Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1541

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INDEX. 01111 Modoc Point Irrigation Project, Oreg., P¤B°· Monuments Commission, American Battle, P¤8¤~ 8PP1`0Pf18¢i0¤ for maintenance etc., of, appropriation for expenses ___________ 522 on Klamath Indian 1%eserva· unexpended balances, available for all U0!1 .. 403, 1154 expenses .._..__ _ _,__, 1199 unexpended balance of appropriation Moore Company, John E., {013 00V¢1'€d ill 1155 deficiency appropriation for paying Moencopt, Wash Irrigation Project, Ariz., jud ment 1;0_ _________________ 54 _ appropriation for maintenance, etc., Moore, Elizageth, _ _ of 400,1151 rccouvcyance of abandoned Camp R. MOWIW8, Cuqtovw, _ _ E. L. Michie site Tex., to . 387 appropriation for compensation in 11eu payment required to bel R10 Cham- _ of . 1 70, 769 ber of Commerce; distribution deficiency appropriation for compen- by ______.,_...,.__ ,. . ---- 387 _ sation in lieu of ... 1342 Moore, Honorable R, Lee, Moline, ll., _ _ deficiency appropriation for contested preliminary examination, etc., of, har- election expenses ._._..,,___,.. 673 b0l‘ to b6 made ... 1195 Moqui Indian Reservation, Ariz., Money Orders, Postal Service, appropriation for developing water supall accounts relating to, to be rendered ply for Navajo and Hopi Indians to Bureau of Accounts of the on ,___.,.._... - ..,.____,__.. 400 Department .. 950 Morehead City, N . C'., fees for domestic, increased .. 1068 intracoastal barge line to be reestab- Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers, Pa., lished between Baltimore and--- 1255 survey authorized for Hood control of,- 250 preliminary examination, etc., df, haramount authorized to be appro- bor to be made ... 1193 priated for ... 250 Morehouse Parish, La., equal amount to be contributed by bridges authorized across Bayou Bar- Pennsylvania . 250 tholomew, at Vester Ferry, M ommgahela River, Ward Ferry, and Zacheg Ferry deficiency appropriation for surveys, gy, or Louisiana State ighway etc., for Hood control of ... 696 ommission . - 888 bridge authorized across, Masontown, Morgan, Joseph S., Pa .. ---- 376 issue of additional land entry to . - 810 McKeesp0rt to Duquesne, Pa .. 997 Morgan, N. J., Pittsburgh, Pa ... --- 802, 943 balances of appropriations for pay time extended for bridgin , at Wilson, claims for damages, explosions at ' Pa., by Allegheu glounty . 891 plant of T. A. Gillespie Com- Monroe Bay and Creek, Vi., pan , covered in 935 preliminary examination, etc., of, to Morgue, D. (H, be made . 1193 appropriation for refrigerating plant"- 541, Monroe, La., 1218 bridge authorized across Ouachita River for autotruck, etc . 541 at ... 791 Morocco, Monroe Street NE., D. C., appropriation for agent and consul, appropriation for paving, Eighteenth éeneral at Tangier . 206, 1015 to Twentieth Streets ... ---- 546 for ape Spartel, etc., light . 210, 1019 for paving, Twentieth to Twenty- deficiency approlpriation for Cape Spar— second Streets 1223 tel, etc., ight - ,. - 48 Monroe Water Supply Company, Morongo Indian Reservation, Calif., exchange of Army lands with, in Penn~ appropriation for irrigation project on- 400, sylvania - 1078 1151 Montana, Morphia (scc Narcotics). appropriation for surveyor general, Morristown, N. Y., cle;-kg, etc ___,...__,__ ---- 394 preliminary examination, etc., of, har— for support, etc., of homeless Indians bor to be made - .. 1196 in __ - ... 1159 Mortar Batteries, Army, additional area allowed entrymen to appropriation for constructing , 496,911 to correct erroneous surveys of for additional, 1925 .. 711 certain lands in _.. 722 deficiency appropriation for constructconsent of Congress to agreement for ing - 59,762 division of waters of Columbia Moses and Sons, W. B., River etc., between Washing- deficiency appropriation for furniture, ton, Iidaho, Oregon, and ... 1268 National Training School for may bridge Yellowstone River, Glen- Girls, D. C .. 677 dive __ - .. 11 Mosquito Inlet, Fla., Montana National Bison Range, preliminary examination, etc., of, to be appropriation for maintenance- ..,.. 450, 841 made 1194 lllontgomery County, Term., Jloths, Gypsy and Brown-tail, time extended for bridging Cumberland appropriation for quarantining, etc., River by, near Clarksville . 113 against spread of .. 449, 839 Montoya, Feles, for preventing spread of, additional, homestead application of, a.uth0rized-- 811 1925 705 Monument, D. C. (see Washington Mona- deiiciency appropriation for preventing ment, D. C,). Spflwd of ... -- ... 39