Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 1.djvu/908

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SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 209. 1925. 877 Submarine base, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii: For extension of motor rmi umm subgenerator building and equipment, $55,000. mlm °“°· Submarine base, Coco Solo, Canal Zone: For improvements to ugmubm (QW gqgrgggration plant, $36,000; dredging, to continue, $90,000; in all, ° m' , 0. $ Submarine base, Key West, Florida: Toward completion of piers, m,§g'°‘,§',gj· F1¤··¤¤b· 100,000. ` Naval station, San Diego, California: For extension of shop and S°" D*°¥°·C““· storage facilities, $70,000. Naval Aeronautic station, Pensacola, Florida: For fuel-oil stor— ¤aii°Z%§°ii°&¤1iL°"°°'°` age, $35,000. Naval Fuel Depot, Yorktown, Virginia: For foam fire-protection d,§,§’{l“°“· V“·· ‘“°' system, $60,000. _ _ The unobligated balance of the appropriation of $500,000 con- M§a¤g1§¤g,¤¤¤¤¤»¤¤if-, tained in the Naval Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1925 on Deéiot. ms Supply account of the construction of an extensible building for the Supply ,dd?§,,§§_ b°1"“°°S '°‘ . Depot, Marine Cor s, San Francisco, California, is made available ·*”’=»1i¤98· for adding two additional floors to said building, such addition to be of permanent construction and made ready for occupancy in all respects within the amount hereby made available. BUREAU OF AERONAUTICS u§}"°‘“ °' A°‘°”°“` Avmrron, Navy · For aviation, as follows: For navigational hotographic, aero- ,,,P,,°,g’§§“°°° “"“‘"°“ logical, radio, and miscellaneous equipment, including repairs thereto, for use with aircraft built or building on June 30, 1925, $375,000; for maintenance, repair, and operation of aircraft factory, `helium ii¤‘i.}'$i?£;,‘2€c°?”’ h°' plant, air stations, Beet activities, testing laboratories, and for overauling of planes, $6,921,625, including $300,000 for the equipment of vessels with catapults; for continuing experiments and develop- °“"‘”““‘·°'°· ment work on all types of aircraft, $1,550,000; for drafting, clerical, · mspection, and messenger service, $700,000; for new construction Mrqvm. new wuand procurement of aircraft and equipment, $5,243,375; in all, °°“'°°`°”’°t°‘ $14,790,000; and the money herein specifically appropriated for Amana;. "Aviation " shall be disbursed and accounted for in accordance with existing laws as "Aviation” and for that purpose shall constitute P,,,,,,,_ one fund: Provided, That in addition to the amount herein a pro- ,°g<i<1¤gi_·;_%l ¤<>¤=r¤y¤ priated and specified for expenditure for new construction andp pro- wztgim. °°’ ° °" curement of aircraft and equipment, the Secretary of the Navy may enter into contracts for the production and purchase of new airplanes and their equipment, spare parts and accessories, to an _ amount not in excess of $4,100,000: Provided further, That no part ,,§,'f°'“ "°“°“ ‘““‘ of this appropriation shall be expended for maintenance of more than six heavier-than-air stations on the coasts of the continental M,,,,m,mm,,,,_ United States: Provided further, That no part of this appropria- ¤i¤d¤··- tion shall be used for the construction of a factory for the manufac- Dmrmmém M ture of airplanes: Provided further, That_the Secretary of the Navy aamazmcmm. is hereby authorized to consider, ascertain, adjust,_determ1ne, and pay out of this appropriation the amoimts due on claims for damages which have occurred or may occur to private property growing out of the operations of naval aircraft, where such claim does not exceed the sum of $250: Provided further, That all claims adjusted xmder K°"°‘° ‘° C°“‘-‘“’“‘ this authority during the fiscal year shall be reported in detail to the Congress by the Secretary of the Navy. saramms, Navy DEPARTMENT For personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance Df,;,"l,,*;‘,'g,,,"f"°““°‘*“ with the Classification Act of 1923, $191,000.