Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/20

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XX11 LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Paz!. Bridge, Rock River. An Act To extend the time for the construction of a bridge across the Rock River in the State of Illinois. February 7, 1925 814 Bridge, Susquehanna River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Harrisburg · Bridge Company, and its successors, to reconstruct its bridge across the Susquehanna River, at a point opposite Market Street, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. February 814 7, 1925 .. .. ...·--- --------—-·- -- -—·—·-—--- -— --———--··—···· **-7 ·•’"'’" ‘ Bridge, Tennessee River. An Act To revive and reenact the Act entitled ‘A.n Act to authorize the construction oi a bridge across the Tennessee River at or near the city ot Decatur, Alabama," approved November 19, 1919. February 7, 1925 815 Bridge, Rio Grande. An Act Granting consent ot Congress to the Valley Bridge Company for construction oi a bridge across the Bio Grande near Hidalgo, Texas. February 815 71  ;·-·‘—·•-·i••*•·•¤··•*•--••••··•'*···*¤*•-***••··*·••·*""""•'•"·'*•'*·•*··"·"·:••···· Bridge, Missouri River. An Act Granting the consent ot Congress to the State ot North Dakota to construct a bridge across the Missouri River between Williams County and McKenzie County, North Dakota. February 7, 1925 ... 815 Bridge, Missouri River. An Act Granting the consent ot Congress to the State ot North Dakota to construct a bridge across the Missouri River between Mountrall County and McKenzie County, North Dakota. February 7, 1925 .. .. ... 816 Bridge, Mississippi River. An Act Extending the time for the construction or the bridge across the Mississippi River in Ramsey and Hennepin Counties, Minnesota, by the Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railroad Company. February 7, 1925 . 816 Chippewa Indians, Mimi., credit to general fund. An Act To compensate the Chippewa Indians ot Minnesota for lands disposed ot under the provisions ot the Free Homestead Act. February 9, 1925.--..-.. .. .. ..- .-.--.. 816 Cordova Bay, Alaska, toumsite. An Act To amend section 7 of the Act of February 6, 1909, entitled "An Act authorizing the sale of lands at the head of Cordova Bay, in the Territory ot Alaska, and for other purposes." February 9, 1925..-.---- 817 Fort Berthold Indian Reservation Sauish toumsite. An Act Authorizing repayment or excess amounts paid by purchasers of certain lots in the townsite of Sanish, formerly Fort Bertlwld Indian Reservation, North Dakota. February 9, 1925.. .-.. 817 Mille Lac Chiefs of Chippewa Indians. An Act To provide for the payment of certain claims against the Chippewa Indians of Minnesota. February 9, 1925--... ... 818 Sitka, Alaska, bonds. An Act To authorize the incorporated town of Sitka, Alaska; to issue bonds in any sum not exceeding $25,000 for the purpose of constructing a public school building in the town of Sitka, Alaska. February 9, 1925 ..._._.._.__. __ 818 Pottawatomi Indians of Wisconsin, An Act Authorizing the Secretary ot the Interior to pay certain funds to various Wisconsin Pottawatoml Indians. February 9, 1925.-- 819 Customs, Baltimore appraiser. An Act To diminish the number ot appraisers at the port of Baltimore, and for other purposes. February 9, 1925 -..---...-...--..-.-.. 819 Chippewa Indians, Mimi., hiyh school teachers. An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, for tuldlling treaty stipulations with various Indian tribes, and for other purposes, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1915," approved August 1, 1914. February 9, 1925 ...--.. ..---..--..--- .. ...--.- ...- ..-. ..-- 819 Omaha Indians, N ebr. An Act For the relief ot the Omaha Indians of Nebraska. February 9, 1925--.. -.- .. -...--.--.-..---.--.. - -.-.__,,________ _ ______ 320 Philippine Islands, taxes. An Act To amend the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations to supply urgent detlclencies in the appropriations for the dscal year ending June 30, 1909," approved February 9, 1909. February 9, 1925 -----..-.-.---.-----. 8m Smithsonian Institution, Robert S. Brookings, Regent. Joint Resolution Providing for the iilling ot a proximate vacancy in the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution of the class other than Members of Congress. February 9, 1925 ____________ ___ 821 Smithsonian Institution, George Gray, Regent. Joint Resolution Providing for the Hlling of a proximate vacancy in the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution of the class other than Members of Congrem, February 9, 1925,__-.__,_ .____._____ 821 District of Columbia, uotaries public. An Act To amend section 558 of the Code of Law 1'or the District of Columbia. February 10, 1925 ___________ _____________ _______ 82] Navy, Rekzhard Evelyn Byrd, jr. An Act For the relief of Lieutenant Richard Evelyn Byrd, junior, United States Navy. February 10, 1925 _______ _ _________ _ _________ 82] Appropriations, Department of Agriculture. An Act Making appropriations for the Department of Agriculture for the Hscal year ending June 30, 1926, and for other purposes, February 10, 1925 __________,______________________ ______________ 822 Hawaii, electru: plant, etc., Hamakua district. An Act To authorize and provide for manufacture, maintenance, distribution, and supply of electric current for light and power within the district of Hamakua, on the island and county of Hawaii Territory of Hawaii, February 10, 1925 ________ _______ ____ _ _______ ____ ’ 853 Petersburg, Va., Civil War battle nelds. An Act To rovide for spec u---`nn battle iields ot the siege of Petersburg, Virginia. pFebruary 11thf9gg.__ fion of the 856 United States courts, fee schedule of clerks. An Act To provide fees to be` -65-; clerks of the district courts of the United States. February 11, 1925- - 857 Juneau, Alaska, bonds. An Act To authorize the incorporated town of Jllll€;ll1:_3]§.§§;"l— to issue bonds in any sum not exceeding $60,000 for the purpose of improving the sewerage system of the town. February 11, 1925 _______ _ _____ _ __________________ 859