Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/1623

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INDEX. ccxxxv Snohamigh River, Wosh.,_ P¤8¤~ Somerset Hospital Cape Town, Africa, Pm prelununary examination, etc., author- appropriation for annual contribution ized gf, for iggd (ggutrgl _____ _,- 1000 to ____________________ _,___ 214, 1023 Snoqualmie National Forest, Wash., Som of the American Revolution National lands added to _, _,-_ 1074 swig; { ' Snoqualmie River, Wash., limitation og Onnmber of trustees of pyghmipgry examination, gtcq author- removed _____ _ ______________ I 808 ized of, for Hood control 1000 Sound, Snow and ce, D. C., appropriation applying principles of, to appropriation for removing, from military and industrial purgtreetg, sidewalks, gutters, poses _____________________ 232, 1042 _ etc ... 551, 1228 South America, docieucy appropriation for removal of- 1323 persons born in countries of, construed Snuf and Snuf Flour, as nonquota immigrants, in i¤t6!'¤·¤»1 TFVGHUB MIX 011 manufactured Immigration Act _______ _ ______ 155 <>r ¤¤1><>r¢¤d -------—-- - -----—- 317 smh and cum: America packa °“> °°°·» wquimd -----·—-—--— 317 appropriation for expenses 1-omotiu S°°'bl Welfare O'9“”i’““°"·*» commerce with P 225 1035 exempt from i¤·¤¤¤¤¢ *¤¤ ·-—---------- 282 for expense, pm¤;Jii6g`;L$m¤ ’ S"' B¤¤’~Tw'4>¤v· , , with mamomn 1925 . - me appropriation for mvestigations, etc-- 441, 831 dcgcicucy appmpriatfou for expenses testing bacterial cultures for inocu- promoting commerce with 1348 lating legumes .. 441,831 South Bend I d `'`°‘‘ publishing tests; names of dealers terms f' " { t 7 in impure, ctc______________ 44], 0 cou]: 8 -_--—_—---_—··------ gm;] Fergihgyy South Brooklyn, . Y., _ _ _ appropriation for invxtigatious ______ 441, amount authorized to acquire addition 448, 83], 838 to naval supply depot at ... 1276 Boils Bureau, Department of Agriculture, South Carolina, appropriation for chief of Bureau, and bridge authorized across Lumber River office personnel 447, 838 near Nichols, by Marion and for chemical and physical investiga- Horry Counties and ,__________ 12 tions .. ---- 447, 838 Georgia and, may bridge Savannah for investigating fertilizers, etc 448, 838 River , ..______,__ 1216 for cooperative investigations of soils, may bridge Broad River at Strotheré mapping, etc ...,... 448, 838 Ferry 1127 for classification of agricultural Catawba River, Fort Lawn 1127 lands ., 448, 838 Congaree River between Richland for administrative expenses ... 448, 838 and Lexington Counties, S. C-- 1126 deiiciency appropriation for general Santee River at Poplar Landing 1265 expenses . 55 Saint James Ferry .. 1266 Solar Ed‘¤P8¢, 1996. South Carolina Eastern Judicial District, appropriation for expenses for observe- terms 0; com at Aiken _____________ 801 tions of total ___,_. _ _____,__._ 869 Florence---2 ________ ________ __ _ 801 Soldiers’ alnd Sailors’ Home, D. C., Grand Charleston __________________ :__;_ 801 Tm!/» Columbia _.._,._. ¤I>D¤‘0P¤`i¤¢i0¤ Y0? ¢XP<¥¤S¢SS Persons ¤d· office of clerk at Charleston .. S ld_ Ewgtted .-..-----·----·----· 570. 1244 effective July 1, 1925 ._.__..,,_,_____ gm ° ’""· . ·#. . . . South Carolina Western Judicial District appropriation for vocational rehabihta- • tion of discharged amend-, sas, 1211 °°‘g,’;‘;_;",fv§‘{,‘;'*· °‘ A“d°"’°“ ---·—----· gg} SOIMM G¢~<~=*» ommwooa ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘ 801 appropriation fort- -_ T 216, 1025 Rock Hm- ": ‘‘ ;;‘ ‘; '‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘ 801 deficiency appropriation for assistant to, Spartanburg ‘` ‘ ’ “‘“‘‘“`‘‘‘' 801 mfgrcing Interstate G<>mm¤r¤¤ 756 _,,mc(,·0f clerk at G,,,,,,,v,u,, ___________ 80, Solicitor of Internal Revenue, effective July l' 1920 '`'`'°‘'‘‘``‘‘ 801 appropriation for, ____ , _.__.. ___- 216, 1025 South Chaflesiwnr W· Van Solicitor of the Department of Commerce, 8PPY°P"atl°¤ fm c*§*`°» €t°·» school at appropriation for, and office person- mdmmce stahon ---------——--- 192 n€l__ _ _ _ _ _ _____ _ __________ 216, 1025 armor and armament for newly author- Solicitor of the Department of Labor, ized Vcsselsr tam made at MVN appropriation for, and office person- °rd“““°° plan at ···---···-·-- 719 nel _______ _ _________,,__,. 216, 1025 South Dakgta, f t 1 t b Solicitor of the Department of State, game TB uae _ O? M} 9 OPE, G ¤·» may 9 appropriation for ,.., - _.. 216, 1025 g_“;8i;hSt§°%‘¥H—-Sgt--E-—i —---— 634 Solicitor of the Interior Department, requetgn D 0 c 8 or 8nceS’ 634 ¤v¤r¤¤¤¤ti<>¤ fm -——---——----—--— 2*6· 1025 mes wm&§{oL;ié; é%3ié`1$;£¤£ ‘gm‘°¤`i5& for otiioe personnel - 393, 1144 to for ark purposes 1185 SOUCUOT of fhg? TTMSUTZI D¢Pm"'”€’U» may britige giissouri River between 8-PPFGPTIMIOH fo!'» and °gi°€ P€YS°“‘ Brule and Lyman Counties .._.. 3 1791 -~--- - ·--·- 216, 1025 between Hughes and Stanley Coun- . Solicitor, Post Office Department, UCS ------------- _ ----·-—· 101 appropriation for, and office person- Potter and Dewey Counties .. 30 ne} __________ _ ______________ 84, 782 Walworth and Corson Counties-, 3