Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/842

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 147. 1925. 811 Homestead entry, Glasgow, Montana., numbered 051366 made b K¤**"`·I·°”°¤· Karl T. Larson on September 21, 1917, for lot 8 of sectidn 29, lot; Hmnmn 5 and 6 of section 28, and lot 2 of section 33, township 28 north range 53 east, Montana principal meridian, such patent to be issued to the heirs of Karl T. Larson, deceased. Sec. 2. That the entries hereinafter named be, and the same “§g§gj‘,’§'*d °““‘°° are hereby, validated, and the Secretary of the Interior authorized to issue patents thereon upon submission of satisfactory proof of cog-ilpliance with the law under which such entries were allowed: omestead entries, Douglas, Wyoming, numbered 026690 and §‘f, · 026691, made by Peter Peterson on April 20, 1921, for lots 3 and 4 of section 30, and lot 1 of section 31, township 37 north, rangle 62 west, and the east half of the northeast quarter and the nort east quarter of the southeast quarter of section 20, south half of the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 28, township 37 north, range 63 west, sixth principal meridian. _ Homestead entry, Douglas, Wyoming, numbered 03037 9, made by §{,',‘},,,L$§,;d_ Orin Lee on Dreaember 10, 1921, fzxigzhe southlhalf of section 17, to ° 36no , range 85 west si rinci a meri ian. Homegtead application, Roswell, Nev? Mexilco, numbered 050381, §Zt?.$$t;;i}°"°°1°"° filed by Robert T. Freeland, for the north half of section 24, township 5 south, range 14 east New Mexico principal meridian, subject to the provisions of the Act of December 29, 1916 (Thirty-ninth Statutes at Large, p 862% Homestead entry,%:nta e, New Mexico, numbered 040823, made m§t*=¤*'¤Y N- BM- by Charley N. Barnhart on August 21, 1922 for the west half of nimeum. sectigp 12, township 29 north, range 10 east, New Mexico prmcipal mem an. Sec. 3. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, A¤l>¤<¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¤*•=d- authorized to allow the following application to make entry: Homestead a lication, Santa Fe, New Mexico, numbered 046215, §$,l§,?,,’;f,‘Q‘§{f’” filed by Feles lilgntoya for lot 1 and the east half of the northeast quarter, section 36, township 13 north, ran§ 3 east,_ and lot_ 10 section 31, townshi 13 nort , range 4 east ew Mexico principal meridian, effective glarch 7, 1923, the date tiled, and that the State Of New Mexico through its proper officers be, and it is hereby, www by NW authorized to select one hundred and thirty-four and eighty one- Mum ui neu. hundredths acres of surveyed nonmineral, unappropriated, an unreserved publicdland in lieu of that part of the ab0ve·descr1bed tract situate in said section 36. Sec. 4. That homestead entry, 011279, Montrose, Colorado, embrac— gmggjhltéutry ing lots 5 to 20, inclusive, section 1, township 48 north, range 8 {ug] be pergigxi by · West, New Mexico principal meridian, may be perfected under the ° """°’°“ °’°‘ pwgsion of section 2bof the lAct1of July 2t8,t191 (g*`p:1iti§th RSti2£}1t:;s at r a 248 thee reresenaxveso ye. 1a. Stagg: g`l€:t Hiihmy Williagrlls bd; and he is hereby, allowed to §‘f§§m,Y}iL‘m§5m, Perfect by acceptable final proof homestead entry, 04902/1, Roswell, md °¤**Y· New Mexico, embracing lots 13 and 14, and the east half of southwest quarter of section 6, township 18 south, range 17 east, New Mexico principal meridian, and that the Secretary of the Interior bé, and he is hereby, authorized to allow the apphcation, 049025, m§);>°¤§·r•*¤*¤¢ ¢¤¤'Y Roswell, New Mexico, of said Williams, to make an additional entry vet sb, nm. under section 4 of the Stock—raising Homestead Act of December 29, 1916 (Thirty-ninth Statutes at Large, page 862), for lots 5 to 12, both inclusive, and southeast quarter of said section 6. _ Funds W www SRG. 6. That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, ,,,,,L ‘ ¤¥1l1110l'ized to issue to Francis W. Woodward a gzzent for the frac- mY&t¤¤* ¤¤· ¤¤ NY tional west half of northwest quarter and the _ tional northwest quarter of southwest quarter of section 18, township 28 north, range