Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1313

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1282 SIXTY—EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 539-541. 1925. to for use in the improvement of highways and roads as therein provided, the following war materials, machinery, and equipment pertaining to the Military Establishment out of the reserve stocks of the said Military Establishment, to wit: One hundred tive-ton caterpillar tractors complete with tools and spare parts; and one thousand motor trucks, three-quarter to five ton capacity. The F'°i‘°°°h°"°°"°*°‘ freight charges incurred in the transfer of the property provided for in this provision shall be defrayed by the Department of Agriculture, and if the War Department shall load any of the said property for shi ment, the expense of said loading shall be reimbursed to the W§r Department by the Department of Agriculture _ by an adjustment of the appropriations of the two departments. m§,§‘Q§°,§gf‘° *° °q'“¥" The title to said materials, machinery, and equipment shall be and Baleiotcmrclribited. remain vested in the State for use in the improvement of the public highways, and no such materials, machinery, and equipment in serviceable condition shall be sold or the title to the Same transferred to any individual, company, or corporation. Approved, March 4, 1925. i [ Jgfiiiicgiisil - CHAP. 540.-An Act For the relief of the Government of Canada. Public, No. 615. . Oman Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the raymeiit zo, rm- re- U nited States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary §:,$‘§,, {}f“§f‘§,‘§§‘,; of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, "E¤s¥¤-" out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the Government of Canada the sum of $4,470.76 in fiill settlement and satisfaction of its claim for reimbursement for expenditures incurred in repairing damages to the lower gates of Lock Numbered 15 of the Cornwall Canal, Ontario, Canada, caused by United States ship Eagle Numbered 3 on November 15, 1918. Approved, March 4, 1925.

 CHAP. 541.——An Act To authorize the addition of certain lands to the

{Pubuc, Ne.01cT` Whitman National Forest. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ’{,¥’§{’,§',;1n‘°’°,f·,‘,§,O¤3, United States of America in Congress assembled, That within the F¤Irc¤¢.0r¤z- following-described areas any lands not in Government ownership ands odered in ex- · · . mage, at addition rs. which are found by the Secretary of Agriculture to be chiefly valu- V°·*2·*’·‘“5· able for national forest puxgposes may be oilered in exchange under the Iprovisions of the Act o March 20, 1922 (Forty-second Statutes at arge, page 465), upon notice as therein provided, and upon G acceptance of title, shall become parts of Whitman National Forest,

,,,,d‘§,",§’,§,';."’,,‘2,“,f,§‘],‘§',§{°‘l Oregon, and any of such described areas in Government ownership

chiefly valuable for national forest purposes and not now parts of a national forest may be added to the Whitman National Forest by _ proclamation of the President, subject to all valid existing claims: D·s¢¤¤*i°¤· I gowniship 9 south, range 36 east: Section 13, section 24, east ia o sec 1on 36. ' In township 9 south, range 37 east: Sections 19 to 22, inclusive; gictioéig 27,128, 30, and 31; northeast quarter of section 33; sections to , inc usive. · In township 9 south, range 38 east: Sections 31 to 33, inclusive. _ In township south, range 39 east: South half of section 8; sections 15 to , inclus1ve;_sections 21 and 22; Sections 27 to 29, inclusive; sections 32 to 34, mclusive.