Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1511

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INDEX. GXXl11 Indian Reservaiions—C0ntinued. 1*282- Indian Schools, Pwappropriation for irrigation, Ganado appropriation for support, etc . 404, 1155 project, Navajo, Ariz ... 401, 1152 provision for the deaf and dumb for irrigation, San Xavier, Ariz--, 401, 1152 or blind or mentally deficient-404, 1155 for irrigation, San Carlos, Ariz-- 401, 1152 amount for Alabama and Coufor irrigation, Fort Apache, Ariz . 402 shatta Indians in Texas . 404, 1155 for irrigation, Yuma, Calif .. 1152 Pueblo and Hopi Indians 1155 for irrigation, Fort Hall, Idaho- - - 402, 1152 full blood Choctaws of Mississippi- 1155 for irrigation, Fort Belknap, Mont--- 1402;, discontinuannle of boarcgng schocils 15 with ess an speci e pupi s; for irrigation, Flathead, Mont .--- 402, 1153 transfer of pupils ---------- 404, 1155 for irrigation, Fort Peck, Mont-- - 402, 1153 discontinuance of day schools with for irrigation, Blackfeet, Mont-- - 402, 1153 less than specified pupils --.. 404, 1155 for irrigation, Crow, Mont .-----. 402, 1153 transfers directed; return of monfor irrigation, Pyramid Lake, eys appropriated ...-...--.. 404, 1155 Nev -------. E -.--. i{ ------ 4€2, 1153 maintenanceiéi publickschnsols-- $04, 1155 for irrigation ogbac projec , not o e use or sc oo spec' - Navajo, Mex ----------- 403, 1153 cally appropriated for ..--.. 404, 1155 for irrigation, Klamath, Oreg ----- 403, 1154 for transporting, etc., pupils --... _ 404, 1155 for imgation, Yakima, Wash --.-. 403, 1154 employment for pup1ls; refunding, for irrigation, Shoshone, Wyo .-.- 403, 1154 etc .. .. 405, 1155 for surveying, allotting, etc., addi- Alaska pupils 405, 1156 tional, 1925 ____________-_---. 707 for constructing, etc., buildings; new for irrigation, etc., projects specified; construction restricted .. 405, 1156 additional, 1925 --------------- 707 for designated boarding schools-- 405, 1156 for irrigation, Gila River, Ariz., ad— _ for buildings, additional, 1925 -. 707 ditioual, 1925 ______ _ ___,_--_-- 707 for support, etc., additional, 1925--- 707 for irrigation,lCngégado River, Ariz., 707 deficiency appropr1ation for support-559 1 additiona -- , for irrigation, San Xavier, Ariz., ad- per capita cost of pupils at, increased-- 958 ditional, 1925 »----.----------- 707 Indian Service (see Indian Affairs Bureau, fo1' 11é1j&g&tl§l¤»1§`;gt Hell. Idaho. ad' 707 Interior Department). . I. ‘°’l · -—--------—-——--· Indian Su not fer “;é§?§§;élFf£5B°m““P· M°“t‘* 707 appropriiaitionl for purchase, transporggs 1146 1 ·-—•-·——------• fer i¤is¤*le¤» Fl¤'°h°¤·d» M°¤*·· **0* w¤1i]·§£:u:駧é§t}iétéh`€5ti}éé` sod 1146 diu0na1’ 1925 ’‘'‘‘‘'’' 707 time limitation for payment eizc ’ 1146 fm' i¤'lg”~tl0“¤ Bl“’°kfo°l°* M°“t‘* ad` for purchase and transportatidn ad; dm°““l· 1025 ----------·---·- .— 707 ditional 1925--- ______ [___ 706 f°l' irriz¤iie¤» Cmwr M°Dl"* °'ddl' dencieucy appropriation- ior purchase '°l°“”·l¤ 1025 -·--·-·----· : ·---- 707 transportation oto _ _ 42 ss (198 759 for Hogback project, Navajo, N. I d. T b _ W h,’ ' ’ ’ ’ Mex., additional, 1925 .-----.-. 707 ” F" Tl :8 *7* is gggéa, hat for irrigation, Yakima, Wash., ad- 0 mms I}? ;t alcegt t ¤;,¤1f{,tt8%¤¤ t ditional, 1925 . 707 Cm; of Clzigg su ml 0 0 886 for irrigation, Shoshone, Wyo. od- °“ —-·-—---·—·——— ditimi, 1925 . vo? s¤e·=e<l¤¤e» ele -—---——-—----·-—---— 886 for irrigation, Ganado project, I ndzana, _ _ Navajo, Ariz., additional,_1925-- 707 Illinois anldf may bridge Wabash River, deficiency appropriation for irrigation, at cunt Carmel, Ill ..-.-- 1131 Yakima, Wash .---..-. _ - - - 56 Vincennes .. _ .. T - - - , - - - 935 Fort Hall, Idaho; lands to be acquired Kentucky and, mav bridge Ohio River, from, for American Falls reser- Vanderburgh Connty, to Henvoii- in Minidoka irrigation pro- 117 t_ <1ers§nd I‘s{y·é.6giB.§i--} 662 vect, ________ _ ________________ lule BX Q1] ll V9 amonlnt authorized for, from reser- _ by Kentucky and . 1132 voir construction money --.. 117 I ndzana H arbor, Ind., _ to be credited to Indians, etc --..-. 117 plans for improvement of, modified --.- 1188 oil and gas leases on unallotted lands, Indiana J udzczal District, authorized for ten years ..-- 244 constitution of _ . - -- _---T-_- 751 Five Civilized Tribes and Osages counties included in Indianapolis divilemls exeepted---- ------------ 244 ¤¤>¤ ----- -3-- -----------—---- 751 ¤o¤ee¤f of Iudwus requrred --------- 244 Fort Wayne d}‘~}s¤e¤ -------------- 751 production subjgct (0 State taxation- 244 South BGHC1 $11fv'1810¤ ---.--·-------- 751 no lion on Indian o;vi;er§ 11.%% 244 lrlilammgndtzngiilgngg .. " _· oaunaoe GITG 811 —------·------ 0m“"“t,?,§5T_i?{SF.°?? ... 726 gvanigie digisieo --------.----... gg; · Nev; sale of lands to 1 SW 8¤Y lVl$l0¤ ·--——·—--—--~— PY'“m;‘;,g{§;°gu,,tcj _______________ 596 terms of court, at Evansville . 7:31 Quimlioit, Wash.; lands in, set aside FOW W*"*Y¤° --—---·-—-—---———·——-- 7el for lighthouse purposes . 247 H¤r¤¤¤¤¤d ---—-·--—-— — --·------—— 751