Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/182

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1526 SIXTY-EIGHTH conennss. sm. II. oe. 17. 1924. §§g§;,°_{*{§_,*f1’(§£*}· The name of Mary A. Enderle, widow of Joseph Enderle, late of Company K, Sixteenth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate o $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. Rm E' S°°ph°”‘ The name of Rosa E. Stephens, widow of Owen Stephens, late of gompany B, Thirld Regimgrg Michigan Vlolunltieer Cavalry, and pay er a pension at the‘rate o 50 per mont in `eu of that she is now receiving. M°‘*“°° Sum- The name of Melinda Suggs, widow of James Suggs, late of Company H, Fifty-ninth Regiment United States Colored Volunteer . Infantry, and pay her_a_pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu Pm,,,,,,_ · of that she is now receivmg E<1w¤r<1Z¤·>1¤¤¤¤¤- The name of Edward echman, helpless and dependent son of Joel Zechman, late of Company K, Two hundred and tenth Regi- · ment Penn%ylvania Volunteer Infantry, and pay_him a pension at "h"1·£Z*$.§.£. ii}‘ii§$?§h1}.ft$2¥g?a%S$.g%l’.1“¥e”°’“¥‘}>gEi2'di“‘€g i M n a 1. e mia o r a o mm 0 B Company K, Sixty-third Reginient Enrolled Missouri Militia, and _ i d pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. §’i’;'§"y°i§_§$T,€i5§B;e, The name of Marg E. Applegate, widow of Edwig1 R. Applegate, late of Company , Eleventh Regiment Missouri Volunteer Infantry, and_ pay her a_ pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu Pcmqmr of rgilat she is now receivmg. _ I Delpbma n. aim. e name of Del hina E. Blackwood, widow of Birchem W. ”°°°· Blackwood, late of Cliampany E, Fortieth Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pa her a pension at the rate of $301per month. lm1¤¤aM.m¤. C The nanjtg osecirzndiriila Morgalnf wgkéw of J acpi Morgan, late of ompany on egimen ort aro ina te V l t In;`z;;try, arid paiy her gipcgisipn at tgie rat; ps $30 (gleliémontliiuu Be; Lum. M. cme. name o uren . a er wi ow o mos . rt t Company C, First Regiment Minhesota Vohmteer Infa13:1·;fan?l (psy Pm,,m,,,m,md_ her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. M¤rv<>-'¤‘ri¤>¤¤¤¤- The name of Mary C. Triplett, widow of Joshua D. Triplett, late _ unassigned, Eleventh Regiment Michigan Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. cam wm. The name of Clara Wirtz, widow of George Wirtz, late of Company F, Twenty-ninth Regiment New York olunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. min inxmsge. The name of Julia A. Kresge, widow of Amos Kresge, late of Company G, S1xty-seventh_ Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infzgngy, alndpay her a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu o t at s e is now receiving. Minaieaomw. The name of Minnie E. Crow, widow_ of Mark Crow, late of Coénpapyfl, One hundred and twenty-eighth Regiment Ohio Vol- $1 lpglip O? tsi.11:;rg*i1;pélD[3a;yIh6;;_a pension at the rate of $40 per month 1v1 . Mamie nammemi. The name of Martha Hammoxlidhwidow of Rhilip Hammond, late pgggmgaggfégngl1undred_andis1'§1ethtReg1ment Ohio Volunteer y erapensiona er 0 ‘ ‘ ggmm Ofrgwt Sie is I;0gumc§iviDg· a e o $4 per month in lieu le F·Y<>¤¤z- ie name o _ a . Young widow of George H. Y 1 t f I(;;>§rn1p;nz*Il?`énl§é:)g;l1;l;glegmientggggnecticut Vlplunteer Ilnlfgzgtig, ziiid Pensionsinmjeased. G I`3. 8 0 €I' H1 il . CY'm“¤ L*“*¤· The name of Cynthia Lillie, forrlier widow of Lauriston Jones, late of Company B, Second Regiment, and Company D, One hundred and twenty-lift Reg1ment, New York Volunteer Infantry, and pay lliézggpvpegsion at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now