Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/897

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866 SIXTY-EIGHTH conciznss. sizes. II. ce. 209. 1925. for ships of war, professional books, schoolbooks, and papers; maintenance of guunery and other training classes; compasses, compass Httings, including binnacles, tripods, and other appendages of ship’s compasses; logs and other appliances for measuring the ship’s way and leads and other appliances for sounding; photographs, photographic instruments and materials, printing outfit and materials; and for the necessary civilian electricians for gyrocompass testing and inspection; in all, $640,000. ` ocean: Arm LAKE smzvnrs Ocean and lake sur- _ _ _ vm- For hydrographio surveys, ineluding the pay of the necessary hydrographic surveyors, cartographic draftsmen, and recorders, and for the purchase of nautical books, charts, and sailing direc- _ _ tions, $95,000. T""‘““"°’“‘°“S‘ NAVAL TRAINING STATIONS M“°t°°°”°°’°°°' For maintenance, including labor and material, heat, light, water, general care, repairs, and improvement; school books; and all other Gamma incidental expenses for the naval training stations that follow: Bhodempud San Diego, Califorma, $160,000; mmm _ Newport, Rhode Island, $250,000; Virgin; Great Lakes, Illinois, $250,000; P . Hampton Roads, Virginia, $260,000. c1¤rnni,¤ee,9¤rvi¤es. Provided, That the amount to be paid out of each of the foregoing sums under the direction of the Secretary of the Navy for clerical, drafting, inspection, and messenger service for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1926, shall not exceed $12,600, except for Great Lakes, which shall not exceed $13,500. Naval Reserve Force~ Nevin. mzsmzvn roncn Organizing, recruit- . . . . . · 8¢¢.,6XD0DSB. For ex enses of orgamzi , admmisterm and recruitin -the ml;°“*"·1°“°· Naval Regerve Force and Nliigal Militia; fozglzhe maintenancg and ¤£•£{ég¤g;,y¤¤ ¤¢¤v¤ rental of armories, including the pay of necessary j anitors, and for ° wnarfage, $170,000; for pay and allowances of oficers and enrolled men of the Naval Reserve Force, other than class one, while on active duty for training; mileage for officers while traveling under orders to and from active duty for training; transportation of enrolled men to and from active duty for training, and subsistence and transfers en route or cash in lieu thereof; subsistence of enrolled men during the actual period of active duty for training; ’ pay and allowances of officers of the Naval Reserve Force and pay, allowances, and subsistence of enrolled men of the Naval Reserve Force when ordered to active duty in connection with the Rmimmy, instruction, training, and drilling of the Naval Reserve Force; M,amm mma, and retainer pay of oiiticers and enrolled men of the Naval Reserve em. Force, other than class one, $3,409,820; for aviation material, equip. Hm M t tb ment, fuel, and rental of hangers, $320,180; in all, $3,900,000, not gripidlidglihnsi-lo;)vg?51; more than $1,232,060 of which amount shall be available, in addition ws- to other appropriations, for fuel and the transportation thereof and for all other expenses in connection with the maintenance, operation, PT _ repair, and upkeep of vessels and aircraft assigned for training the ci{£$;f to mining Naval Reserve Force: Provided, That no part of the money appro-

  • °¤¤"°‘*— priated in this Act shall be used for the training of any member of

Uuiwmst V mn the Naval Reserve Force except with his own consent: Provided mr Nevin niaei-ie. l further, That until June 30, 1926, members of the Volunteer Naval Reserve may, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Navy, be issued such articles of uniform as may be required for their drills and training, the value thereof not to exceed that authorized to be