Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/481

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GONVENTION-FRANCE. APRIL 4, 1924. 1829 respective constitutional methods thodes constitutionnelles respecof the Hifgh Contracting Parties. tives des Hautes Parties con- The rati cations shall be ex- tractantes. Les ratifications en changed at Paris as soon as prac- seront échangées at Paris aussitot ticab e. The present convention u’il sera possible. La présente shall take effect on the date of Lonvention rendra effet a la the exchange of ratifications. date de Yéchange des ratifications. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, EN FOI DE QUOI, les Pléni- Si¢¤°‘“'°’· the respective Plenipotentiaries potentiaires res ectifs, dttment have sivned this Convention and autorisés a cet eget, ont signé la have affixed thereto their seals. présente Convention et l’ont revetue de leurs cachets. DONE in duplicate at Paris, FAIT a Paris, en double the 4 day of April, in the year exemplaire, le 4 Avril 1924. 1924. [sam,.] MYRoN T. Hmuucx [SEAL.] R Po1NOAm3 AND WHEREAS the said Convention has been duly ratified on .,;,§,§`§Qél°°°l°"S “` both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were exchan ed in the city of Paris on the thirteenth day of July, nineteen hundreg and twenty-four; _ NOW, THEREEORE, be it known that I, Calvin Coolidge, Pr°°l“m°"°°‘ President of the United States of America, have caused the said Convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof ma be observed and fulfilled with good faith b the United States and, the citizens thereof. ·h IN TESSTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the city of Washington, this thirteenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine undred and [sEAL.] twenty-four, and of the Inde endence of the United States of America the one hundired and fort -ninth. CALVIN Coounen By the President: Josnru C. Gmaw Acting Secretary of State.