Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/514

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1862 o1:1·;.x*r iinrnxm isn Nonrmciix lRl·lI..\Nl). §Q§j;f§;’,L;}§Q?;,_ or in any other manner which may be agreed upon mutually between the two Administrations, the expense attendant on the payment being at the charge of the indebted Office. ,,,;X.2,‘1@§{‘;,,{{°‘ "°'“° XX. Matters not provided for in the Agreement. ,,,§{§§‘§f§‘{,,§§{fQiL‘]“°` 1. Further matters of detail, not inconsistent with the general provisions of this Agreement, may be mutually arranged through _ _ correspondence. ¤.;;f.lYliYiC$¥i° °f d°` 2. If no arrangement has been made the internal legislation of both Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of Reei meal commu- America Shall apply° . uicaauli cr postal we- 3. The Administrations shall communicate to each other from ‘““°”$· time to time the provisions of their laws or regulations applicable to the conveyance of parcels by Parcel Post. mli.`€i°“°° °f ‘m°°` XXI. Duration of Agreement. ,,,fQ§§mQ"' '”‘"“°] 1. This Agreement shall come into operation on a date to be mutu- _ _ ally settled etween the Administrations of the two countries. ¤eS(iiliiY$2°ll: `i;`§lZ 2. It shall remain in force until one of the two Contracting Par-

  • i°¤· ties has given notice to the other, one year in advance, of its intention to terminate it.

S‘¤“*“”°S· Done in duplicate at Washington the first day of October and at London, the twentyseventh day of October 1924 [sean.] Hmm? S. Naw, Postmaster General of the United States of America. [sean.] Vr:nNoN Hanrsnonx, Postmaster General of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Pgggggggyl by the The foregoing Agreement between the Post Office Department of ` the United States of America and the Post Office of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has been negotiated and concluded with my advice-and consent, and is hereby approved and ratified. In testimony whereof, I have caused the Seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. [snap.] CALVIN Coomoon By the President, J osnrn C. Gnnw Acting Secretary of State WAsm1~rc·roN, November 1.9, 1.92.4.