Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/268

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 204. 1924. 237 Alaska service: Pribilof Islands-superintendent, $2,400; two $L?,§§g§°,S'{‘,,,‘;§,3 agents and caretakers, at $2,000 each; assistant to agent, $1,200; i two physicians, at $1,800 each; three school—teachers, at $1,200 each; two storekeepers, at $1,800 each; Alaska service at large———agent, $2,500; assistant agents-——two at $2,000 each, one $1,800, one $1,500; At 1”g°’ §:i)gp2ector, $1,800; wardens·——one $1,200, seven at $1,000 each; in all, 00. Employees at large: Assistant, $2,520; field superintendent, $1,800; E”‘pl°"°°* “‘ l“'“°· field assistants-one $1,500, one $1,200; scientific assistant, $1,200; clerks-one $1,200, one $900; tish·culturists—one $960, two at $900 each; three local agents, at $600 each; live machinists, at $960 each; _two coxswains, at $720 each; in all, $21,120. Distribution (car) employees: Five captains, at $1,400 each; six ,g>iStri¤¤¢i¤¤¤m- messengers, at $1,100 each; five assistant messengers, at $1,000 each; P y°°S` filvie gpprentice messengers, at $840 each; five cooks, at $720 each; in a , 26,400. Employees at fish-cultural stations: Thirty-four superintendents, §,‘§,§"°§,‘§,°§,g,,,,, ,,8, at $1,500 each; foremen——thirteen, at $1,200 each, one $1,080, one ¤¤¤S· $1,000, one $960; fish-culturists-four at $960 each, thirty-six at $900 each; apprentice fish-culturists——six at $900 each, one $780, seven at $720 each, eighty-eight at $600 each; custodian of lobster pound, $720; custodian, $360; engineers—two at $1,100 each, one $1,000; two machinists, at $960 each; firemen—two at $720 each, eight at $600 each; cooks-two at $900 each, one $480; in all, $184,620. _ Fish—rescue station, Mississippi River Valley: District supervisor, M§‘;'*,*g,_s,;,°,§§;’au§;f‘°¤· $2,500; superintendent, $1,500; two field foremen at $1,200 each; four Pwtp. 238. iish-culturists at large at $960 each; engineer, $1,200; clerk, $1,200; two coxswains at large at $720 each; two apprentice fish-culturists at $600; in all, $15,280. _ _ _ Employees at biological stations: Director, $1,800; superintendent, ,,,,}¥$§,§‘,,"*}’ ““‘°‘°‘“ $1,800; superintendent and director, $1,500; superintendent of fishculture, $1,500; scientific assistants—·two at $1,400 each, one $1,200; laboratory aid, $900; shell expert, $1,200; foreman, $1,200; clerk, $900,; two fish-culturists, at $900 each; five apprentice fish-culturists, at $600 each; two engineers, at $1,000 each; two firemen, at $600 each; in all, $22,800. _ _ Steamer Albatross: Naturalist, $2,750; neral assistant, $1,400; §§,$§;,,,,_ irishery expert, $1,400; clerk, $1,200; in all, $6,7 50. Steamers Gannet, Halcyon and Phalarope: Masters-—one $1,700, one $1,500, one $1,400; first officer, $1,200; enggieers-one $1,400, two at $1,200 each; assistant engineer, $1,200; men—·——one $840, four at $780 each; seamen--live at $810 each, two at $780 each; two cooks at $870 each; cabin boy, $600; in all, $22,710. _ Fm- Officers and crew of vessels for Alaska fisheries service, $31,630, ·““"" ’°""°°· Administration: For expenses of the office of the commissioner, in- ,,,,;§,§’,§f*”’“*'°**°“ °" cluding stationery, scientific and reference books, periodicals and newspapers for li rary, furmture and eqmpment, telegraph and tele. phone service, compensation of temporary employees, and all other necessary expenses connected therewith,_$3,900, · Propagation of food fishes: For maintenance, repair, altemtien, pef,;;}>¤¢¤**¤¤ ¤· improvement, equipment, and operation of iish-cultural stations, including $15,000 for Saratoga, Wyoming, of which not to exceed $8,000 shall be available for construction of buildings, general propagation of food fishes and their distribution, including movement, maintenance, and repairs of cars, purchase of equipment and a§>para— tus, contingent expenses, temporary labor, and not to exceed 10,000 umu for propagation and diSt1’1bHt10I1 of f1‘eSh-Water mussels and the nec- "°’h""“‘“‘ essary expenses connected therewith, $386,250.