Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/581

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550 SIXTY·EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 302. 1924. tained fpom glue street railway company so far as provided under I , existin aw 350,000; vugeia xvmmpiililsdlie Southeast; For repairing and reiiooring the Pennsylvania Avenue Slliepairing Seventh Bridge $207000; S¤**='¤N“'~¤¤d SW- Northwest and Southwest: For blanketing with asphalt Seventh Street, Pennsylvania Avenue to G Street Southwest, present width, , $35,000 · Dis °°t'°t°' In all, $925,000; to be disbursed and accounted for as “Gasoline hm. tax road and street improvements," and for that pprpose shall con-

 to speci stitute one fund: Provzded, That no part of such n shall be used

Mggzgmamu for the improvement of an street or section thereof not herein speciuscingmw. fied: Provided further, Tllat assessments in accordance with existing law shall be made for paving and repaving roadways where such Mmm ,0 be md_ roadways are paved or repaved with funds derived from the collecitedwmnd. tion of the tax on motor—vehicle fuels; and hereafter all moneys derived from assessments for paving and repaving roadways under provisions of existing law arisin from the expen iture of the fund created by the tax on motonveiicle fuels, shall be aid into the Treasury of the United States and be credited to and) constitute a part of said fund and shall thereafter be available for appropriation m the same manner as the proceeds of the tax on motor-vehicle fuels. Brides. mhmors. £<¤¤¤¤¢¤°¤· ¤¤v¤i*· For construction and repair of bridges, including an allowance at the rate of $26 per month to the overseer of brid s for the maintenance of an automobile for use in performance ofdiis official duties, Hamm for mm and mcludrng_ maintenance of motor vehicles, $30,000. _ 0,,, ,,,,,,,,,d,_ · Apprcgpxriations hereafter made for the construction and re air of bridges all be_ava1lable for repairing, when necessary, anylbridge carrying a public street over the right of way or property of any railwziy company, or for constructmg, reconstructing, or repairing m su manner as shall in the judgment of the commissioners be Owumkl necessary reasonably to accommodate public traiiic, any bridge required to carry or carrying such traiiic in a public street over the right of way or property of any canal company operating as such in the District of Co um ia, on the neglect or refusal of such railway or canal company to do such work when notified and required b the Mm L commissioners, and the amounts thus expended_ shall be a valid, and subsisting hen against the lproperty of such railway com any or of such canal company, and s iall be collected from such railway comvdimm 105. pany or from such canal company in the manner provided in section 5 of an Act providing a permanent form of government for the District of Columbia, approved June 11 1878, and shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the United States and the Mm District of Columbia in the manner rovided by law. m‘°”" ‘ Highway Bridgle across Potomac gtiverz For personal Services in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $8,880; labor, $1,600 · power, miscellaneous supplies, and expenses of every kind, necessarily incident to the operation and maintenance of the bridge and ap- Anwma Hmm- proaches, $7,640; 111 all, $18,120. · Anacostia River Bridge: For employees, miscellaneous supplies, and expenses of every kind necessary to operation and maintenance Fmch scm my of the ridge, $4,500. _ Bridge, Francis cott Key Bridge: For miscellaneous supplies and expenses of every kind necessarily incident to the maintenance of the bridge and approaches. including personal services, $2.000. Tram and parking. mms AND ranmwes. °°“‘"""°"‘°"’°'“’°’· For contingent expenses, including laborers, trimmers, nurserymen repairmen, teamsters, hire of carts, wagons, or motor trucks, trees;