Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1345

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1314 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 556. 1925. l¤¤¤*¤ F·S°“¤ For payment of medical expenses of James F. Sellers, an employee of the Senate, incurred y reason of injuries received while in the discharge of his duties, $827. ¤g£¤t*§;*°¤ md *¤"°°· For expenses of inquiries and investigations ordered by the Sen- ` ate, including compensation to stenographers to committees, at such rate as ma§ be fixed by the Committee to Audit and Control the Contingent xpenses of the Senate, but not exceeding 25 cents per one hundred words, fiscal year 1925, $40,000. 8°°‘*°°°°”- For stationery for Senators and the President of the Senate, · fiscal year 1925, $3,000. w1iiQ°1€i¤°ri>i1 eiigiwoiiri Mnmomai. ·ro rmi wommx or THZE womm WAR War. °°”°`i°°°°°t°' For a part contribution to the erection of a memorial building with equipment the £District of Columbia te; commemorate the services and sac ces o the patriotic women o the United States of America, of its insular possessions, and of the District of Co- ‘*""""°°5‘ lumbia during the Wor1d_War, under the provisions of Public Resol1§tion01551mbered 27, S1xty-eighth Congress, approved June 7, 1924, 150, . ,,§$°,§,'2{,§,{“ P“°i°° .1om·r oommrrimz ·ro mvasrroym Norrrmum raciric umn cnkiws

   The appropriation of $50,000, contained in the “Second Qeficiency
        • 1gém . rm Act, Fiscal ear 1924,” to provide for expenses of the Joint Com-

4m,p.m. mittee created by section 3 of the public resolution entitled "Joint ‘*""""m‘ Resolution directing the Secretary of the Interior to withhold his approval of the a justment of the Northern Pacific land grants, and for other purposes," approved June 5, 1924, is continued and made available until Jime 30, 1926. g,§§,’§;§P¥,i§§§,f,Y°' mocimrurcar. coNcxEss1oNA1.n1rzncro1zY ,,§,{°’°"‘”“ “°" °‘“' To enable the Secretary of the Senate to pay, upon vouchers Po•#.¤.1n1c. approved by the chairman or vice chairman of the Joint Committee on Printing, for preparing a new edition of the Biographical Congressional irectory, as provided for in House concurrent resolution, adopted February 6, 1925, $7 ,500, to remain available until June 30, 1926; and said sum or any pxart thereof, in the discretion of the chairman or vice chairman of the oint Committee on Printmg, miay be paid as additional compensation to any employee of the RI E Unite States. hvgscimol my Housn or imrnnsaxmrrrvas i·§!i°4y¤a§£¥°dd' To pay Eleanor V. Wilmer, sister of Sydney E. Mudd, late a Ummm ,;,,,,,,0,, Representative from the State of Maryland, $7,500. ¤g<;¤:·;Séu0 H Ls For payment to Fiorello H. LaGuardia, for expenses incurred as Guardia. contestee in the contested-election case of Frank against LaGuardia, audited and recommended by the Committee on Elections Numbered F Two, $2,000, to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House. Hm “”"‘k‘ _ For payment to Henry Frank, for expenses incurred as_contestant in ghe contesteg-gegtiotii cage of llérank agéainst LaGuardia, audited an recommen e y e ommi tee on ections Numbe d T Dm H mm $2,000, to be disbursed by the Clerk of the House. re WO, ‘ ‘ ‘ • For payment for expenses incurred by D_on. H. Clark, contestant m the contested—election case of Clark against Moore, audited and recommended by the Committee on Elections Numbered Two, $2,000, P _ M S tolpe disburised by the Clerk of the_House. ’ _ . pM,·;,,u;_ G;§k°'_ or reim ursement of expenses incurred for painting the ortrait of Honorable Frederick H. Gillett, Speaker of the House ofp Repre-