Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1490

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eii INDEX. Hampfon Roads, Va., Paw Haskell Institute, Lawreqce, Kaus., Yagi appropriation for maintenance, naval appropriation for Indxan school 405, 1156 training station _______._. 187, 866 for Indian school, 8.dditiOI12.l, 1925-- 707 H¤mPi0'*·· _V0;·y "Hassel," Norwegian Steamship, 3PPT0PYmt1°¤ fo! €XP€¤S€$» Volunteer deficiency appropriation for payment to S0}di€!'S’ Hvmq ----— — ——-————— 518, 932 Norway as indemnity to owners deficiency a.pp}·c§riation for Volunteer Of ___________________________ 1339 ‘ ________________ 46 . . H¤»m?3¥`i?5? B P·wm€z;;;1$$°2:$2S;; §2;“’:m,;2g bridge authorized across Pearl River, of for cbgmsion dahmcgs 955 between Saint Tammany Parish, ,, ’ ° `"`' Lan and _____________________ _ 19 "Ha,vana, Barge, Handley, Teyjem B,, deiicienqy appropriation for judgment, appropriation for paying, Widow of dxstrxct court to owners of .. 1347 William W. Handley, a consul · Hawaii, . _ H general dying in service ...-.-.. 210 appropriation fo: Governor, ctc ---- anging D. C. for contingen expenses .-----.. capitai puniéhment by, repealed and for legislative eXp<—m§cS .------.- 428 elcctrocution prescribed . --- 798 gor ¤;1ec}a.l gnail lgquxpmggg in ..-.. 89, 787 Hannibal M 0. or re ie e c. s `pwrec mcrican bridge Eautliorized across Mississippi 7 f dscaxécin iixé ..-- gt ---.--- g (gg, ive]- at _____.. - .- 90 or istric ju gcs; repo er .---. , Harbor Patrol D. C. for chief and associate justiccs"- 220, 1029 apprepriatién for {expenses - 560, 1235 for Cil`C\1it. couria judgest -...-..- 220, 1029 Hardin, Lieutenant John R., U. S. Army, for adjusting triangulation of, under credit agllgwézd in accoyugs of  ; -..-- 1248 f Cogst Su{vey-i---: --..-.-- Harding a ompany . ., or wor in vo camo ogy 111 ... , deficiency appropriation for - .-..-. 674 for agricultural expcrimtznt St¤ti0I1S Harding, Second Lieutenant John, Jr., Air in .-...---- T -.----.-.-- 435, 824 Service, Oj7icers’ Reserve Corps, agricultural extenswn work allotappointment of, as second lieutenant, ment .---..- I -.---. 1--- 435, 824 Army Air Service, in recognition for Weather Service expenses 111--_ 436, 825 of services in world flight ... 979 for completing Ku Tree Rescrvoxr, distinguished service medal accorded to, Schofield B8.1*!‘ackS_ --..-..- 488 and acceptance of medals or for Army and Navy joint water supdecorationi from foreign govern- f ply, Fearl Harbgr .-.- f .-.. I i- - - 488 ments aut o1-ized ._._...-_. 979 or cons ructiou e c. 0 mi i ary Harding, (EV arrjns G., late President of the f posts . 1.;£---Ji,-£ .. il. 902 nite lates or installing c cc ric p an s searc · ` deficiency appropriaztiou for attendance lights, etc., seacoast defegses of- 496, 912 of Senators, funeral of -.------. 33 for ethnological researches among na.· for expenses, Members of the House tives of .-..--...-..-. _- 528, 1206 of Representatives attending fu- for extending benefits of vocational neral of ..-..-...--.-- 34 education to . _ 1202 for gxpcnses, sickness, death, and for extending benefit? of vocatxociml urial of .-... 34 rehabilitation 0 persons is- Harney National Forest, S. Dak., abled in industry to --..-.- 1202 Hnatiomnl rinlcmoriallmay be erected in,- 1214 for pay, reportggg district court, nd- 709 arrington ohn Ly e ditional 1 ..-.-...---.. may bxzidgc Colérado River near deficiency appropriation for extending Blythe, Calif ..._.. 1130 vocations education, ctc., 1:0--- 679 Harrisburg Bridge Company, for extending pcneiits of vocational may bridge Susquehanna River, at 1‘€h=1¥{1ht8t10¤, €§<>·, to --.-.. T-- 680 Harrisburg, pa ________________ 814 for executing Matermty, ctc., Act 111- 688 Ha,-rgsburg, pan for acquiring private fishery mghts in bridge authorized across Susquehanna Pearl m`b°r··: ········ :··.··· 690 Rive]. at ____ _ _________ 814 allotment to, of sharicglu appr0pr1a.tions 7 · " `'`-—_ under cdem ighways Act"- 1 H(;Qnr;l0SngfA;:‘;.t 8_t___ ________________ 91 949 preference to road projects to com- ¤**‘¤<=¤ of register ¤*;3i;;;;·=‘m» md pmiSi§Li“i?d§§§§E “§3£i£"%(;g;x;z 17 office at conso t ... --- 395 · . ’ extended to ..-,_._,______ 17 H {12 °;’;;ng?z%uYtagt___ _ _ _ _ * _ _ _ _ e _ _ Q _ _ _ _ 114 cstaligshgnant of branch banks au- , . orxzed _____________ 17 L “""’y> izgeam Alva Lv Army A"` S""' benefits of Lgagernity and Infancy Act 17 . . . · . .1 t ______________ dIStlUg;;ill;;g S£2I’V1C8 medal to be pre- 979 appofgigxmint of fuHdS_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18 ··-······-·····—····· ' f A f ‘ 1 . - my ¤¤<=<=¤*= medals, etc-, from f¤r¤ig¤ pm“S12£»;°€xt£de%rf$(i?tj??'?-fix}?. 18 g¤v¢r¤¤¤¤¤#S ---- - -------··---- 979 augment authorized ______________ 18 HHVFQJIZ Fred, _ _ benefits of Act for vocational rehabilidcucicucy EPPYOPUBUOU foI' ---- - ·---—— 43 tation of persons disabled in in- Hasqlivn. Ohw. _ _ dustry extended to 18 bndgc zjmthorxzed across Mahoning allotment of appropriations author- Rxver at - . 90 ized _____ _ ___________________ 18