Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/709

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678 P SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sms. II. C11. 4. 1924. Medical www- Mnnicni. cuaarrms ,¤¤r¤ ¤fi¤di8¤¤* 1** For care and treatment of indigent patients under contracts to mm` be made by the Board of Charities with the following institutions and for not to exceed the following amounts respectively: E¤¤°*¤°¤°YH°SP““*· Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital: Fiscal year 1922, $2,991.15; fiscal year 1923, $8,303.40. _ C”¤·‘>**Y H°°’P‘°’*‘· Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hospital: Fiscal year 1922, $878.35; fiscal year 1923, $6,236.15. G¤¤i¤¤<=r Hwvim- GALLINGER Mumcirar. Hosrrmr. M¤i¤¢¤¤¤¤¤¤· For maintenance, maintenance of motor vehicles, horses and horsedrawn vehicles, books of reference. and all other necessary expenses, fiscal year 1923, $16,117.03. Ciamln-Cnninc. Insrrrrrrions Board or Ghiidmws nozinn or CH'ILDREN’S GUARDIANS Guardians. d!§`¤¤¢b*¤·mi¤d*=d °h“· For maintenance of feeble-minded children (white and colored), ' fiscal year 1924, $2,000. H6 ¤.i¤¢ F¤=¤b¤¤=¤ slum: mlrzannuxs nosrmm. ospital. , In<iize¤¢i¤¤¤¤¤- For support of indigent insane of the District of Columbia in Saint Elizabeths Hospital, as provided by law, fiscal year 1924, $100,000. Public ¤¤¤¤i¤&¤ ¤¤¤ PUBLIC isurnnines Arm onoumas gmunds. {arg, for my For an additional amount for the United States Park Police force nes. ° under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to tix the salaries of 4”‘°·P·"5· officers and members of the Metropolitan Police force, the United States Park Police force, and the fire de artment of the District of g’g>;*;%Hdam¤ of Columbia," approved May 27, 1924, fiscalpyear 1925, $36,162.21: Pmamouusrorsaiana. vided, That this sum and the amounts specifically a propriated in ‘*""·"‘m‘ - the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the iipscal year 1925, for salaries of the United States Park Police, are authorized to be consolidated and used as one amount for the payment of salaries for the United States Park Police at the rates of compensation authorized in such Act of May 27, 1924. m}gj>¤¤r r¤¤i¤*¤ ¤¤¤w· For motor vehicle allowance for the superintendent of the United States Park Police, fiscal year 1925, $480. Motor cyciea For motor cycle allowance to twenty members of the United States Park Police, at $120 each, fiscal year 1925, $2,400. ggglmgwgrghthin For construction and development work in Potomac Park on the swims. E west shore of the Tidal Basin to provide public bathing facilities, Pima and for the maintenance thereof, $50,000, to remain available until naming beach for June 30, 1925: Provided, That the unexpended balance of the appro- °°;’;,°g¤(;’:‘;‘;&1abh pi-iation of $25,000 contained in the District of Columbia appropriav,,,_,2,p,,_70,,,,g,,,_ tion Act for the fiscal year 1923 for the construction of a bathin beach and bathhouse for the colored population of the city,continue§ and made available during the fiscal year 1924 by the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1924, is further continued and made available during the fiscal year 1925 for the construction and maintenance of said bathing beach and bathhouse. Judgmemsy Juncnrmvrs mieianyixsiii-ig¢.°f’ me For payment of the judgments, including costs, rendered against the District of Columbia, as set forth in House Document Numbered