Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/501

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470 SIXTY -EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Gus. 274, 275. 1924. land described in the application shall not be disposed of; and if the said land shall be designated under this Act, then such application No mu cy mu shall be allowed, otherwise it shall be rejected, surlpéect to appeal; wdsknaem but no right to occupy such lands shall be acqui by reason of said aplégvcaltiloln ungl said Ends have bleien desklpssged li stockglraisin lan ess e app `cant actua esta es `s residence hg,¤§°gf*°‘{*,,§‘{{,,°;*§ ang] resides on the land; and until final hction on such application, gamma bg resident the settler may, if the land be not designated under this Act, change — his application to one under the enlarged homestead law if such lands be designated thereunder, or to one under the ordinaihy provi-

g;,-*;,,,¤;;7g,°gj¤¤ sions of the homestead law: Provided, That if the settler sha change

his application he shall embrace therein the lands upon which his residence and principal improvements are located, and conform to the provisions, limitations, and conditions of the applicable law." Approved, Jzme 6, 1924. _

 CHAP. 275.-An Act To amend in certain particulars the National Defense

"’°°“°· N°· ’°’·l Act or June s, 1916, as amended, me for other pin-pom Bc it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re entativea 0 the

 Mt   States of America in Uongresa  Thatahereéfitler

EMM? mm- respective grade rcentages rescri in section 4 0 e m¤i);iiu“:1`Ym www National Defense Adteof June 31: 1916, as amended, of the total `°"‘"’p‘7°I' authorized number of enlisted men shall not exceed 0.79 per centum for the firlgz-grade, 2.1 per centum for the second grade, 3.4 r centum for the t ° grade, 9.2 dper centum for the fourth grad); 9.5 r centum for the fifth gra e, and 25 per centum for the sixth gg; and aforementioned section 4 (b) is hereby amended accorfiliixgly.

°pm, Sm. 2. Add at the end of section 4c of the National Defense Act

from duty with com- of June 3, 1916, as amended, the following: “When in his judgment "°‘““‘“°“· eliiciency demands such action, the President is authorized to except officers of the Medical Corps, Qrdnance Department, and Chemical Warfare Service from the provisions of this section requiring duty _,;,`$’§c‘;’?§°'§§§g§‘§’F§ with troops of one or more of the combatant arms. The President

_;g‘¢}**,¤;=¤l§j“gg‘{,,,;g; is further authorized to except from the provisions of this section

¤·»¤t¤z me omm- requiring duty with troops of one or more of the combatant arms m°°' such officers of the JudEp_Adyocate General’s Department as are noyvagrrgaged in patent tigatnon in which the Government is invo v . ’ iia°iraif$it$r6,mmu- Sec. 3. That said National Defense Act, as amended, be, and the •°;,d_ ,1, ,,_ .,,,_ saéne is hereby,} iilrrtheii amendedmlgi inset;t%;i6g]g1erein, immediately a er section ereo , a new on own as section 38 in lieu of original section 38 struck out by section 81 of thd R m amendatory Act of June 4, 1920, and to read as follows: To be smmuima “Szc. 38. Coamrssroxs or imsmzvn 0l'FICER8»———All persons a '¤,E‘};k¢,"*g,*{;,,,,,,,, ,,, inted reserve officers shall be commissioned in the Army of tg; g&>g,¤i=¤<1 N¤**¤¤¤l lliiited States. Officers of the National Guard, federally recognized ` as such under the provisions of this Act, who are appointed reserve oiicers imder the provisions of section 37 of this Act, shall be appointed for the period during which such recognition shall con· _ tmue in effect and t0l'Hlll}%tll;g at the extpggation thereof in lieu of ,,’},§,{“"°”’ “’ *"°° the five·year period herembe ore prescri , and in time of peace shall be governed by such special regulations appropriate for this class of reserve officers as the Secretary of War may prescribe." ,dY°'·"·°·”‘·°'°°“"' Suck;}. l;l`hat section}: (gb of said Niazgonal Degense Act, as amended, _ antesamexse y,amen torea asfollows: l§' ,i°d, b°Z‘Sec. 69. Original enlistments in the National Guard shall bg ¤*°°*¤¤¤ for a period of three years, and subsequent enlistments for riods P9 of one year or three years each.”