Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/81

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50 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 81. 1924. R¤¤t·D·°· The appropriation "Collecting the internal revenue, 1924" is

 made avlziilablle for rental, care, maintenance, and protection of

°"‘{°°°‘°‘·“”"‘ quarters in the District of Columbia, including such alterations and `°l'42’p'm7` repairs to rented quarters as may be necessary, in an amount not exceeding $23,500, provided suitable or adequate space can not be ` assigned to the Bureau of Internal Revenue by the public Buildings mw., or buuu- Commission in Government-owned buildings under its control: Pro- '“¤· vided, That the superintendent State, War, and Navy Department Buildings shall be responsible for the care, maintenance, and protection of such buildings as may be so rented. oomcmm. cossr cuann. _ Ad¤¤¢i¤¤¤| mm For additional motor boats and their eqigpment for the use of the i§iisi{¤¤i»7riii°ke£ii Nix; Coast Guard in enforcing the laws of the nited States and m per- °*°- forming the duties with which the Coast Guard is charged, to be constructed or purchased in the discretion of the Secretary of the Treasury, and for repairs or alterations to or for equipping and lacing in commission vessels or boats transferred from the Navy Department to the Treasury Department for the use of the Coast Guard, $12,194,900, to remain available until June 30, 1925; 1i¤y.¤¢<=·,¤¤¤¤¤¤=¤¤d For pay and allowances prescribed by law for commissioned °°hs°°dm°°' officers, cadets and cadet engineers, warrant officers, petty officers, and other enlisted men, active and retired, temporary cooks and surfmen, substitute surfmen, and one civilian instructor, $945,179; R¤¤¤¤=* For rations or commutation thereof for petty officers and other enlisted men, $80,701; ru¤1,e¤>. $ $0,1% fuel and water for vessels, stations, and houses of refuge, 1 0 83- o¤me,e¤m,ew. Fdr odtfits, ship chandlery, and engineers’ stores for the same, $265 351; mRp=;dJ;,°S‘;¥*g>°'gf;*tf,f°' Fdr additional amount required for the purchase and installation of improved radio equipment for international ice patrol service, $24,000, and for experimental work in developing apparatus to locate icebergs, $10,000; in all $34,000; to remain available until December 31, 1924; stamens, houses or For rebuilding and repairing stations and houses of refuge tem- '°‘"“°·°‘°· pcm;-y leases, rent, and improvements of pro rty for Coast Guard purposes, including the use of additional lisnd where necessary, '24 775; neaeuaucwaucas. For carrying out the provisions of the Act of June 4, 1920, as V°*-*‘· P·”5· follows : Fiscal year 1923, $1,728; Fiscal year 1924, $2,500; Tmve11¤z¤P¢¤S°¤· For mileage, and expenses allowed by law, for officers, and actual traveling expenses, per diem in lieu of subsistence not exceeding $4 for other persons traveling on duty under orders from the Treasury Department, $100,000; cimaageunxpemes For contingent expenses, including the same objects specified under this heading in the Act making appropriations for the Treasury Department for the fiscal gear 1924, $56,333; ‘f, *:u°I§§,§; Office of the commandant: or additional employees from April ees anime w,1a2-1. 1 to June 30, 1924, inclusive, at annual rates of compensation as follows: Ship draftsman, at $2,400; engineer draftsman, at $2,400; glcrks-—eight of class 3, twelve of class 2, five of class 1; in all, 10,100; raymentordainags Damage claims: To pay claims for damages to or losses of pri- °l‘§?§'{f‘,2,P_;m6_ vately owned property adjusted and determined b the Treasury Department, under the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to provide a method for the mttlement of claims arising against the