Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/494

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1842 HALIBUT CONVENTION——GREAT BRITAIN. Marton 2, 1923. turned over to the dul authorized officers of the Department of Commerce of the United, States or of the Department of Marine and Fisheries of the Dominion of Canada. Any fish turned over to such officers in pursuance of the provisions of this Article shall be sold by them to the highest bidder and the proceeds of such sale, exclusive of the necessary expenses in connection therewith, shall be paid by them into the treasuries of their respective countries. ARTICLE II. ,,,jgf§’“'°* ‘°' ‘l°’”‘ Every national or inhabitant, vessel or boat of the United States ' or of the Dominion of Canada engaged in halibut fishing in violation of the receding Article may be seized except within the juris- _ diction of tlie other party by the duly authorized officers of either ""‘i""°“"°“s‘ High Contracting Party and detained by the officersmaking such seizure and delivered as soon as practicable to an authorized official of the country to which such person, vessel or boat belongs, at the nearest point to the place of seizure, or elsewhere, as may be mutually agreed upon. The authorities of the nation to which such person, vessel or boat belongs alone shall have jurisdiction to conduct prosecutions for the viola ion of the provisions of the receding Article or of the laws or iiegulations which either High (gontracting Party may make to carry those provisions into effect, and to impose penalties for such violations; and the witnesses and proofs necessary or such prosecutions, so far as such witnesses or proofs are under the control of the other High Contractin Part , shall be furnished with all reasonable promptitude to tie authorities having jurisdiction to conduct the prosecutions. ARTICLE III. "lg*°°*ga°*°P¤l FM The High Contractin Parties agree to a oint within two months aiipifiitgiimssmm be after the exchange of rgtiiications of this Ciihvention, a Commission to be known as the International Fisheries Commission, consisting _ of four members, two to be appointed b each party. This Commission shall continue to exist— so long as this Convention shall remain in force. Each party shall pay the salaries and expenses of its own members, and joint ex enses incurred by the Commission shall be _ paid by the two High Contracting Parties in equal moieties. “““°*· The Commission shall make a thorough investigation into the life history of the Pacific halibut and such investigation shall be undertaken as soon as practicable. The Commission shall report the results of its investigation to the two Governments and shall make recommendations as to the regulation of the halibut iishery of the North Pacific Ocean, including the Bering Sea, which may seem to be desirable for its preservation and development. ARTICLE IV. m§ggf,‘_*"el¤°'S *0 l>° The High Contracting Parties agree to enact and enforce such .·!nl¢,'p.64S. legislation as may be necessary to make eifective the prov1sions of this Convention with appropriate penalties for violations thereof. ARTICLE V. "“’**“°“· This Convention shall remain in force for a period of Eve years and thereafter until two years from the date when either of the High Contracting Parties shall give notice to the other of its desire u£;<=*¤§¤¤¤¤ ¤'m**¤<‘¤· to terminate it. It shall be ratified in accordance ‘with the con- ' stitutional methods of the High Contracting Parties. The ratifica-