Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/244

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1588 SIXTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Gus. 499-501. 1925. ,g§,¤{',j¤°g},_,;‘g{, mj of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, erry,meme¤¢mmm- out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropr1ated, to ’”“'°°°" °f' claimants named in this Act the several sums appropriated herein, for the payment of claims for damages to and loss of private property incident to iihe training, practice, operation, or maintenance of the , Arm name : °I°""““°°" Toyhiary gauman, Lancaster, California, $1,048.75; to Standard Shipbuilding Corporation, New York City, $3,921.59; to Lord Diy Dock Corporation, Weehawken, New Jersey, $1,034.55; to Fred . Jones, New York City, $13,457.64; to Step enson and Bills, Lakewood, New Jersey, $2,211.90; to W. S. Lloyds (Incorporated), New York City, $890.33; to Firemen’s Fnmd Insurance Company, New York City, $890.33; to Saint Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Company, New York City, $890.33; to Mrs. W. D. Holman (estate of Moses Samuels), Lakewood, New Jersey, $13,368.18; to Dominion of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, $1,200; to Riverside Contracting Company, Brooklsyn, New York, $8,893.0r to Charles Jensen, Omaha, Nebra a, $1,038.50; to Cornell Steamboat Company, New York City, $1,235· to Silver Lake Park Company, Atlanta, Georgia, $18,000; to B. MacCallum and Doctor E. E. Wagner, Wilkes- Barre, Pennhiylvania, $2,232.75; to Kinsey-Davidson Electric Welding Company, ilwaukee, Wisconsin, $3,500. Approved, March 3, 1925. ` Mlgilgiélzso CHAP. 500.-An Act To authorize the payment of an indemnity to the lP¤v¤¤*» N°· mj British Government on account of losses sustained by the owners of the British steamshgv Baron Berwick as the result of a collision between that vessel and the United tates steamslnp Iroquois (now Freedom) and a further collision with the United States destroyer Truxtun. _ . Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the g.lg£l“°§`ss in- United States of America in Congress ascemlilred, That theiie is f,’§§*,,§§ {§',,§§§§,‘§§ hereby authorized to be paid to the British Government, out of any

££¤ B¤¤*i¤¤="·¤¤d money m the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, as a matter

' of grace_ and without reference to the question of liability therefor, as ful1 indemnity for the losses sustained by the owners of the British steamship Baron Berwick, or any other parties pecuniarily interested, on_ account of a collision on August 22, 1918, between that vessel and the United States steamship Iroquois (now Freedom) and on account of a further collision on October 5, 1918, with the United States destroyer Truxtun, an amoimt equivalent to £6,200 on the date of the passage of this Act, as recommended by the President in his message to Congress of February 28, 1924, printed as Senate Document Numbered 56, Sixty-eighth Congress, first session. Approved, March 3, 1925.

 cur. so1.-as Act For the mus: of James E. Jenkins.

mm E mmm He it enacted by the_Sencte and House of Representatives of the ,,6,,,,,,,;,,,,,,, ,0, United States af America an Congress assembled, That the Secretary ¤<>¢¤¤¢·¤·= ¢¤» ¤¢¢· of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to James E. J enkms, Reno, Nevada, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise apcpropriated, the sum of $30.55, to reimburse him for money expende for excise tax on automobile purchased by augiorigyl of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and tax on freight upon au mo 1 e. ‘ Approved, March 3, 1925.