Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1456

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lxvm INDEX. District of Columbia———Continued. Page- District of C’olumbia—Continued. Paseappropriation for public schools 553, 1230 appropriation for medical charities- 567, 1242 vacation schools and playgrounds- 15é53511 for Columbia Hospital for Women-- 152(?, 2 longevity pay, etc ... 555 for Tuberculosis Hospital ... 568, 1242 allowance to principals .. 555 for Gallinger Municipal Hospital- 568, 1243 for annuities -.-.-..--.------.- 555, 1230 admission of ay patients -------- 568 for night schools ----.--.-..---- 555, 1231 for Board of C)hildren’s Guardians, for instruction of deaf, dumb, and expenses -.------------..-- 569, 1243 blind -----..------.--.---- 555, 1231 for board, etc., of children --.-.. 569, 1243 for Americanization work, etc--- 556, 1231_ for District Training School ---- 569, 1243 community center department- 556, 1231 for home, etc., for feeble minded, care, etc., of buildings .----..- 556, 1231 construction, etc ------.------- 569 hygiene end sanitation ... 556, 1231 for Industrial Home mr Colored free dental clinics ------.-_-.- 556, 1232 Children __________________ 569, 1244 miSC€H¤·¤€011S§ t€mP01'¤·1`Y1‘09mS--- {or {1ndustrialAHg11ne 3:1100] -..-. 5;0, 1242 or ome for an nfirm--- 5 0, 124 t11b€1'€1112·1' PQP113 -----—-—--—- 556, 1232 for temporary ghomes -__.-- 570, 1244 mennel training. expenses . 557, 1232 for National Library for the Blind 570, 1245 f¤e1._1¤sbt, and pewer .-.-- 557, 1232 for Columbia Polytechnic Institute-- 570, . furniture, eupplies, etc ..--.--. 557, 1232 1245

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time tuition te cltlldmn 9f ‘i‘rmy’ for payment to abanddnediginiliea- , 1245 N°vY* °t°‘· °ut°ld° of DlSm°t"‘ lzsg; for burial of indigent ex-service men; 12711, . . . » 5 for but1qmgS* ee¤eeeeeee¤· °t°"‘ 558’ *233 for transportation of paupers ..-- 571, 1246 °dd1tl°m°‘l Sims, °t° ·····‘"‘‘‘‘‘‘ 558 for militia ex enses 571 1246 eeeeel fee eebereelee ehileeee -—-- 558 for ,1,,,,,1,, ,,*3,,,,, `érb ‘‘‘‘ A ;,;a,;,,,,, ’ construction appropriations im- Park P ’ " 572 1246 mf;°di“*°*1’ °"“““bl° ---—-·--· 55,, ,3% for pxlbué`i,{ri11,B{r[;§",{rI,i—`,§r},lr'r,11e2’ 1216 Y"? ·····’·‘‘‘‘··‘‘‘‘‘" * s aries an expenses -----.. , _ §,i§§§’,“,;,,‘I,“,r‘§Y‘IY[°‘f{‘?’Itf’;f’Tf’;;;i S23; fiii fee eek eeliee ———-——-————-————— 572 me fe,. police department __________ 5591 1234 for improvement, care, etc., of public garinése of Detention -.-.-----. 560, 1235 R1iI`11’lg*£;111- —--——-——-·-- 572: or patrol .--------.------ 560, 1235 ————-·-—---—--- for 1p0licemen and firemen’s relief ¥?$§1m1*;§S%;19·r1§{1;11;l11’1g— 1111 ---— 573, D ________ _________ ____ ___ — -—·-—- for Esc (gepartmeut ____________ Tidal Basin bathing beach balances for health department, personal c°V€*`?d mr · 1-; ----—-·--— 1- -- 1247 Services ___________________ 562, 1235 for surveying Virginia boundary line- 574 prevention of contagious diseases- 562, for Rock (geek and Potomac Park- 1236 way ommission; acquiring isolating wards, Garfield and lands ------.-----.--.-..--.-. 574 Providence Hospitals- -.---- 562, 1237 restriction on opening streets, etc., dispensarifs for tuberculosis and 7 1v1hi<111Cma1y d11m1ni1eh1 How of 571 venerea diseases --------.-- 562, 123 oc ree an ri u aries .-.. disinfecting service ----,-_---- 562, 1237 for National Capital Park Commisfood, etc., adulteration .- 562, 1237 sion, acquiring lands, etc ...---- 1247 bacteriological and chemical lab- 1'or Zoological Park ---- 11 ---1 --..-- 574, 1247 oratories -...---------,---. 563, 1237 or water service; ou o revenues dairy farm, etc., inspection ..-. 563, 1238 thereof - ..--...--.. 574, 1248 public crematory ----______-__ 563, 1238 for increasing water supply of--- 574, 1248 child hygiene service .---.-.-. 563, 1238 contracts authorized -.-- - --.-. 575, 1248 for juvenile court ______________ 563, 1238 for Washington Aqueduet, etc__ 575, 1248 for police court ___,--._________ 564, 1239 for Conduit Road, maintenance, for municipal court -...---...-. 564, 1239 etc ..-...-..-----..--. 575, 1248 for supreme court, salaries and exé 12119 for W2;»t€1' serwgce; emergencegs-- 575, 1248 penses -----------..------- 5 5, con ro 0 ecretary o ar not for courthouse, care, etc -.-.-.-. 565, 1240 aifected ...-----------. 575, 1248 for court of appeals, salaries and for water department, salaries, expenses -.----..-.-------- 565, 1240 etc --.----- _ -_________ 575, 1249 for support of convicts out of the foroperating expenses -..-.- 575, 1249 District -..--.-...--... 566, 1240 fOr extending water service, ____ 576, 1249 for lunacy writs ---.-------.--. 566, 1240 assessments for laying mains, for miscellaneous court expenses- 566, 1240 etc ---, - ---______ __ ______ 576, 1249 for printing and binding for courts- for igstalling meters to private res§6 4 . ences --.---.---- _ ______.. 5 , 1249 for Board of Charities, etc .---.- 566, 1241 for hydrants, gte _______________ 576, 1249 for Support of jail prisoners, etc- 566, 1241 for extending mains ____________ 576, 1249 for workhouse and reformatory-- 566, 1241 employment of temporary draftsfor gational Training School f§11·7 1242 111en, etc., on sewers, streete,11 oye T-, .. , e c -..-..-...- 5 , 1250 for National Training School for laborers, mechanics, etc .-.--.. 577, 1250 Girls- ·-·--··--·-. 567. 1242 horses, vehicles, etc ..-.-----.. 577, 1250