Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/882

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 200. 1925. 851 Statutes at Large, page 1201), March 15, 1920 (Forty-Erst Statutes V¤L ¤·¤·5¤°· at Large, page 530), and November 9, 1921 (Forty-second Statutes V°l-“·P·m· at Large, pa e 212), from the War Department and retained and used by the Secretary of Agriculture in the construction and maintenance of national forest roads or other roads constructed under his direct supervision which are or ma become unserviceable; Pm- mgwn ¤‘ ¢=v¤¤dividedffurtlwr, That the Secretary of ggriculture shall, on the first i day 0 each regular session of Congress, make a report to Congress showing the amount expended under the provisions of this paragraph during the preceding iiscal year: Provided further, That the ngxiiiiuiigv vwiigi Secretary of Agriculture may exchange motor-propelled and horse- *’°“°S·°*’*· drawn vehicles, and boats, and parts, accessories, tires, or equipment thereof, in whole or in part payment for vehicles, or boats, or arts, gccissories, tires, or equipment of such vehicles, or boats, purcliased y 11'Il. nnanxcarxon or rocrr-AND-MoU·rH AND orrrum OONTAGIOUS msnasns or dams `m°°°°s Amman In case of an emergency arising out of the existence of fo0t·and— m£¢°i$¤r'i°?•'$°¤i¤·iilZ»i°¤i¤`§Z mouth disease, rinderpest, contagious pleuropneumonia, or other contagious or infectious disease of animals which, in the opinion of the Secretary of Agriculture, threatens the livestock industry of the countxiy, he may expend, in the city of Washington or elsewhere, the MM P- *1*- sum 0 $10,980, together with any unexpended balances of a propriations heretofore made for this purpose, in the arrest and) eradica- A"“· P·°8’~ tion of any such disease, including the payment of claims growing _ out of past and future purchases and destruction, in cooperation ¢¤tPiii1¤a£°i1i Siam with the States, of animals affected by or exposed to, or of mate- °*°· rials contaminated by or exposed to, any such disease, wherever found and irrespective of ownership, under like or substantially similar circumstances, when such owner has complied with all law- ,,,,,,,,_ ful quarantine regulations; Provided, That the payment for animals A{>vt2¤i::‘¤¤¤¤t <>1 hereafter purchased may be made on appraisement based on the m°°’° " °°°` meat, dairy, or breeding value, but in case of appraisement based on breeding value no appraisement of any anima shall exceed three times its meat or dairy value, and except in case of an extraordinary emergency, to be determined by the Secretary of Agriculture, the payment by the United States Government for any animal shall not exceed one-half of any such appraisements. Travel ex uses. Mrnmcn earns ron Moron vnmcnns W Allowance for, b Whenever, during the fiscal- year ending June 30, 1926, the Secre- ¤¤¤¤¤r vehicles- y tary of Agriculture shall and that the explenses of travel, including · travel at official stations, can be reduced thereby, he .may, in lieu of actual operating expenses, under such regulations as he may prescribe, authorize the payment of not to exceed 3 cents per mile for motor cycle or 7 cents per mile for an automobile, used for necessary travel on official business. Packers and Steck- ENFORCEBIENT or racnmzs Arm srocxranns Acr vards Ao- Enforcement ex· To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to carry into effect the pergsw- _ provisions of the Packers and Stockyards Act, approved August 15, ‘°L‘2**" ’°°‘ 1921, $480,000, of which amount not to exceed $160,220 may ex- PWM pended for personal services in the District of Columbia: Pro-ruled, Bqndsvtrum agency That the Secretary of Agriculture may require reasonable bonds *****1 °'°““"· from every market agency and dealer, under such rules regulations as he may prescribe, to secure the performance of their obliga-