Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/265

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234 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 204. 1924. lmgéji 0* buudmgs That any oil or carbide house erected hereunder shall not exceed ` $550 in cost; construction of necessary outbuildings at a·c0st not exceeding $500 at any one light station in any fiscal year; improvement of grounds and buildings connected with light stations and _ _ depots; restoring light stations and depots and bui dings connected R°“°"“““"“°”S‘ therewith: Pro/vided, That such restoration shall be limited to the original purpose of the structures; wages of persons attending post lights; temporary employees and Held force while engaged on works og general repair and maintenance, and laborers and mechanics at R**“°¤¤· °°°· lighthouse depots; rations and provisions or commutation thereof for keepers of lighthouses, working parties in the Held, officers and crews of light vessels and tenders, and officials and other authorized persons of the Lighthouse Service on duty on board of such tenders or vessels, and money accruing from commutation for rations and provisions for the above-named persons on board of tenders and light vessels or in working parties in the Held may be paid on proper vouchers to the person having chargeof the mess of such vessel or party; reimbursement under rules prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce of keepers of light stations and masters of light vessels · and of lighthouse tenders for rations and provisions and clothing furnished shipwrecked persons who may be temporarily provided for by them, not exceeding in all $5,000 m any Hscal year; fuel and ,,§2‘°h“"°· °*°‘* °’ rent of quarters where necessary for kee ers of lighthouses; pm-. chase of land sites for fog signa s; rent of necessary ground for all such lights and beacons as are for temporary use or to mark change~ able channels and which in consequence can not be made permanent; rent of offices, depots, and wharves; travelin ex enses; mileage; libraiéy books for `ght stations and vessels and technical books and perio icals not exceedirig $1,000; traveling and subsistence expenses _ of teachers while actua employed b States or private persons to °°”"”‘°"*°"’°“”‘ instruct the children of keepers of lighthouses; all other contingent expenses of district offices and depots; and not exceeding $8,500 for contingent expenses of the office of the Bureau of Lighthouses in the District of Columbia, $4,192,500. K·>¢¤¢¤· Keepers of lighthouses: For salaries of not exceeding one thousand eight hundred lighthouse and fog—signal keepers and persons attendinglliglht exclusive of post lights, $1,283,200. 0H{;3i;¤r*;¤;g1¤(g·;mv*;g§$€*$· ig thouse vessels: For salaries and wages of officers and crews ` of light vessels and lighthouse tenders, including temporary employment when necessary, $1,650,000. d§lg’¤;t;¤¤¤¤d¤¤*¤· Superintendents, clerks, and so forth: For salaries of seventeen ` superintendents of lighthouses, and of assistant superintendents, clerks, draftsmen, and other authorized rmanent employees in the district offices and depots of the Lightliiiuse Service, exclusive of those regularly employed in the office of the Bureau of Lighthouses Dipztrict of Colugubia, $4101,000. f Hi ’ Rmfed WY- etire a : `or retire 21 0 0 C€I‘S and employen ’ the Held seliviice or on vesselg dif the Lighthouse Sgrviceig? exiziiegeig sons continuously employed in district oiliees and shops, $90,000. wgubiic w<¤¤» we Public Works: For constructing or purchasin and equipping `" lighthouse tenders and light vessels for the Lighgiouse Service as may be specifically approved by the Secretary of Commerce not Aidsm ¤¤v*¤¤**¤¤- to exceed $100,000, and for establishing and improving aids to navigation and other works as may be speciHcally approved by the Secretary of Commerce, $47 3,000; in all, $573,000. Coast and Geodetic . Survey. coAs·r AND cnomrrrc smzvmr A”°‘P°”d"“"** For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the work of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, including maintenance, repair, or