Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/903

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872 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 209. 1925. _ rental allowance $5,339,920, subsistence allowance $3,316,720, in all H'"’°"*"°'°°”‘ $34,452,646; officers on the retired list, $4,145,766; for hire of quarters for officers serving with troops where there are no public quarters belonging to the Government, and where there are not sufficient quarters possessed by the United States to accommodate them, and hire of quarters for officers and enlisted men on sea duty at such times as they may be deprived of their quarters on board ship E mm gu; toblreiéairs or other} copditgms whichhmay reénchzr lZ§9I;1 unipa ita e 1000· payo en iste men ont e retire `st 1 330 ..· extra pay ll;) men reeinlisting bafter hon0rab%y,disch?é·ged; $1 459 ¢75· interest on eposits men 500· pay 0 petty 0 cers seaimeii, landsmen, and apprentice seameii, ii1cludin%_ men in tht; engineer’s force and men detailed liorlguty wigh the ish Conimission, enlisted men, men in trade sc oo , ay 0 enlisted men 0 the Hospital Corps extra pay to men for ciiving and cash prizes for men for excellexice in gnmnery, target practice, and engineering competitions, $66,588,000; pay of enlisted men undergoing sentence of ,,,_§,‘,,‘§,,,{’{·',§;'f’·· “PP'°“‘ courtgrnsrtital, $198,:000; (iznd as many ixégchiniststas tlée Presiient may m 1me o 1me eem necessary appom · an appren ice seamen under training at training stations and ori board training N"·“‘° °°"*"· ships, at the pay prescr1bed_by law, $1,512,000; pay and allowances of the Nurse (horps, mcluduég assistant sulpermtendents, directors, and assistant 'rectors—pay 18000 renta -al1owance $24000 sub- _ sistence allowance $20 805, in all $z?62,805; rent of quarters for “°°“‘°"°*‘ R°“°"°· membexés 05 the NursefCorps[,9$2,0(}0;hreiiaIiner gay and active-service ay an a owances o mem rs o the aval serve Force cl 1 $t°i°4$;tg.l§§°°$?°' l)Fleet Navaé Rexserveg, ($6,2;;,496; regmgursement for lossezssqf Dm, _ property un er ct 0 cto r 191 10 000· payment of s'

 months’ death gratuity, $150,000; ui all, $l17,000,000; and the mend;

herein specifically apgggpiéiated for “Pay of the Navy," shall be disbursed and accoun or in accordance with existin l Znzagvgm medical “Pay of the N avy," and for that_ purpose shall constitute gne iliindsi gemmei mr veammr Provided, That additional commissioned, warranted, appointed enm**;gf§°S,}}§;§g?” at listed, and civilian personnel of the medical department of the Niavy, required for the care of patients of the United States Veterans’ Restriction 0 d_ Bureau in naval hospitals, may be employed in addition to the numga§i0g,i., Navfiiit- bers appropr1ated_for m this Act_: Provided further, That no part ° Y °'°°'°°’· of this appropriation shall be available for the pay of any midshipmeip whose agllmissioan subsequent toll)ecemberf11;i‘1924, jgoluld resu in excee mg a any ime an a owance 0 ree nu s i m for each Senator, Representative, and Delegate in Congress; og oiili midshipman for Porto Rico, a native of the island, appointed on nomination of the governor, and of two midshipmen from Porto . A poimmem at Rico, appointed on nomination of the Resident Commissioner; and iing ei- from enum of two midshipnmen for the District of Columbia: Provided further, ‘“““ "°‘““°°“"’· That nothing erein shall be construed to repeal or modify in any way exisgng laws relatge to the appointment of midshipmen at _0 V, ,, _1 th nl`ste l th l '; -

   5;§`§ij'§°}m2Z}, riit in a£f§$‘€£ it t§y“}`IfZ~piZ2"i‘i$, f§2§§€"§f

Acad my mer umu service of any officer of the Navy of the Marine Corps of the Coast 6 * .4 . 7 4 ‘*·“"“· Guard, of the Coast and Geodetic Survey, or of the Public Health Service, who was appointed to the United States Naval Academy or to the United States Military Academy after March 4, 1913, the time spent at either academy shall not be counted. P’°`dsi°"‘ rnovrsioxs, 1~:AvY etg°mmm°d mi°°S’ For provisions and commuted rations for enlisted men of the Navy, which commuted rations maiy be paid to caterers of messes in case of death or desertion upon or ers of the commanding officers, at