Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/646

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 320. 1924. 615 Sec. 27. That all ayments of compensation and insurance hereto- P°Y*¤°¤°¤¤¤d°¤°*°j fore made pursuantllo a regulation permitting permanent and total alildidnxiiiilllil disability to be presumed from hospitalization or rati of less than permanent tota disability shall be deemed valid adds no recovery _ thereof shall be made: Provided, That nothing herein shall operate §°",,}’,,‘,;,,, ,,,,,,,0,, to validate insurance not in force on the date an award thereof was approved, except where premiums have been thereafter accepted. Ec. 28. There shall be no recovery of payments from any bene- bcI§§¤c,f·$';°’§”w,,§{'•?_§{ ficiary who, in the judgment of the director, is without fault on his part, mult- ° and where, in the judgment of the director, such recovery would defeat the purpose of benehts otherwise authorized or would be against equity and 'gvplod conscience. Sm] M t Sec. 29. e difector is authorized, his discretion, to sell, lease, my mugiglgiged 52 °" or exchange s us equi ment, su 'es, ro ucts, or waste materials belongingullg the burgau or anypgf its Iilants or institutions; and i.aI§Q°3f1°’ °t°" my b° to lease for a term, not exceeding three years, lands or buildings, or parts or parcels thereof, belonging to the United States and under Proceed mdi the control of the bureau. The net proceeds of all such sales, leases, to me riidliiy. n` or exchanges shall be covered into the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. rn t . Sec. 30. That all Eles, records, re rts, and other papers and iiigtgséniiiisf ccpiiiziiiiii documents pertaining to any claim for tlilgbenefits of this Act, whether "“'·

 or adjudicated, shall be deemed confidential and privileged DM au Bd

and no disclosure thereof shall be made except as follows: T d°°l”° JW gu (a) To a claimant or his duly authorized representative, as to neaiiuylumu °°° ` matters concerning himself alone, when in the judgment of the director such disclosure would not be injurious to the physical or mental health of the claimant; U d { (b) Where required by the process of a United, States court to wm·1i,$lc.°r°°° ° ° be produced in any suit or proceeding therein pending; or when suc production is deemed by the director to be necessary in any suit or proceeding brought under the provisions of this Act; T wm. (c) In all proceedings in the nat1u·e of an inquest into the mental°¤s to i:e competenc of a claimant, and in all other udicial proceedings, *"‘°"’· when in tile judgment of the director such disclosure is deemed necessalrg and proper; A t { (d) _ e amount of compensation or training allowance of any mzidiitililiminidgrdllldvliz beneficiary shall be made known to any person who applies for suc °°°°· information. , Wherever the production of a file, record, report, or other document ¤e$"Z‘§§,“§§ ,,‘,Z{d§‘§,'§.lf is required or permitted by this section a certined co y thereof may be produced in lieu of the o inal, and such certified) copy shall be received in evidence with likgllorce and effect as the original. Promo M t mg _S1:c_. 31. The provisions of this Act shall not apply to any con- .ippumt1e°€¤°miScaa Sclentious objector who refused to perform military duty or refused f,,‘;{'§_°,§’n’fg°‘;§;,,'§{{“'d¥,;€ 150_ Wear the uniform, or to any alien who was discharged from the ¤!¤j__;•m:i f¤l£¤‘¤¤¤- Hplltqry or naval forces prior to November 11, 1918, on account of 'p' ' his alienage. Trrua II.—Com»aNsa·riorx arm Tnnarwmwr. t,,(g§’§§’§2“°'°° “d Sec. 200. For death or disability resulting from personal injury mgiéictlg; e§ZilL$°Zil suffered or disease contracted in the military or naval service on or [§"¤*'g*"{,‘g*§""°"°“°' liter April 6, 1917, and before July 2, 1921, or for an aggravation %l>1l-:i2.1>·15¤- Or recurrence of a disability existing prior to examination, acceptance P°”’ p‘1°°*` and enrollment for service, when such aggravation was suffered and contracted in, or such recmrence was caused b , the military or naval service on or after April 6 1917, and belore July 2, 1921 léybany commissioned oficer or enlisted man, or by any member of Army Nurse Corps (female) or of the Navy Nurse Corps (female)