Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/72

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 81. 1924. 41 internal-combustion engines, recently damaged by explosion, in- ,0R,$;."g§ri,'}§s,0‘,§*m°g“ cluding provisions for safety in operation, including personal serv- ' ices in the District of Columbia, $72,000. A t _ Automotive power plants, their fuels lubricants, and accessories: pia¤`i.$°:i°>i1v° p°w°' For the promotion of economy and efliciency in automotive trans- ,,,.,I},‘§,°,§‘f,§,§“@§‘,,‘§P,{';§';° portation by land and by air through investigations of the basic ¤¢¢· ° principles underlying the design, performance, operation, and testing of automotive engines, their fuels, lubricants, accessories, and the power transmitting system in connection with them, also such elements as brakes and brake linings; to promote economy in the use of liquid fuels and safety in vehicular traiiic; including personal services in the District of Columbia and in the field $10,000. Pa mt 0,, , Damage claim: To pay the claim for damage to privately owned cmmlm property adjusted and determined by the Department of Com- V°l"°’p‘ 1°°°‘ — merce under the provisions of the` Act entitled "An Act to provide a method for the settlement of claims arising against the Government of the United States in sums not exceeding $1,000 in any one case," approved December 28, 1922, as fully set forth in House Document lgumbered 127, reported to Congress at its present session, $294.25. ( nmmsu or meumonrsns. _ Lizhcmms Bama. Lighthouse vessels: For salaries and wages of officers and crews of light vessels and lighthouse tenders, including temporary emplciyments when necessary, $70,000. etired pay: For retired pay of officers and employees engaged R°*”°d W'- in the field service or on vessels of the Li%li1thouse Service, except persons continuouslg employed in district offices and shops, $12,000. Damage claims: o pay claims adjusted and determined by the {lgmwglgfjmm Department of Commerce under the provisions of section 4 of the v¤i.°£?Q p. sw. Act approved June 17, 1910 (Thirty-sixth Statutes, page 537), on account of damage occasioned to private property by collision with vessels of the Lighthouse Service and for which the vesmls of the Lighthouse Service were responsible, certified to the present Congress in House Document Numbered 129, $262.09. coAs·r AND enonmxc smzvmr. md °•°·*•¤° Damage claims: To pay the claim adljusted and determined by ,°,°“i¤i°¤d•¤•¢• the Department of Commerce under the provisions of the Act v¤x.u,p.1¤n. approved June 5, 1920 (Forty-first Statutes, page 1054), on account of damage occasioned by acts for which the Coast and Geodetic Survey has been found to be responsible, certified to the present Congress in House Document Numbered 128, $20. DEPARTMENT OF .THE INTERIOR. I¤t°?i°¥D°PU¤¤¤¤t· ormcn or trim sncamnuzy. Sw¤¤¤=ry'¤ 0¤1¤¤· Care and custody of the insane of Alaska: For care and custody ·¤¤¤k¤i¤¤¤¤~ of persons legally adjudged insane in Alaska, including transportation and other expenses, fiscal year 1923, $500: Provided, That @§‘§;,,,,m com, authority is granted to the Secretary of the Interior to pag from 1>¤¤¥- this appropriation to the Sanitarium Company of Portland, regon, not to exceed $600 per capita per annum for the care and maintenance of Alaskan insane patients during the fiscal year 1923. nrmmn or rnusiomx. P""“'“°“"‘°’ For fees and expxenses of examining surgeons, pensions, for E’“*"'*°¢’°’!'°"’· services rendered wit in the following fiscal years: For 1923, $40,000; For 1924, $260,000. ·