane. _ . Hi · S¤m¤¤si¤s Haw Traliic in intoxicating liquors: For suppression of the tra c 111 mms. intoxicating liquors among the natives of Alaska, to be expended under the direction of the ecretary of the Interior, $16,200.