Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1337

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1306 SIXTY-EIGHTH coucnnss. sms. 11. cH. ssa. 1925. hoggwgc ¤*;,ggm¤g above benefits shall be payable in all cases: Provided further, That paid 'sn xisddition to where such person, while receiving from the bureau medical, surgical, ‘““°pf’“‘F“ b°d"’°‘°‘ or hospital treatment or vocational trainin , dies away from home and at the place to which he was ordered €>y the bureau, or while traveling under orders of the bureau, the above benefits shall be payable in all cases and in addition thereto the actual and necessary cost of the transportation of the body of the person (including preparation of the body) to the place of burial, within the continental limits of the United States, its Territories or possessions and Cm °'°“°“d*‘”‘· including also, in the discretion of the director, the actual and necessary cost of transportation of an attendant: Ami provided agi; *;gdn‘;;;§§°’},,gf ”°‘ further, That no accrued pension, compensation, or insurance due ’ at the time of death shall be deducted from the sum allowed. m§°?,•g,';*° "'*‘*°"· " (2) The payment of compensation to a widow shall continue ` until her death or remarriage, and the payment of compensation to a parent shall continue to the death of such parent. '*`° °h“°’°¤- "(13) The payment of compensation to or for a child shall continue unti such child reaches the age of eighteen years or marries, or if such child be permanently incapable of self·supp0rt by reason of mental or physical defect, then during such incapacity. T°'”“¤°"°“°"“*°°· "(4) Whenever the compensation payable to or for the benefit of any person under the provisions of this section is terminated by the happening of the contingency upon which it is limited, the compensation thereafter for the remaining beneficiary or benefici- ’ aries, if any, shall be the amount which would have been payable _ to them if they had been the sole original beneficiaries.

 "°‘ ‘"““ "(5) As between the widow and the children not in her custody,

and as between children, the amount of compensation shall be _ _ apportioned as may be prescribed by regulation. W"’°“' "°“'i°“°“· “(6) The term ‘widow,’ as used in this section, shall not include one who shall have married the deceased later than ten years after July 2, 1921, and shall include widower whenever his condition is such that if the deceased person were living he would have been _ H, dependent upon her for support. rgEY’°°""° Ap °‘ “(7) That this section shall be deemed to be in efect as of April ,§;°c=;;·;g- 0, ,,,,,,5,O,, 6, 1917: Provided, however, That the receipt of a ggatuity, pension, ¤¤ account or merger or compensation, includmfg adyusted compensation, y wi ow, child, E§$§§gf’° b’"°° °° “” or parent, on account 0 the death, disability, or service of any qu d , m person shall not_bar the payment of compensation on account of the e;mY2'{J'° gm 'Y death or disability of any other person: Provided, That before compensation under this section shall be paid the claimant shall first surrender all claim to any gratuity or pension payable under Ch mt mm any other law on account of the death o the same person: Provided activgilges further, That no changes in rates or compensation made by this Disability wmpemw Act shall be retroactive in efl`ect." _ ma Sec. 8. Paragraphs 6, 7, and 9 of section 202 of the World War H,j¤·*··¤- 61’·¤¤¤°¤d· Vetgransi get, 1924, approved June 7, 1924, are hereby amended to . rea as o ows: r.,:§3“,.,,€$’rce§,,°'°s$;} “(6) In addition to the compensation above provided, the injured §§f,_gg§§Q’g°§’,;n;Q‘g; person shall be furnished by the United States Veterans’ Bureau simon. such reasonable governmental care or medical, surgical, dental, and hospital services, including payment of court costs and other expenses incident to proceedings heretofore or hereafter taken for the commitment of mentally incompetent persons to institutions for the care or treatment of the insane, and shall be furnished with such supplies including dental appliances, wheel chairs, artificial limbs, trusses, and similar appliances, including special clothing made necessary by the wearing of prosthetic appliances prescribed by the bureau, as the director may determine to be useful and reasonably necessary, which dental appliances, wheel chairs, artificial limbs,