Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1521

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INDEX. cxxxm Iva, C., _ P¤¤°· J eferson County, Ky.—Continued. Pwbndge authorized across Savannah care, etc.; acceptance free of cost of the River between Elberton, Ga., land,authorized,audestab1ishing and- 803 a national cemetery there0n--- 970 I va·ry,_ J ejfersan Street NW., D. C., excise tax on sales by dealers of arti- appropriation for paving, Thirteenthto cies gf, or mounted with ____ ___ 324 Fourteenth Streets ____________ 547 Jewelry, _ J. excise tax on, sold, etc., by dealers; Jack Rabbits, exception 324 appropriation for devising methods for repeal of certain sections, Revenue Act destroying . - ... 450, 841 of 1921 relating to sales of . 352 Jackson Alley NW., D. C., Jewett, Frances fi., closed, and transferred to Government appropriation for paying, widow of Printing Office ... - . ~.- 592 Milo A. Jewett, a consul dying Jqgkgpn Cguntqk A·rk_, in servige _______ __ ________ ____ 210 may bridge ’hite River at Newport-, 1131 Jewett Street NW., D. C., State may acquire and operate . 1132 name of, changed to Cathedral Avenue- 177 Jackson, Miss., Jicanilla Agency, N. Mex., bridge authorized across Pearl River appropriation for support, etc., of Inat .. 28, 646 dians at, from tribal funds,- 411, 1161 terms of court at ... 882 deficiency appropriation for civilian Jail, D. Cc, _ employees at .--.-...-...- 1329 appropriation for support of prison- J icarilla Indian Hospital, N. Mex., ers ... 566, 1241 appropriation for maintenance, etc., deficiency appropriation for death cham- of ________ , _______________ 408, 1159 ber for electrocution ...-.---.-. 1322 Jigs, ele., Army Ordmmee, Jamaica Bay, N. Y., appropriation for procuring, etc ...- 499, 914 preliminary examination, ctc., for ship Jim Hogg County, Tex., canal from Flushing Bay to be transferred from Corpus Christi division made .-.- 1192 of Texas southern judicial dis- Janitors to Committees, House of Represen- trict to Laredo division ---. 64 tatives, Johnson City, Tenn., appropriation for ---..- -- 583, 1290 appropriation for expenses, Volunteer appointment and duties- --.-.. 583, 1291 Soldiers’ Home _.--.---- 518, 932 placed under Doorkeeper after deficiency appropriation for Volunteer close of Congress .--..-.--. 583, 1291 Soldiers’ Home ---- 63, 762, 1346, 1350 Japan, Johnson, Joseph E., appropriation for ambassador to..-- 206, 1015 deficiency appropriation for services-- 1313 for Japanese secretary of embassy,- 206 Joint Committee on Fiscal Relations of assistant secretary -...-------..- 206 District of Columbia and United for student interpreters at embassy-- 207 States, for quarters for student interpreters- 207 legislative action pursuant to the refor tuition of officers assigned for lan- port of -.---.-..-..-.-.-. 804 guage study in -..-...-...-.-- 1016 Joint Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, for rent of quarters -..-.----.. 1016 1.925, for ground rent of embassy, deficiency appropriation for expenses Tokyo ____-_._ , ,_.,--,-.-. 207, 1016 of ,,_,-,..-. - --.-..-..- - ..-.. 753 deficiency appropriation for buildings, Joint Committee on Printing, etc., for foreign service establish- appropriation for clerks, inspector, etc-- 586, ments, Tokyo .--.--..-... 1340 1294 additional land, etc., may be acquired for compiling, etc., Congressional for foreign service buildings at Directory -..---..- 586,1294 Tokyo __-__- _ -,_-.-.--._-_,,_ 961 deficiency zgipropriation for Biographnegotiation rcqucstcd with, for agree- ical ongressional Directory 1314 ment limiting size, ctc., of vos- positions and pay established of clerk, sels and aircraft, and the number inspector, and stenographcr 149 of officers and men 204 rates of wages of Government Printing Japanese Bootle, Office as determined by conappropriation for emergency control, ferences of Public Printer and emu of _______,___,_. - ... 840 committees of employees, effec- Jqpanese Earlhquake, 19:93, five on &pQfoV8.l of ... 658 issue of Army supplies, ctc., for suf- determination in case of appeal, ferers from, by the Executive, final - ·... 658 approved ,_..,... 963 standards of paper for printing and credits in accounts of officers to be binding to be fixed by . 1105 gllgwcri _______,______,__,_.,_ 964 Joint Committee on the Library, issues for relief of sufferers by, from authorized to provide for restoration naval supply account fund, with— and completion of freize in Roout reimbursement 195 tuudih . -, . 1252 Jeferscn County, Ky., selection of design, employment of _ care, etc., of burial grounds of former artists, etc, . _- 12a? President Zachary Taylor in, amount authorized to be appropriauthorized .., 970 _ ated ----: 1252 supervision of expenses by decretary chairman to serve on Library of Con- Uf Wm- ______________ _ _______ 970 grass Trust Fund Board .. 1107