Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 43 Part 2.djvu/692

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2000 INDEX. Amnesty and Pardon, PBR- Animal Diseases-—C0ntinued. P¤8¤· proclamation granting, as to forfeiture deficiency appropriation for eradication of citizenship, etc., by Army or » of foot and mouth, etc ... - 40, 682 Navy deserters since armistiee for discovering·new methods for conof World War 1940 trol of foot and mouth; reap- Amos, I sadora (widow), propriation ... 1325 pension .,._ 1509 Animal H ilsliandry, f b Amoy, China appropriation for eeding and reeding deficiency appropriation for construe- _ investigations m —-—--—·--—-— 439» 828 tion of consular building _,_____ 134] Animal Indilslrg Bureau, Department of Amusement Ploees, Agricu ure, _ internal revenue tax on admissions to-- 320 approprgtlosnlgf cgef of Bureau. 0m€§37 826 Azygjglgrggifl Q;1_°;,_;c,a_,m,ug Anacostia ini ggneigl e_x§§neee]ZZI]ZZZZi Q] 437; 827 Iliver and Flats for developmegi;2 1246 { 01 xgiliection and q uaran twig., 827 ° ———— . ———--—— . ——-- . --——-———— » bieekie`}}iEEi£éfIIZZZZfZZII-- ’ 438 fm rggcation B€°tl°n’ lmprovemergh 1247 for invesggating tuberculosis of ani- ········ 7 ·, ········· 1 ‘ ‘i ’ _ mals: ._ ..._ 438, 827 “"'°°‘T‘£3ini%’in§‘§` féin-`ie€§dY?$‘F}?-.“E?i‘ 887 ·¤g1,gg;··¢¤¤¤ for destroyed ¤¤;38 ,,28 A';“,K’;§é1$‘n’§2¥§L“£L”£ i2?Fn£in$" en., in for ¤g,;gjg=;g,g;g,gggt;¤,gg·g{ cams ackslgg 8,8 development of Anacostia I. .t t. d.t ········· 438* 828 Park __________,.,_... 572, 1241 , ”f,“ .8 ‘°¥‘ °“ $.8%%* ‘ “’°f;·,···· » f°*’· ¤ddi“°¤**’· 1925 ——----------- -- 712 °" ,,"§§§d §§‘,}’§‘§,,}'§‘},,Q°“,Q’,;,,,‘§, °‘* ”“°' 438 A”“°°8”“ Ri"' B"id”"· D· C2 for anim in sb nd pg i£n"k"`489 828 appropriation for operating eggo 1227 feeding b‘;€cgiDg’5;Bt‘lfP8’ en 8- 439» 8,,8 P°“¤°¤ -——~-—————-----—-——— » it ’r err ’ ii b"`Zi‘ ````` 439, 828 Anastasia Island Fla. PW 'Y s _1¤8 ¤·¤ _1‘€¢ 1118--- _ , Saint Johns nieeiné Company gentes , Sheep ·2=,i>é=r¤¤¤<¤¤1=·;¢¤1¤¤l;. 1;1¤h<>- gg; right 01 my Ow milsm mar- °23i?€E‘nnnJ?€5i'%33“§F§E3£§i2S‘ 4s9’ 829 Y‘m°n °° ··‘··"‘"·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘*‘‘ 959 for investigating, treating, etc., -110g y Andale R"·"(·"°» Fla-: ch01€!.a_ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ 439 829 preliminary examination, etc., of, to be regulating trade in lmimal viruses ’ made-- -_ ----- , --------------- 1194 etc . ... 489, 829 Argcegggx glzllzzgigg (widow), 1468 f metllliodstof preventipié, ele .._.. 439, 829 , , ——: --—--------—·--- or cr ica ion etc. o ourine--- 439, 829 A”d8"89”» 1**-88*8 J- (w'·d°w)• for administrative viiork .. 439, W9 pension increased ’'''‘‘‘ ‘" 1456 for meat inspection, additional 439, 529 Amfo? L0m'8’ 1408 f horse meat _______,__________ _ 440, 829 -~· ----—--··-- r -----------·-· l add't' 1, 1925 "05 A”d°"9”· M ***1/ 4***1 ("’*d°w)· tg; ggntiggiexpeii :ie?;ddiunnn1,1925_ $05 · P°¤8‘°D-` ---------—-·----—-----—-·—· 1438 for meat inspection, additional, 1925c 705 A"d8"8‘}"¤ S- Cv 801 for arresting foot and mouth diseases _ ‘ wrms °f court at ----·--·--·------· · · of, additional, 1925 706 ` A’;)d:l:`:;’($ Th°’”“8¤ 1415 denciency appropriatioxggor general ex- ·--—--------··——--·········· enses . 55, , 700, 759, 1351, 1358 A"d"'?”¤ W• Van . . for international Livestock Exposid°8°‘°”°Y °*pP"°§““iZl°“. fOr F°d°ml tion, medals, etc., to winners--- 1324 Industrial nstitution for Wom- Animals (see also Cattle) °“l.°°¤,?,tr“°lg°“¤ °t°·¤ at ······· 1334 appropriation for arresting, etc., con- A”d'“€’·*· 8 W - (wl °w)» legions diseases of ... 110, 458, 827 p°“8’°ni,nF”`°a82d -···· . ·············· 1 436 for inspection, etc., of imported"- 437, 827 Agtggh l¤=<=b¢¢ 4- (Www)- ,483 _ for tuberculin testing of .. 438, 827 A”d"8w8¤ H8';'r?;'} -_-on Aliicrgalsadgilgigiicl of crossin frontier pensiim ·-·· i ·--—-- ,l -···---········· 1584 before May ,1, 1924, if brought A*;;g;gg;1M¤b 6 (dma MM ,485 fback befépre neeenlbei 51, 1924a 2 ‘···‘**‘‘·‘ r ‘‘‘‘"‘ “ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ d f f ° 11 A*;};;ggl1M¤rg¤r¢¢ <w*d·>w>· ,452 i€zii2er(l\Ia1ii:li€Zl,I18i;23?lll T?. YT?- 2 A~v·m.N9?i~`iJl-$3%, Cglif-·, C0 t bmCfefpdirzylgecggglgerlg£r1)91§51l;.t3?flf ess Permlssmu gniu °. S nge 88 un Y refund of duties collected after to maintain free public camp 969 December 30, 1924 963 grmmds in ·····*‘·‘‘‘‘ r ‘‘‘‘‘‘ Animals, North. American, HMM--nn A'¢0l€ Jessi! appr riati r for investigating food ppni¤io¤--i-, ... 1382 Opiinbileini, etc .._ 450, 841 Animal and Bird ""“""88» , , ‘ Animals, Societies for Prevention of Cruelty punishment for illegally hunting, taking lo, 688% €t¢·i 011 ------—----——---· 98 exempt from income tax . 282 Animal Diseases, Annapolis, Md. (see Naval Academy). appropriation for arresting foot and "Anodc," Barge, mouth, etc _________ 110, 458, 851 claim of owner of, for damages to, for investigating, etc ______._._.. 439, 828 referred to district court ... 1563