Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1378

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SIXTYJJIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 555. 1925. 1347 For payment of the final 'ud ents and decrees includin costs *’¤Y¤*°¤* 0* ****1* of suits, which have been rerideigettrl under the provisions of the Act ju%%ii?1iS13. ms. of March 3, 1887, entitled "An Act to provide for the bringin of suits against the Government of the United States ” as amended by v°"°°·"‘ *137* the Judicial Code, approved March 3, 1911, certified to the Sixty- eighth Congress bly the Attorney General in House Document Numbered 634, and w ich have not been appealed, namely: Under In- cimuumam. dependent Offices, United States Shipping Board, $6,486.40; under the Department of Labor, $359.50; under the Navy Department, $11,808.62; under the War Department, $8,266.30; in all, $26,920.82, together with such additional sum as may be necessary to pay interest I¤¤¤=¤¤*- on the respective judgments at the rate of 4 per oentum from the date thereof until the time this appropriation is made. For payment of judgments, including costs of suits, rendered Judgmfgfg ¤¤d·¢ against the Government of the United States, by United States dis- mm ’°°°` trict courts under the provisions of certain private Acts, certified to the Sixgeighth Congress in House Document Numbered 632 and Senate ocuments Numbered 213 and 222, as follows: Under the V·>1·4¤»P· 1774- War Department, $10,077.10; under the Navy Department, $10,- v°l·”·*’·““· 718.59; in all $20,795.69. None of the judgments contained herein shall be paid until the right of appeal shall have expired. To pay iinal judgment rendered by United States District Court d,§§'§,_Y“* °°“°’°"‘ for the Southern District of New ork, on January 13, 1925, in B·'g,¤¤,_¤¤¤¤¤·¤l¤·¤ ¤¤¤ favor of Jens Samuelsen and B. Olsen (owners of Norwegian bark ` Thekla) against the United States of America (steamship F. J. Luckenbach), on mandate of the United States Supreme Court, amount of judgment $154,83796, together with interest thereon at 5 per oentum per annum from February 5, 1923, until date of judgment, January 13, 1925, and costs, $15,064.47, amounting in all to $169,902.42%, together with further interest at 5 per oentum per annum from date of entry, January 13, 1925, until the date of pay- ment, as fully set forth and certified in Senate Document Numbered 214, Sixty-eighth Congress. For payment of judgment, including costs of suit, rendered ,,}jf’”'°"’·"°"’ ‘”" against the Government of the United States by the United States __g_w¤“:·••,, of wv District Court for the District of Massachusetts, under the provisions Vol.42,#. ms. of an Act entitled “An Act for the relief of the owners of the barge Havana," approved March 4 1923 (Forty-second Statutesé part 2, page 1794), certified to the Sixty-eighth Congress in euate DocumenthNipInbereg 223,, as fpllpg 30 ` Undertela eamen, . . None of the Ieints contained herein shall be paid until the *“*"°’°""’°°’· right of appeal shallnliave expired. JUDGMENTS, COURT OF CLAIMS CTS °°°"°' For payment of the 'udgments rendered by the Court of Claims P°”‘°“‘°'· and reported to the Sixty-eighth Congress in House Document Numbered 633 and Senate Document Numbered 211, namely: Un- ¤¤¤*¤¢=¤¤¤¤· der the Department of Labor, $1,095.54; under the Navy Department, $27,171.85; under the Treasury Department, $12,500; under the War Department, $669,670.29; in all, $710,437.68; together with such additional sum as may be necessary to pay interest on certain mmm. of the jud ents at the legal rate per annum as and where specified in said judgments. None of the judgments contained herem shall mgm orappaan. be paid until the right of appeal shall have expired. AUDITED CLAIMS *“°“°°d CW-°*~ Sec. 2. That for the payment of the following claims, certified to P¤L,Y¤¤¤¤*, of ¤¤‘¤¤·¤ be due by the General Accounting Office under appropriations the iiigefxaet. 1;, balances of which have been exhausted or carried to the surplus °‘1°*’°