Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1577

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INDEX. OIXXXIX Portland, Oreg., PW- Portsmouth, Ohio, PW- appraiser of merchandise at, to be ap- bridge authorized across Ohio River, Pvifltéd ------ 957 Fullerton, Ky., to .,. 663, 790 former provision repealed .. 957 portugal, budge Rgzgogézed Mmss Wmametw 18 appropriation for minister to .. 206, 1015 at Burnside sI¤}éé£f[ZZZZZZZZZZZZI 9 P°’§€“*°"*" { ”” U”*€°d S‘“’”· . . at ROSS IS1a¤d_________"_________ 9 cn mens; ,61ot resédents or cmzens of Pom) Rim, the_ mted ftates, tgxable only appropriation for Resident Commis- °° m°°m° mm Ummd States sioner from . -- 581, 1289 not S°“§°°Sth· %··{,r·1··fi··& ······ for expenses, Commissioner . 582, 1289 ?'pp wa ° °_ u`gm S an S"-? for clerk hire, Commissioner 585, 1293 Emss m°°m€ Qf °mZ€¤S OY d0¤J6¤t1¤ for special mail equipment for . 89, 787 °°!'P°mt¥°¤S deemed frcm for relief, etc., of shipwrecked Ameri- _ United States S9¤I'<>€S -·—·------ 294 can Seamen iu_____________ If PGI (POD"} of 1I1COID.€· for th]'8B for district judge ,__,___________ 218, 1028 PT€C€d1¤$ }f€9·I'S d€I'lV€<i f1'0m mr ngricuxmm experiment stations ¤<>¤¤·<=¤¤ withm the p<>S¤·=SS¤¤¤¤--- 294 in _________________________ 435, 824 amt 59 per cent of the eorporafor care of insane, Infantry oldiers- 494, 910 P0!] S m°°}¤° from MUVB bu¤· court or appeals my nm circuit to hold mess th¤r<=¤¤ -----·------ _-,--T 294 a sitting at San Juan __________ 729 012 50 per cent of the mtrgen s income tax in, levied, etc., by insular m°°“?° {mm "·°t“'° b“$m°8° Ogicials ______________________ 294 _ therem , - . ~ 294 authority of insular legislature to to mcluqc all amounts of, whether amend, etc ___________________ 294 wrthm or with0ut the United purchase of gounds, construction of . . States —·--- r ——--—-— : -—-··---·- 294 custom (msgs, Btcq authorized Vxrgm Islands not included lll . 295 at designated municipalities in-, 630 Post Allowances, Foreign Service Ojiccrs, cost limitations ... 630 appropriation for, to meet living payment out of duties collected . 630 costs ... --- 210, 1018 maximum allowed for any one year- 630 dciciency appropriation for . -- 760, 1349 review by appeal or writ of error by pos; Cards, Private, ¤i1'0\1i§u¢c;>i;}:;'l*Eic<1:fc sfrmf in $-1] 936 rate of postage on, increased .. 1066 . . ······ · Post Discovery Bay Military Reservation, °f ”P&°‘fj°‘{ fasfs jj)- Sipmm?-??Ii'T 936 right ogliggay algcross, granted Chicago, two citizens of, to serve on National wa wsu ec and smut Paul 812 Advisory Commission to Ses- y ‘" YZ '`'`'‘` quimmunr Exhibition Asso- Fw E¤=¢’¤<2*·a¢¤» M¤h¢¤*v· . ciation ________________ _ _____ 1254 approprmtron for copstructnng, etq-: 480, 895 Porto Rico Civil Government, 1'<>¢¥¢¤t10¤ buildings, training auditor to be appointed by the Presi- °*mPs» etc ---··-·-~-----—-- 480» 895 dent _____,.. - ... 631 Pos! Ofice Department (see also Postal salary and term-` . 631 Service), duties as to receipts and expendi- appropriation for Postmaster General tures __,. 631 and office personnel ... 83, 782 executive secretary to be appointed by for care, etc., Post Office Department the governor . 631 Building 84, 782 ¤¤1¤ry and duties --·-- - ----------- 631 for First Assistant Postmaster Gensalaries of insular officials, not ap- ami, and Ogice personnel ______ 84, 782 pointed by We P¤`€$id€¤t» *79 be for Second Assistant Postmaster such as provxded by the l¢s¤Sl¤· General, and office personneiu 84, 782 ture .- T ------------ _ ·----- 6 31 for Third Assistant Postmaster Genif legislature fails to ¤PPY0P¥f*¤·Y°» tv eral, and office personnel .. 84, 782 be paid without appropriation-, 631 for Fourth Assistant Postmaster of governor and designated 0Eci{a.1s- 631 General gud Umm personnel 84 782 if offacer required to giqe bond, premmm for Solicitor umd Omcc personnel " 84; 782 Portraits to be paid from msular treasury- 632 for Chief Iéspectory and Omce Eb registry of, as trade mark forbidden, for %:££gi;]§‘KééJt"‘g£&";tiiBc84’ 782 without written consent of in- 647 personnel 84 782 dividual .. - .-.·--. ````'``'```'``` ’ of deceased Presidents during life of fc'? Omce Personnel °f A°°°‘·mtS Bw widow without her mmm can- ¤¢%¤·, ——-·-—--————--—-—--——-— 8% 782 S8nt_________ ___________ _ ____ 647 restr1ction on number of persons Portsmouth, N_ H_ f intdes1gxr;ated grades ... 84 7;; · - ’ , · or con ingen expenses. .,.,,__ , “""'°",5$2$}§;'§`__{‘Z{_'}’}YY..{‘{‘{°{’..'T`fYl‘¥97, 876 or s¤=¤<>¤¤¤¤ ew -------- 84. 783 Portsmouth, N. H., Naval Prison, _ for fue}, etc-. for power plant; rereimbursement to court martml prison- pews, etc .. - . 84, 783 ers in, for Liberty bonds and V1c- for rmscellaneous expenses . 84, 783 tory notes of, stolen from prison for furmture, etct-, . 84, 783 Safe _______ _ ________,_,.,.,., 1277 for printing and bmding for 84, 783