Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1583

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INDEX. GXGV Potomac Park, D. C'., Pm- President of the United States, H86- appropriation for West Park . 573 appro riation for compensation 521, 1198 for macadam roads, etc .. - . 573 for §ecretary,aud omcc personnel, 521, 1198 fo1‘ East Park ..-..--. 573 for traveling expenses, etc _______ 521, 1199 for murists’ camp in East Park- 573, 1247 for Executive Omce ____________ 521, 1198 for Tidal Basin bathing beach .. 573 for expenses of suits to cancel leases balances fgr bathing beach, etc., of naval oil reserves, ctc-- . 16 covcrpd mto the 'Ijrgasury .. 1247 authority of counsel employed I6 for rcflecting pool, addrtxonal, 1925-- 712 for protecting the person of - 74, P for vgdeuiug inlet bridge ---.--..-- 1247 217, 774, 1026 otomac iver dcfic'e c 1'i8t. f , construction of memorial briqgc across, l I;i§k1?cl;§fogeat£?nan?ir ginprgaasegf from Lmcolu Memonal to Ar- Warren G. Harding, late .--.--. 34 lingtou, Va., authorized --...--- 974 for mileage, State messengers condeiiciency appropriation for c0m— 1316 veyiug electoral vote for, and mencing - . - .-.-...-. fc Vice Presid t .-..- 753 preliminary examination, etc., of ...-.. 1193 for egpenses, J 01:;) Congressional Pottawatomi Indians, Wis. and Mich., Cgmmitiygg Ou Immgu;8] Cempayment to members of, not receiving monies of March 4, 1925 -.--... 753 ggeneiits 012 foxémer approprmtnon 819 for expenses, Agricultural Coufer- 754 0I` S'llpp() 8 C -..-..------- QDCB __._ -- .. --_-- ---, Pottawalomie Agencgj, Kans., for Federal Oil Conservation Board- 754 appropriation for support, ctc., of for publishing ascertainment of elec- Indians at, from triiga.1 funds- Q1, 1161 toml vote for, and Vice Presifor support, ctc., of Indmns at, addr dent .-._..._.__.,_.,..._ 756 tional, 1925 ----.. 708 for expenses of suits to cancel leases Potter Cmmty, S. Dak., _ _ of oil lands, etc --..---...- 1315 bridge authorized across Missouri for surveys, ctc., of Saint Lawrence Riger, between Dewey County 30 River _.___,._.._.,_--...- 1315 an - ---------——----- - ······· action of,il1 issuing Army supplies etc., Pottery: _ _ for relief of sufferers fron; J8- appropmmqn for study of processes, pmwse earthquake, 1923, up, P hk gtq,, $5 uglguufacturc of ---.- 231, 1040 proved _________ _ ____________ 963 oug ccpme . . _ . . . . . .

   ,BCI'OSS Hudson Rxver,       entsgq  

3 —-·— — —--——----·-----······· · A1 r 1212 Poultry _ raau sub]ect_t0 appx-ov 0 - amovjnt of deficiency appropriation for “pp°m§3m°nt °£ Du`°°t°r °f V°t°m°°, 608 ¤¤‘€Sti¤H f<>0*>·¤¤d—m<>¤th cilseqse, _ umu Y ——·----—---——-·— T-- ctc., available for eradxcatnng authorized to advanqe on promotion European fowl pest and other 722 IA? Q VK0f1d igight ¥i;h1€‘§¤§3¤t (HSGKSBS of . .,,- .,._ l' l'\{lCQ 0 FEIS WG BF- Pvuiiry Feedina and Breeding, _ be1jt_Smxth, Lexgh Waqe, Legne appropriation for experiments m --.. 439, 828 PJIIIIPY Arnold, and Emck Heu- Pmmd, D- C'-, _ nm: Mlson .. 979 appropriation for motor vehlcie-; ----~ 563 authorized to appoint Richard Evelyn Powder, Navy ($63 also O!'d¤¤·¤¢€» I‘8VY)» Byrd, jr., a lieutenant comappropriation for purchase and manu- manger on Navy mtimd list,____ 821 facture of sm0k¤l¢SS-1 ---—--- 192, 871 Thomas James Camp ¤. major of Power Boat Routes, Poslql $61*11168, _ Infantry ..--...-.-.----.--.-. 792 appropriation for ma.11 transp0l‘t&tl0¤87 785 Jolén I. Conrotri qiaygtain on Marine 1279 b ..-. - .. - ----- . r fr is --..----.-..-- d€H0i€¤¤);'rta2Pr°Pk;`i°ti°" for mail tm"' 60 63 Johsh.? gohgertin marine gunner 1012 po BIOD y--- ---- - --——- —--— v ° _______ _______ Paw"` B°°t8· °t°‘* - Hggrv 3§`mel\iuq;-E; ensign in the special tax on users of, not for business, 328 N8~vv 961 etc -.-... - -----·- - -----·— J . ‘ `````````````````````` Power Commission Fedemh Wxlham Schuyler Woodruff an ·~¤¤~¤¤*¤¤¤¤ 3* °‘ --·--- 52* ‘2°3 c °“,E°;iZ§§£;?,2‘$:.;.;12i;»;’g(;,;; S°“ · _ 4 , om s _ -

;t$eg*"°P"°" *············· 336 Ei§?§;’l€{?e “f¤{§?§§i?$‘§2f‘%*§p‘3Y

T:g1g:Op?i%_`?ign fo, devising methods for sition in 1927 - ... 1256 destroying -..-.-..-- - .. 450, 841 delegates to Inter-American Com- Preaioua and SemipTec'i0u3 {$07168, mission on Electrical Communiexcise mx ou, and imitations, sold, etc-, cations meeting .---.-.---- 112 P _ IE; ;i$¤]¤¤`S§ •¤°€Pti°¤ --·-——-—-— 324 delegatcsf gn gan American Con- 13 TGCZOUS _ 6 {1 8. _ _ _ gress 0 ig ways .___.__.. 55 appropriation for collecting stat1st1cs77 726 delegates to Seventh Pan American _ tvf -——- -·f··B·E83ié1jS"6f‘g S Sanitary Conference __________, 112 excise (gx of gogitgd With; _________ 324 member of Pueblo Lands Board"- 636 Predatary wud Ammazs, b ¤;\§»)<;i¤;rd Tvgisxgsaii? 336 ‘ ‘ f ra no “""’°*’§fY‘f°}‘.- .°Z{-?E`E°}°Y?T`? . °$so, sw corumbm ..-.-..-.-.. 821